Getting all values from laravel relationship table - laravel

I have below relationship in laravel model for Bills,
protected $table = 'purchase_bills';
protected $primaryKey = 'bill_id';
public function vendors()
return $this->belongsTo(Vendors::class);
Below relationship for Vendor,
protected $table = 'vendors';
protected $primaryKey = 'vendor_id';
public function bills()
return $this->hasMany(Purchasebills::class, 'bill_id');
Now i am trying to get all bills of specific vendor with below code,
$bills = Vendors::find(1)->bills()->where('vendor_id', $vendor_id);
return Datatables::of($bills)->make();
But it always returns only 1 row from a table if it is first, even though there are many bills.
How can i get all bills from that vendor_id?

I could resolve the issue, actually, it was a wrong foreign key assignment in the model,
Below is correct one.
return $this->hasMany(Purchasebills::class, 'vendor_id');


Laravel Eloquent relationship data retrieve

I have below code to get data from database,
$profile = Profiles::find(1);
$currency = Profiles::find($profile->currency_id)->currency;
Then created a relationship in the model as below,
class Profiles extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'Profiles';
protected $primaryKey = 'profile_id';
public function Currency()
return $this->belongsTo(Currencies::class, 'currency_id');
class Currencies extends Model
use HasFactory;
protected $table = 'Currencies';
protected $primaryKey = 'currency_id';
public function profile()
return $this->hasOne(Profiles::class, 'currency_id');
Problem is that there is only 1 profile and 100 currency, currency_id is a foreign key in Profiles table,
I could not get data and get this error, Trying to get property 'currency' of non-object"
If i use $currency = Profiles::find(1)->currency; then it retrieve first row of Curriencies table which is not required data.
How can I get currency row for that specific profile?
The problem is that the find() method will look for the primaryKey and in your second call the currency_id is not the pk.
Two solution for you:
replace the find by a where clause like so: $currency = Profiles::where('currency_id',$profile->currency_id)->value('currency')
Or a more Laravel way to do it, through the relationship $currency = $profile->currency;

Laravel Eloquent, filtering from pivot table column

I need to filter the active clients from a route using Eloquent.
I'm working with a third party database that I can't modify. In my project I have two models: Cliente(client) and Ruta(route), which have a many to many relationship, so I added the belongsToMany relationship in my models.
The only column I'm interested from the pivot table is called DESACTIV, which tells me if a Client is deactivated for a Route.
Ruta model:
class Ruta extends Model
protected $connection = 'mysql2';
protected $table = 'truta';
protected $primaryKey = 'CODIRUTA';
public function clientes(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Cliente::class, 'tcpcarut', 'CODIRUTA', 'CODICLIE')->withPivot('DESACTIV');
Cliente model:
class Cliente extends Model
protected $connection = 'mysql2';
protected $table = 'tcpca';
protected $primaryKey = 'CODICLIE';
public function rutas(){
return $this->belongsToMany(Ruta::class, 'tcpcarut', 'CODICLIE', 'CODIRUTA')->withPivot('DESACTIV');
What I need is to get the active (or non deactivated) Clients given a specific Route.
I have done it on my controller like this:
$miRuta = Ruta::where('CODIRUTA','=',$ruta)->first();
$clientes = array();
foreach ($miRuta->clientes as $cliente){
if ($cliente->DESACTIV == 0){
array_push($clientes, $cliente->NOMBCLIE);
echo end($clientes)."<br/>";
And it works fine, but I don't think it's elegant. I know this can be archieved through Eloquent, I'm just to noob at it and don't know how to do it.
Maybe I could add the filter on the clientes method on my Ruta model, so it would return only the active Clients.
Or maybe It could be best to add a method on the Cliente model, like isDeactivated
I know it sounds like I know what I'm talking about but I need someone to hold my hand on this, I'm just too noob with Eloquent :/. Examples would be much appreciated.
You can use the wherePivot method to constrain a relationship based on values in the pivot table. You just need to add the following to your Ruta model
public function desactivClientes() {
return $this->clientes()->wherePivot('DESACTIV', 0);
And then you just have to modify the rest of your code a bit to use the constrained relationship. I'm also adding a null check because if this function does return null, which can happen if your table doesn't have a record where CODIRUTA matches whatever is in $ruta, then it will likely throw a fatal error trying to call a method on a non-object.
$miRuta = Ruta::where('CODIRUTA','=',$ruta)->first();
$clientes = array();
if ($miRuta !== null) {
$clientes = $miRuta->desactivClientes()->pluck('NOMBCLIE');

