Image data missing in Knowledge Graph search API - google-api

We are consuming Knowledge graph search API and we use image content from api output in our application. We used to get Below response with image image content highlighted below
"#context": {
"#vocab": "",
"goog": "",
"resultScore": "goog:resultScore",
"detailedDescription": "goog:detailedDescription",
"EntitySearchResult": "goog:EntitySearchResult",
"kg": ""
"#type": "ItemList",
"itemListElement": [
"#type": "EntitySearchResult",
"result": {
"#id": "kg:/m/0dl567",
"name": "Taylor Swift",
"#type": [
"description": "Singer-songwriter",
"image": {
"contentUrl": "",
"url": "",
"license": ""
"detailedDescription": {
"articleBody": "Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer-songwriter and actress. Raised in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, she moved to Nashville, Tennessee, at the age of 14 to pursue a career in country music. ",
"url": "",
"license": ""
"url": ""
"resultScore": 4850
Suddenly the image content with imageURl/URL/License is not appearing on the response. Is this data retired from api output? I sthere any api or any field in the same api output that fetus the image URL data?


AdaptiveCard not rendering in Bot Framework Emulator / Web Chat

Really hoping someone can help out on this.
I'm trying to achieve - a no-code chat bot using and Azure Bot Services with AdaptiveCards to serve rich content.
I have a knowledgebase set up and published, I have a bot in Azure set up to serve that content and it seems to work okay at the first stage.
Now I'm trying to add AdaptiveCards without opening and editing the solution in VSCode - I really want to keep all this contained in a no-code solution.
I Googled how to add custom cards/content and found this post by LiveTiles - excellent - I thought, I can just add minified JSON and it will render what I want - lovely stuff!
However; despite there being a live output render on the LiveTiles site, when I take that JSON I cannot get it to render through either Web Chat or the Bot Framework Emulator.
I've tried...
Copy/pasting the raw JSON into a QnAPair
"contentType": "application/",
"content": {
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.0",
"body": [
"type": "Image",
"url": "",
"size": "stretch",
"selectAction": {
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"title": "Test",
"url": ""
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "This is an adaptive card - if this renders it means it's worked!",
"wrap": true
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Submit",
"title": "Let's get started!",
"url": "Let's get started!"
Copy/pasting minified JSON into a QnAPair
{"contentType":"application/","content":{"type":"AdaptiveCard","version":"1.0","body":[{"type":"Image","url":"","size":"stretch","selectAction":{"type":"Action.OpenUrl","title":"Test","url":""}},{"type":"TextBlock","text":"This is an adaptive card - if this renders it means it's worked!","wrap":true}],"actions":[{"type":"Action.Submit","title":"Let's get started!","url":"Let's get started!"}]}}
Making a Source Excel File (which includes the JSON) and adding that to the knowledge base
All my attempts end up with the bot spitting the actual JSON at me when I ask it. Not the lovely rendered card I wanted.
Renders on the LiveTiles site:
Doesn't render on the Emulator
Or on the Web Chat
In Test Function
Really hoping someone can offer some insight or advice to this.
Please try below json it works for me ,
//"contentType": "application/",
//"content": {
"type": "AdaptiveCard",
"version": "1.0",
"body": [
"type": "Image",
"url": "",
"size": "stretch",
"selectAction": {
"type": "Action.OpenUrl",
"title": "Test",
"url": ""
"type": "TextBlock",
"text": "This is an adaptive card - if this renders it means it's worked!",
"wrap": true
"actions": [
"type": "Action.Submit",
"title": "Let's get started!",
"url": "Let's get started!"
I have added a screenshot below please check
code for send card as an attachment :
var cardAttachment = Common.CreateAdaptiveCardAttachment();
await turnContext.SendActivityAsync(MessageFactory.Attachment(cardAttachment), cancellationToken);

Google Knowledge Graph API `articleBody` field missing from `detailedDescription`

