Using a request header value in #PreAuthorize - spring

Is it possible to use a request header value in #PreAuthorize?
In my app, all requests have a custom header included which I need to use in conjunction with the user role to determine whether or not they should be allowed to access the controller.
It's ok if someone manually specifies a header as that won't be a security issue, as ultimately the role will control this. But I will need to use it to cut down on checking for that manually in each controller method.
Thank you,

1 - This may be the fastest method if you will only use it in a few places.
#GetMapping(value = "/private-api-method")
#PreAuthorize("#request.getHeader('header-name') == 'localhost:8080'")
public ResponseEntity<String> privateApiMethod(HttpServletRequest request) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("OK!");
#GetMapping(value = "/private-api-method")
#PreAuthorize("#header == 'localhost:8080'")
public ResponseEntity<String> privateApiMethod(#RequestHeader("header-name") String header) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("OK!");
2 - This may be the best method if you will use it in many places. (In the SecurityServise, you can add multiple different methods of checking.)
#GetMapping(value = "/private-api-method")
public ResponseEntity<String> privateApiMethod(HttpServletRequest request) {
return ResponseEntity.ok("OK!");
3 - You can choose a special method for yourself
A Custom Security Expression with Spring Security

Since you intend to check for a particular header/cookie/request-attribute for every controller methods, you should opt for a Filter as this would be a standard and you can have a guarantee for it be executed for each and every method and that too only once by extending from OncePerRequestFilter
Having said that, there would be 2 way you can achieve this:
By extending AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter or OncePerRequestFilter
For this you may refer the spring-security jwt token validation flow which all would advocate for:
Add method security at your desired controller method as #PreAuthorize("hasAuthority('USER_ROLE')")
Intercept the request before UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter, extract the Authentication header or cookies from the request and validate the token value for claims.
public class CustomHeaderAuthFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter{
public Authentication attemptAuthentication(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response){
// Get all the headers from request, throw exception if your header not found
Enumeration<String> reqHeaders = request.getHeaderNames();
Assert.notNull(reqHeaders, "No headers found. Abort operation!");
.filter(header_ -> header_.equals("TARGET_HEADER_NAME"))
.findAny().ifPresent(header_ -> {
// header found, would go for success-andler
// Here it means request has no target header
failureHandler.onAuthenticationFailure(request, response, new CustomException(""));
Going by this way, you need to register your filter with WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and you may also provide your AuthenticationProvider if you extend from AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter.
By accessing HTTP Headers in rest controllers using #RequestHeader as dm-tr has mentioned.

Maybe you can try this
public void checkIt(#RequestHeader("header-name") String header) {
if (null != header /* && header meets certain condition*/) {
// stuff
} else throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN); // PERMISSION NOT GRANTED, 403 ERROR


Spring SAML: Multiple ACS URLs?

I'm trying to configure Spring SAML to work with multiple ACS URLs. I'd like the ACS URL to be determined based on some input the user provides, and it will select one of two ACS urls.
For example:
The user passes in a value A in the request, the ACS URL will be
The user passes in a value B in the request, the ACS URL will be in the SAML Response
Any ideas or pointers in the right direction would be appriciated.
You don't specify what version of Spring Security SAML you're using. This is an example based on 1.0.10.RELEASE and is available here.
This is one way to do it:
public class ConfigurableWebSsoProfile extends WebSSOProfileImpl {
protected AuthnRequest getAuthnRequest(final SAMLMessageContext context,
final WebSSOProfileOptions options,
final AssertionConsumerService acs,
final SingleSignOnService bindingService)
throws SAMLException, MetadataProviderException {
AuthnRequest request = super.getAuthnRequest(context, options,
acs, bindingService);
if (something == true) {
} else {
return request;

Accessing both Request and Response in a Jersey Filter

In Jersey, one can add a ContainerRequestFilter or a ContainerResponseFilter
public class RequestFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter {
public ContainerRequest filter(ContainerRequest containerRequest) {
// logic
public class ResponseFilter implements ContainerResponseFilter {
public ContainerResponse filter(ContainerRequest request,
ContainerResponse response) {
// logic
Both are added using PackagesResourceConfig:
PackagesResourceConfig prc = new PackagesResourceConfig("");
prc.getContainerRequestFilters().add(new RequestFilter());
prc.getContainerResponseFilters().add(new ResponseFilter());
Although the response filter also has access to the request, it is called AFTER the endpoint is called. What we require is the ability to access the request and the response in the same filter BEFORE the endpoint is called. The request filter is called before the endpoint, but does not have access to the response.
There seems to be no way to add a standard javax.servlet.Filter which has access to both the HttpServletRequest and the HttpServletResponse, and is called before the endpoint is invoked.
You cannot filter anything without calling the endpoint, because that's how the request comes to your service. If you meant without hitting the controller, that's a different story. But even then, you want something like pre-matching response filter, which naturally does not exist. It defeats the purpose of your service. Why not just add whatever header you want on all responses after the controller and any other pieces in the handling chain finish their work?! You can access both the request context and the response context in the response filter, so as Paul mentioned in the comments you could store some information you will need in the requestContext while in the ContainerRequestFilter.
JAX-RS spec has some good examples of both filters and interceptors.