Eloquent One To Many issue

i have a question related to the title.
so i have this models (i have more code and models behind if u need tell me)
Cliente Model
protected $table = 'cliente';
protected $primaryKey = 'id_cliente';
public $timestamps = false;
public function seguroCarro()
return $this->hasMany('App\SeguroCarro', 'id_seguro_carro');
SeguroCarro Model
protected $table = 'seguro_carro';
protected $primaryKey = 'id_seguro_carro';
public $timestamps = false;
public function cliente()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Cliente', 'id_cliente');
This Cliente::find(1)->seguroCarro get the seguro_carro with id 1 and not with id_cliente 1 but this SeguroCarro::all()->where('id_cliente',Auth::user()->cliente->id_cliente) get the 3 rows seguro_carro i need
i dont get why this happen but i want understand why
this Cliente::find(1)->seguroCarro is a abreviation for you guys for my code Auth::user()->cliente->seguroCarro [my Auth::user()->cliente have the id 1]
img of rows on seguro_carro table
Thank you for the time guys
The relationship on your App\Cliente model is specifying the wrong key. The second parameter to the hasOne/hasMany relationship is the name of the foreign key field on the related object. In this case, the foreign key on the related object (App\SeguroCarro) is id_cliente, not id_seguro_carro.
Your current relationship will get the seguro_carro records where seguro_carro.id_seguro_carro = cliente.id_cliente, which is not what you want.
The relationship should be changed to:
public function seguroCarro()
return $this->hasMany('App\SeguroCarro', 'id_cliente');
This will get the seguro_carro records where seguro_carro.id_cliente = cliente.id_cliente, which is what you want.
The belongsTo relationship on your App\SeguroCarro is correct.

working with m:m relationships in eloquent outside laravel

I have been able to set up a m:m relationship in eloquent outside laravel and retrieve records but I have no idea how to add a new record as you dont create the pivot table in the code.
If these are my classes, how would i add a new instance to the M:M relationship between author and publisher?
include 'eloquent_database.php';
class Publisher extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'publisher';
protected $primaryKey = 'publisher_id';
public function authors (){
return $this->belongsToMany('Author', 'author_publisher', 'publisher_id', 'author_id');
class Book extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'book';
protected $primaryKey = 'book_id';
public function author() {
//related table name, pk in current table,
return $this->belongsTo('Author', 'author_id');
// Create the company model
class Author extends Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model {
public $timestamps = false;
protected $table = 'author';
protected $primaryKey = 'author_id';
public function books()
//related table, fk IN related table,
return $this->hasMany('Book', 'author_id');
public function publishers (){
return $this->belongsToMany('Publisher', 'author_publisher', 'author_id', 'publisher_id');
I would also need to know how to delete one too. I have seen this documentation but i dont really follow it
Id really appreicate an exxample of how to add and delete a new instance. Also onine there seeems to be so many different versions its hard to find which docs to follow as the code i have works but i didnt get it from the docs - just trial and error
Thanks a lot in advance
in repsonse to Rays comment i do have a pivot table in the database called author_publisher with author id and publisher id but i have no idea how to work with this pivot table. Do i have to create a class for it? I dont really understand
Here is a reference to said table in the code above
return $this->belongsToMany('Author', 'author_publisher', 'publisher_id', 'author_id');
When having a M:M relationship, make sure you have a table that translates the relationship between author and publisher. An example table could be composed of entries including both author_id and publisher_id. From what you have provided, you lack such a table.
There's another case if you do not have such a table. In order for such a M:M relationship to work, the author table must contain a column called "publisher_id" for simplicity. Likewise the publisher table must contain a column called "author_id". Then in the author model, return $this->hasMany('Publisher', 'author_id') and in the publisher model, return $this->hasMany('Author', 'publisher_id'). You should get the correct answer.

Getting started with laravel (4) models

I'm trying out this model-thing, but I can't really get my grasp of it.
For the moment I have two tables (companies and sellers) "companies" as a column named "cResponsibleID" which I want to map to "sID" in "sellers".
class Companies extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'companies';
protected $primaryKey = 'cID';
public function sellers() {
return $this->belongsTo('Sellers','sID');
class Sellers extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'sellers';
protected $primaryKey = 'sID';
public function companies() {
return $this->hasMany('Companies','cResponsibleID');
I then want to do something like Companies::with('sellers.sName')->get() to "translate" cResponsibleID to sName.
Maybe I'm all out wrong.
Thankful for all help.
Can you try printing the result of:
$company = Companies::with('sellers')->get();
echo '<pre>';
And see how they're build up, I blieve the sellers.ANYTHING construction is only meant for multiple nested relations.
for example of a Seller has an Address as a relation, it would be Companies::with('sellers.address')