Following the sample request for Taylor Swift shown here, I get the following response which does not match the response shown on the site. Moreover, I'm interested in the articleBody of the detailedDescription field which is not being returned the same way. Has there been an update to the API that was not reflected in the documentation? Is there a way to request the articleBody via the Python API?
"#context": {
"#vocab": "",
"goog": "",
"EntitySearchResult": "goog:EntitySearchResult",
"detailedDescription": "goog:detailedDescription",
"resultScore": "goog:resultScore",
"kg": ""
"#type": "ItemList",
"itemListElement": [
"#type": "EntitySearchResult",
"result": {
"#id": "kg:/m/0dl567",
"name": "Taylor Swift",
"#type": [
"description": "American singer",
"image": {
"contentUrl": "",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"resultScore": 1237.141968

Why are my chatbot refresh cards in Teams not refreshing?

I am serving out O365 connector cards to my teams channel in my chatbot, for the user to use an HttpPost action to send data back to the bot.
Here is a sample invoke message when the user saves:
"name": "actionableMessage/executeAction",
"type": "invoke",
"timestamp": "2018-06-16T20:58:24.388Z",
"localTimestamp": "2018-06-16T21:58:24.388+01:00",
"id": "snip",
"channelId": "msteams",
"serviceUrl": "",
"from": {
"id": "snip",
"name": "my name",
"aadObjectId": "snip"
"conversation": {
"conversationType": "personal",
"id": "long conversation id"
"recipient": {
"id": "bot id",
"name": "bot name"
"entities": [
"locale": "en-US",
"country": "US",
"platform": "Web",
"type": "clientInfo"
"channelData": {
"tenant": {
"id": "tenant id"
"source": {
"name": "message"
"replyToId": "message id",
"value": {
"body": "{\"sportType\":\"1\", \"tournamentName\":\"FIFA Soccer World Cup\",\"startTime\":\"2018-06-14T03: 00: 00.000Z\", \"endTime\":\"2018-07-16T07: 30: 00.000Z\", \"timeZone\":\"Russian Standard Time\", \"tournamentId\": \"1\"}",
"actionId": "SaveTournament"
In response to a save card, I am returning an ActionCard in the response body, and I am including an HTTP header "CARD-UPDATE-IN-BODY" with a value "true". Here is a sample response message:
"#type": "ActionCard",
"inputs": [
"#type": "TextInput",
"isMultiline": true,
"maxLength": 500.0,
"id": "SaveStatus",
"isRequired": false,
"title": "Save Status",
"value": "You updated the tournament FIFA Soccer World Cup running from 6/14/2018 to 7/16/2018 in timezone Russian Standard Time"
"actions": [
"#type": "HttpPOST",
"body": "{\"tournamentId\": \"1\"}",
"name": "Update FIFA Soccer World Cup again",
"#id": "UpdateTournament#1"
"name": "Save Tournament",
"#id": "SaveTournament"
I have traced this in my web app so I know that is what is being returned to the bot framework middleware.
In my teams app in the browser,when I trace the response message with Fiddler, the card invoke response is not getting the refresh card I send, it is just getting a generic 200 response with an empty response body. Can anyone point me to a demo of refresh cards that work with Teams, or tell me what's wrong with my messages?
Teams doesn't support updating the original card by responding to the invoke message. Instead, you need to explicitly update the message by calling the Bot Framework API (see
The incoming invoke message has the information you need to update the original message:
<serviceurl>: serviceUrl
<activityid>: replyToId
(The details of how to update a message depends on exactly which SDK you're using, but in the end you'll need those 3 items to refer to the message.)

