No error in netbeans ide but java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteLayout ERROR when java -jar jarfilename.jar - maven

the maven app is running with no error on netbeans ide and the clean and build are running also without errors , the dependencies i didnt mention are :(mongodb,mongodb driver,mysql,itext) i tried launch4j , the .exe file didnt open.
this is the POM file :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>A temporary repository created by NetBeans for libraries and jars it could not identify. Please replace the dependencies in this repository with correct ones and delete this repository.</name>
i tried creating a awtextra folder in lib/ and copy absolutelayout folder in it from external/ and it did not work .and this the command line error :
OneDrive\Desktop\billing-system\target>java -jar billing-system-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/netbeans/lib/awtextra/AbsoluteLayout
at login.initComponents(
at login.<init>(

Problem solved
1.installed maven
2.added configuration to java JAVA_HOME
3.added configuration to maven MAVEN_HOME
4.added plugin with goals to pom file
5.added built with dependencier to jar file
6.used launch4j for an exe file
my pom file :
<!-- Source directory configuration -->


Why maven packege produce 4 jar files?

When I run mvn package,there are 4 files produced in total:
Could anyone please explain what leads to this situation?Is it some plugin that I used?
Here is some piece of my pom.xml:
... some dependencies
Is maven itself package for me or the plugins? If the latter,which plugin did which part of job?
spring-boot-maven-plugin produce foo-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and
maven assembly plugin created zip file
maven default procude jar

Can not execute the JAR build with maven

I've created a Maven project, that is using Kotlin as the main language.
The content of the POM.xml file looks as the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Replacing default-compile as it is treated specially by maven -->
<!-- Replacing default-testCompile as it is treated specially by maven -->
The file structure looks as the following:
After the packaging, I carried out the JAR file and got the following error message:
/kotlin/simplekotlin/target$ java -jar simplekotlin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics
at com.sweetsoft.AppKt.main(App.kt)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
... 1 more
The content of the App.kt file looks as the follwing:
package com.sweetsoft
fun main(args : Array<String>) {
println("Hello, world!")
The kotlin.jvm.internal.Intrinsics class is the crucial part of the Kotlin runtime, which is included in the Kotlin standard library kotlin-stdlib. Your exception means that there's a call from your compiled code to the Kotlin runtime, and the standard library is not on the runtime classpath.
To fix this, you can run the program by providing the classpath of multiple JARs via -cp:
java -cp kotlin-stdlib.jar -jar simplekotlin-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
(replace kotlin-stdlib.jar with the actual path to the Kotlin standard library JAR)
See also: How to run Kotlin class from the command line?

Netbeans 8.0.2 Maven Dependencies

I have a Netbeans 8.0.2 Java project using Maven. I wish to produce a JAR with all dependencies included. I have seen similar questions but none of which seem to have a the solution that said I am new to it.
This is what i have added to the pom.xml (excluding dependencies etc.) from what I have read online but still no luck.

How to create executable jar using maven for Javafx Application with its dependent jars?

I want to create executable jar for my javafx application. I tried maven-assembly plugin and i am getting a cannot find class: com/application/Application. How to include jfxrt.jar in my executable jar.
Here is a simple POM for a 'gangarajuprj' project. It is a good starting point for your application. (This POM is built using the NetBeans 7.4 RC2)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- Used as the 'Vendor' for JNLP generation -->
<name>Your Organisation</name>

Maven build sub projects using root pom

I have different independent maven projects and want to build it with single pom. So I am using following pom
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Generating SDK</description>
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="init" />
I have the following questions:-
Javadoc is not generating, so where I am doing wrong. If I run "mvn javadoc:javadoc package" command it generates java doc. But if I run "mvn package" it doesn't.
In project2 there is assembly plugin to generate fat jar, it generates jar of project2 but unable to generate fat jar. If I build project2 independently it generate fat jar successfully.
Follwing section is from project2 pom to generate fat jar which works successfully if I run the build independently
<mainClass>[MAIN CLASS]</mainClass>
Any Suggestions.
I'd say check the documentation for both of your questions ;-)
javadoc (
javadoc:jar and javadoc:javadoc should not be used for an aggregator project, use javadoc:aggregate or (in your case) javadoc:aggregate-jar
assembly (
first, assembly:assembly is deprecated and second, it should only be used on the command line. I guess using goal single will help.