How to access the request body in SpringBoot's AccessDecisionVoter?

So we have a Authorisation server with which we create OAuth2 access token. All sub-systems verify the access token and may check the request path for permissions, however, in one of the sub-systems we need to look into the request body and extract the 'id' to check if the user has proper permission to submit the request. The request message is in JSON format and this is a POST request with client-provided id.
The id in the request is a process id and some users may not have right permission to some processes therefore we need the id to verify.
So while in AccessDecisionVoter, we only can get request URI but I can't get HttpServletRequest to read the message. (Note: We have a Request wrapper that allows us to read request body multiple times)
I tried to auto-wire HttpServletRequest, no luck. There is an error that no thread has been bound to the request
I was also thinking about implementing UserDetailService but again no luck as this is not being invoked by Spring boot. Remember that we are using a custom AuthorizationServerTokenServices and that is in a common library.
How do I get Http servlet request or the request body in AccessDecisionVoter?
You should be able to implement an AccessDecisionVoter<FilterInvocation> where you can get the request. Does this not work:
public class MyAccessDecisionVoter implements AccessDecisionVoter<FilterInvocation> {
public boolean supports(ConfigAttribute attribute) {
return false;
public boolean supports(Class<?> clazz) {
return true;
public int vote(Authentication authentication, FilterInvocation fi, Collection<ConfigAttribute> attributes) {
int result = ACCESS_ABSTAIN;
fi.getRequest() // this is the request
// decide the outcome and set result
return result;

Copy RequestParams to RequestHeaders before handling in RestController

To replace a legacy system and not breaking the interface, I'm looking for a way to implement the following scenario:
If a REST client hasn't set a specific HTTP header (applicationId) but sends it as a query-paramter (aka RequestParameter), this value should be taken as a method parameter in a Spring Boot RestController.
The current method looks like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/something", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void doSomething(#RequestHeader("applicationId") String applicationId) { }
I think there could be two possible ways:
Annotate the method somehow to map a query-parameter OR a header to a method parameter
Write an Interceptor which reads all query-parameters of a request and set non-existing headers with their values. This way, the method wouldn't have to be touched at all.
In both ways I'm not sure how to implement them (don't know if 1. is even possible). I tried with an own HandlerInterceptor which reads query-params in preHandle (successfully) but isn't able to set headers in the request before it is forwarded to the RestController.
Write a Filter that wraps the incoming request using a HttpServletRequestWrapper. This wrapper should override the getHeader method.
public ParameterToHeaderWrappingRequestFilter extends OncePerRequestFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain)
throws ServletException, IOException {
filterChain.doFilter(new ParameterToHeaderWrappingRequest(request), response, filterChain);
Register this filter as a #Bean in your Spring Boot application and it will be applied automatically.
public class ParameterToHeaderWrappingRequest extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
public String getHeader(String name) {
String header = super.getHeader(name);
if (header == null) {
header = getParameter(name);
return header;
Something like that should do the trick. Depending on your needs you might want/need to override some additional header based methods and you probably want to limit the number of headers to override with parameters.
The rest of your code can now be written as is.