Google Calendar ignoring timeZone parameter

I'm trying to add the stock moon phases calendar to a web site via the calendar API. But... the data always comes back in UTC. E.g., this get request{API_KEY}
gets me this response
"kind": "calendar#events",
"etag": "\"p32o9hktouumte0g\"",
"summary": "Phases of the Moon",
"updated": "2017-11-07T18:33:19.000Z",
"timeZone": "UTC",
"accessRole": "reader",
"defaultReminders": [],
"nextPageToken": "EiIKF21vb25waGFzZSsxNTA5NzcyOTgwMDAwGICAm7jOo9cC",
"items": [
"kind": "calendar#event",
"etag": "\"2453932800000000\"",
"id": "moonphase+1509772980000",
"status": "confirmed",
"htmlLink": "",
"created": "2008-11-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"updated": "2008-11-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"summary": "Full moon 5:23am",
"creator": {
"email": "",
"displayName": "Phases of the Moon",
"self": true
"organizer": {
"email": "",
"displayName": "Phases of the Moon",
"self": true
"start": {
"date": "2017-11-04"
"end": {
"date": "2017-11-05"
"visibility": "public",
"iCalUID": "",
"sequence": 0,
"gadget": {
"title": "Full moon 5:23am",
"iconLink": ""
And you'll notice the timeZone is listed as UTC and the summary and description fields have text representations of the times which are in UTC. It seems to have sort-of recognized my timeZone in that htmlLink field shows the zone as America/New_York.
You might be thinking that's just the way it works, except....
If you go to the Google test page for this API at
And plug in those parameters, the calendar data comes back in zone America/New_York.
Any ideas on what the magic is to make that happen?

How can I interpret /perceive the presence of buttons in the response of directline api?

Consider there is a action card response from the MS bot & it looks as follows in skype:
When this similar response comes in the REST APIs i.e using Direct Line APIs. The following is the relevant part of JSON response.
"id": "1t90Ym3PEry|000000000000000014",
"conversationId": "1t90Ym3PEry",
"created": "2016-12-06T09:34:55.6280699Z",
"from": "rich3cards",
"images": [
"attachments": [],
"eTag": "W/\"datetime'2016-12-06T09%3A34%3A54.94083Z'\""
"id": "1t90Ym3PEry|000000000000000014",
"conversationId": "1t90Ym3PEry",
"created": "2016-12-06T09:34:55.6280699Z",
"from": "rich3cards",
"text": "Hero Card\n\nSpace Needle\n\nThe <b>Space Needle</b> is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.\n\n(Current Weather) action?weather=Seattle, WA",
"images": [],
"attachments": [],
"eTag": "W/\"datetime'2016-12-06T09%3A34%3A54.94083Z'\""
Now, the question is about how do we parse this json to get the button data [(Current Weather) action?weather=Seattle, WA"] out of the text attribute? Is the only way is patter match ?
Has anyone faced or know solution, please put some light here too ;)
Update: If its different channel like skype/webchat/etc.. the JSON response looks very proper to consume, following is the sample JSON.
"type": "message",
"id": "5AdoK89rtSc|000000000000000018",
"timestamp": "2016-12-06T09:53:20.4777291Z",
"channelId": "webchat",
"from": {
"id": "rich3cards",
"name": "RichCards"
"conversation": {
"id": "5AdoK89rtSc"
"attachments": [
"contentType": "application/",
"content": {
"title": "Hero Card",
"subtitle": "Space Needle",
"text": "The <b>Space Needle</b> is an observation tower in Seattle, Washington, a landmark of the Pacific Northwest, and an icon of Seattle.",
"images": [
"url": ""
"buttons": [
"type": "postBack",
"value": "action?weather=Seattle, WA",
"title": "Current Weather"
As mentioned in the comments, you are using DirectLine v1.1. Unfortunately, v1.1 doesn't support attachments/cards and so there isn't a good way to understand/parse the card.
You might want to consider moving to DirectLine v3 which has full support for attachments.
Alternatively, if you want to support Cards, you might have to do something custom as shown in the DirectLine sample. There, the bot is sending the hero card through the ChannelData field and the client is parsing that accordingly. However, you might have to add the logic to detect who is talking to the bot so you send the cards as ChannelData only if the caller is DirectLine and not one of the other clients (such as skype)