Spring MVC Controller method mapping using form body

I'm building a small application to serve as a client for some third party library here at work. The API states that a Webhookis needed to respond some asynchronous events, but all their methods have the very same signature, apart from a changing _method field between the calls. For example, I have a _method = ping, media, etc.
I'd like to have separate methods on my controller to respond for each one of these methods. If the app allowed me to specify different URLs for each method it would be easy to use Spring MVC's #RequestMapping for each one of them. But I have to specify a single endpoint to receive all calls.
Is there a way (for example using Spring's HttpMessageConverter or something like that) to map different controller methods based on what the Request Body is? I've already tried with #RequestBody, #RequestParam but didn't seem to find anything.
I really, really didn't want to use a bunch of case, switch methods on a front controller to dispatch actions based on my _method field that comes with my POST data, so I happen to believe someone had this problem before and solved it intelligently.
Thanks a lot!
Edit 1: Providing source code
public class WebhookController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = {"_method=ping"})
public String ping(){
return "pong";
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = {"_method=media"})
public String media(){
return "media";
This is the answer:
"timestamp": 1440875190389,
"status": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"exception": "org.springframework.web.bind.UnsatisfiedServletRequestParameterException",
"message": "Parameter conditions \"_method=ping\" not met for actual request parameters: ",
"path": "/webhooks"
Right, I got it working. The answer is a bit tricky so I wanted to register it here should anyone have such problem.
#Neil McGuigan pointed me on the right direction on his comment but I didn't pay attention at first. The main culprit here is a very, very, very bad API design on our remote application's side.
_method is a field used to specify non-standard HTTP verbs such as PUT, PATCH, DELETE, TRACE and so on. This field is filtered by HiddenHttpMethodFilter and the HttpServletRequest is wrapped with this 'new' method. You can see at the file's source how it works.
As I wanted this _method field to get thru the filter without modifying the whole request (and causing the errors because there's no such verb as pingor message on `RequestMethod) I firstly had to deactivate the filter. This could be done by two ways:
I could stop Spring Boot from automagically configuring Spring MVC, skipping WebMvcAutoConfiguration from being loaded when the ApplicationContext was loaded. As you can imagine this is a BIG, BIG, BIIIIG NO because, well, things could happen.
I could use a FilterRegistrationBean to disable the bad filter. Pretty simple and straightforward, this was the method I chose to use:
public FilterRegistrationBean registration(HiddenHttpMethodFilter filter) {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean(filter);
return registration;
Last but not least, I decided to give HiddenHttpMethodFilter a little extension to somehow improve how the requests were getting thru. The Java EE Spec is pretty clear on the Servlet Spec Commandments where it states:
Thou should not alter your request on your side. You must respect the sender (something like that)
Though I agree with this, for the sake of my mental stability I decided to alter it anyway. To achieve this, we can use a simple HttpServletRequestWrapper, override the chosen methods and filter the original request with the wrapped part. I ended up doing something like this:
public class WhatoolsHiddenHttpMethodFilter extends OrderedHiddenHttpMethodFilter {
protected void doFilterInternal(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FilterChain filterChain) throws ServletException, IOException {
String paramValue = request.getParameter(OrderedHiddenHttpMethodFilter.DEFAULT_METHOD_PARAM);
if("POST".equals(request.getMethod()) && StringUtils.hasLength(paramValue)) {
String method = paramValue.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
List<String> whatoolsMethods = Arrays.asList("ping", "message", "carbon", "media", "media_carbon", "ack");
WhatoolsHiddenHttpMethodFilter.HttpMethodRequestWrapper wrapper = new WhatoolsHiddenHttpMethodFilter
.HttpMethodRequestWrapper(request, "POST", paramValue);
filterChain.doFilter(wrapper, response);
} else {
WhatoolsHiddenHttpMethodFilter.HttpMethodRequestWrapper wrapper = new WhatoolsHiddenHttpMethodFilter
.HttpMethodRequestWrapper(request, method, null);
filterChain.doFilter(wrapper, response);
} else {
filterChain.doFilter(request, response);
private static class HttpMethodRequestWrapper extends HttpServletRequestWrapper {
private final String method;
private final String whatoolsMethod;
public HttpMethodRequestWrapper(HttpServletRequest request, String method, String whatoolsMethod) {
this.method = method;
this.whatoolsMethod = whatoolsMethod;
public String getMethod() {
return this.method;
public String getHeader(String name) {
return this.whatoolsMethod;
return super.getHeader(name);
public Enumeration<String> getHeaderNames() {
List<String> names = Collections.list(super.getHeaderNames());
if(this.whatoolsMethod != null){
return Collections.enumeration(names);
So, what this does is to wrap the request with a new x-whatools-method header when the header is in my whatoolsMethods list. With this, I can easily use #RequestMapping's headers property and map the requests to the correct controller methdods.
Back to the initial question, I'm almost sure (well, 99,95% should be completely sure but let's not risk it) the params property on #RequestMapping works only for request parameters on GET URIs, e.g It won't work filtering parameters sent on the request's body.
Thanks Neil for your guidance, even if small! I hope this helps someone.
You can use params in a request mapping:
#RequestMapping(value="/foo", params={"_method=ping"})
Assuming these are post parameters that is
params DOES work for POST, I promise you
Here's my controller:
public class ParamTestController {
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
#ResponseBody String getA(){
return "A";
#RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, params = {"b"})
#ResponseBody String getB(){
return "B";
Here's my test:
