Can't See Info (Metadata) in Prawn Generated PDF's - ruby

I am using the prawn Ruby gem to generate PDF files in my application. I would like to insert some metadata in the PDF and have done as specified in the docs:
private def prawn_create_document(pdf_filespec, report_text, doc_short_name)
metadata = {
RBCreator: "RockBooks v#{VERSION} (#{PROJECT_URL})",
RBDocumentCode: doc_short_name.to_s,
Prawn::Document.generate(pdf_filespec, info: metadata) do
However, I do not see this metadata in the generated PDF. I've used pdfinfo and okular on Linux with KDE (Kubuntu 20.04) and Preview on Mac OS.
Why is this happening?

The problem is not with the PDF generation, it's with the tools used to view the generated PDF.
The following tools can be used to successfully display the custom metadata:
exiftool (install with sudo apt install libimage-exiftool-perl on Ubuntu-based Linux)
Apache Tika (Java library), accessible in JRuby using the rika gem (see Here is a script that can be used to display metadata from files of many different types:
#!/usr/bin/env jruby
# You will probably want to disable warnings by adding `2>/dev/null` to your command, as in:
# view-metadata my.pdf 2>/dev/null
require 'rika'
require 'amazing_print'
raise 'Syntax is view-metadata filespec' if ARGV.empty?
filespec = ARGV.first
puts "Metadata for file #{filespec}:\n\n"
ap Rika.parse_metadata(filespec)
Output for my file included:
"RBDocumentCode" => "balance_sheet",
"pdf:docinfo:custom:RBDocumentCode" => "balance_sheet",
"RBCreated" => "2021-01-03 17:03:50 -0500",
"RBCreator" => "RockBooks v0.7.1 (",
"pdf:docinfo:custom:RBCreator" => "RockBooks v0.7.1 (",
"pdf:docinfo:custom:RBCreated" => "2021-01-03 17:03:50 -0500",
I don't know why these were created in the two forms (not prefixed, and prefixed with pdf:docinfo:custom:).


How to read the gem file specifications from extconf.rb?

I'm building a Ruby gem file that has various 3rd party executable requirements (some non-ruby tools that the gem will then use through system calls).
The requirement list is specified using the gemspec informative requirements list, and I was tasked with creating a set up where that requirement list is verified during installation - essentially converting the requirements list from being informative to being authoritative.
My initial approach is to use extensions, like in the extconf.rb pattern, to run some ruby code during installation that will verify the list of requirements and fail the installation if the requirements are not met.
So my current implementation is using a ext/Rakefile, that reads gemspec file using a hard-coded path, parses the requirements list using a custom (but straight-forward and simple) syntax and run some simple tests on the required executables.
I would really want to factor out the dependency on knowing the path to the gemspec file, so I can reuse the code in a modular way on other projects.
For completion (and in the hopes that it will be useful for someone), here's my code - which uses the Gem::Ext::Builder "Rakefile mode" to just run some arbitrary code.
require 'rubygems'
require 'mkmf'
def verify_requirement(reqspec)
exe, version_spec, version_regex = reqspec.split(/\s*,\s*/,3)
exe = $1 if exe =~ /\[([^\]]+)\]/ # support human readable alias for executable name
abort "Missing required executable #{exe}!" unless find_executable(exe)
return unless version_spec # no version is specified, so executable existing is good enough
version = %x|#{exe} --version 2>&1|.chomp
version = %x|#{exe} -version 2>&1|.chomp unless $?.success?
abort "Error checking for version of #{exe}: (#{$?.exitstatus}) #{version}" unless $?.success?
if version_regex
abort "Version test '#{version_regex}' failed to match '#{version}'!" unless version =~ /#{version_regex}/m
abort "Version test '#{version_regex}' failed to generate a version number!" unless $1
version = $1
abort "Failed to locate a valid version number for #{exe}, found '#{version}'" unless version =~ /^[0-9\.]+/
abort "Insufficient version '#{version}' for #{exe} - requires #{version_spec}" unless, version_spec).match? exe, version
task :default do
gemspec = File.absolute_path('../my.gemspec')
Gem::Specification::load(gemspec).requirements.each do |req|
This code requires that the requirements uses either of these syntaxes:
exe-file[, <semantic-version-spec>[, <version-garabbing-regex>]]
alias '[' exe-file ']'[, <semantic-version-spec>[, <version-garabbing-regex>]]
For example:
spec.requirements << 'sox'
spec.requirements << 'ffmpeg, >= 2.5, ffmpeg version ([\d\.]+)'
spec.requirements << 'ImageMagick [convert], >= 6.7.5, ImageMagick ([\d\.]+)'
The Gem::Specification class can be used to load and parse the gemspec. I'm using the following code in ext/Rakefile to perform tasks based on the gemspec file:
task :default do
gemspec = File.absolute_path('../gemname.gemspec')
Gem::Specification::load(gemspec).requirements.each do |req|

ruby rake rspec ci_reporter_rspec prevents multiple output formats from being generated

I am trying to integrate this gem in to my rake task below to output the following formats:
progress: on screen during run
documentation/html: separate files. "test/reports/spec.txt" & "test/reports/spec.html" respectively
xunit: generates files from ci_reporter_rspec
The progress format displays on screen, the xunit files are generated but documentation and html files are not generated. I can confirm when ci_reporter_rspec is not included then it works as design minus xunit files. I need all formats generated, can anyone see what I'm missing?
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
require 'ci/reporter/rake/rspec' => ['ci:setup:rspec']) do |t|
t.rspec_opts = '--format progress --format documentation -o "test/reports/spec.txt" --format html -o "test/reports/spec.html"'
I think this is a bug in ci-reporter since the same problem happens for me. But, when I remove CI reporter this works just fine. I have opened an issue here.

Downloading a track from Soundcloud using Ruby SDK

I am trying to download a track from Soundcloud using the ruby sdk (soundcloud 0.2.0 gem) with an app. I have registered the app on soundcloud and the client_secret is correct. I know this because I can see my profile info and tracks using the app.
Now when I try to download a track using the following code
#track = current_user.soundcloud_client.get(params[:track_uri])
data = current_user.soundcloud_client.get(#track.download_url)"something.mp3","wb"){|f|f.write(data)}
and when I open the file it has nothing in it. I've tried many approaches including the following one,
data = current_user.soundcloud_client.get(#track.download_url)
file =
And this one gives me an error
can't convert nil into String
on line 13 which is in
app/controllers/store_controller.rb:13:in `read'
that is the function.
I have double checked that the track I am trying to download is public and downloadable.
I tried to test the download_url that is being used explicitly by copying it from console and sending a request using Postman and it worked. I am not sure why it is not working with the app when other things are working so well.
What I want to do is to successfully be able to either download or at least get the data which I could store somewhere.
Version details : -
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-linux]
Rails 3.2.18
soundcloud 0.2.0
There are few assumptions that you have to understand before doing this thing.
Not every track on SoundClound can be downloaded! Only tracks that are flagged as downloadable can be downloaded - your code has to consider that option!
Your track URL has to be "resolved" before you get to download_url and after you get download_url you have to use your client_id to get the final download URL.
Tracks can be big, and downlowding them requires time! You should never do tasks like this straight from your Rails app in your controller or model. If the tasks runs longer you always use some background worker or some other kind of background processing "thing" - Sidekiq for example.
Command-line client example
This is example of working client, that you can use to download tracks from SoundClound. Its using official Official SoundCloud API Wrapper for Ruby, assumes that you are using Ruby 1.9.x and its not dependent on Rails in any way.
# We use Bundler to manage our dependencies
require 'bundler/setup'
# We store SC_CLIENT_ID and SC_CLIENT_SECRET in .env
# and dotenv gem loads that for us
require 'dotenv'; Dotenv.load
require 'soundcloud'
require 'open-uri'
# Ruby 1.9.x has a problem with following redirects so we use this
# "monkey-patch" gem to fix that. Not needed in Ruby >= 2.x
require 'open_uri_redirections'
# First there is the authentication part.
client =
client_id: ENV.fetch("SC_CLIENT_ID"),
client_secret: ENV.fetch("SC_CLIENT_SECRET")
# Track URL, publicly visible...
track_url = ""
# We call SoundCloud API to resolve track url
track = client.get('/resolve', url: track_url)
# If track is not downloadable, abort the process
unless track["downloadable"]
puts "You can't download this track!"
exit 1
# We take track id, and we use that to name our local file
track_id =
track_filename = "%s.aif" % track_id.to_s
download_url = "%s?client_id=%s" % [track.download_url, ENV.fetch("SC_CLIENT_ID")], "wb") do |saved_file|
open(download_url, allow_redirections: :all) do |read_file|
puts "Your track was saved to: #{track_filename}"
Also note that files are in AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format). To convert them to mp3 you do something like this with ffmpeg.
ffmpeg -i 293.aif final-293.mp3

How to use ohai gem

In the OpsCode Wiki there is there following documentation:
require 'ohai'
# ...
# Profit! ;-)
How can I print the JSON data provided by the 'ohai' command but using IRB? I tried to see the code in application.rb but I get empty data.
require 'ohai/application'
ohai =
=> "{\n\n}"
I am not trying to do this within Chef (or Shef), I just want to use the ohai gem itself, in my own app.
Poking about in the Ohai::Application class (what you get when you run ohai), #run_application instantiates Ohai::System and, unless it was configured by a file, it calls all_plugins to populate it with data.
Presumably, Ohai::System#all_plugins delegates the data collection to the lib/ohai/plugins directory.
$ irb -rohai
> system =
=> #<Ohai::System:0x00000100988950 #data={}, #seen_plugins={}, #providers={}, #plugin_path="", #hints={}>
> system.all_plugins
=> true
> puts system.to_json
{"languages":{"ruby":{"platform":"x86_64-darwin10.8.0","version":"1.9.2", ...
> system.to_json.size
=> 42395
I too searched for a simple and good library to do that...
I came across
and after 5 minutes had my monitoring.rb done..
Install : gem install usagewatch
Install on mac : gem install usagewatch_ext
Refer to this article for more info

Setting up rake-pipeline for use with handlebars alongside Google App Engine

So here's what I'm attempting to do. I'm building an ember.js application, with a java backend running on GAE.
I'm using handlebars, but I want them divided up into separate files, not just all pasted into the index.html.
Via the ember.js irc I was turned on to rake-pipeline along with minispade
Along with the web filters and a custom handlebars filter I started building the assetfile. I don't know Ruby, or gem files, etc.
So I'm trying to figure out the best way to be able to compile my coffeescript/handlebars files on the fly, minispade them, but keep the individual files accessible while in dev mode so I can debug them. What makes that hard is that the rake pipeline is running on a different port than GAE. So I'm not sure exactly how to handle this. Do I make my index file in GAE point to individual files at the 9292 port (rakep) during development, but in production mode point to the fully concatenated version? I'm not sure.
So I was attempting to do that here: by having only one section that was triggered by the 'build' flag. Not even sure if that works that way.
I know there's a lot of confusion here. Apologies, like I said I'm not even remotely familiar with the Ruby style of doing things.
Since you're not a Ruby person, here are the most reliable steps for getting a stock OSX environment set up with rake pipeline:
Step 1: Install bundler
# on OSX, using built-in Ruby
$ sudo gem install bundler --pre
Step 2: Create a Gemfile
# inside your app directory
$ bundle init
# will create a file named Gemfile in the root
Step 3: Add rake-pipeline to the Gemfile
# inside the Gemfile
gem "rake-pipeline-web-filters"
Step 4: Install your gems
$ bundle install --binstubs
Step 5: Set up Assetfile
However you were already doing it...
Step 6: Run Rake::Pipeline
# to run the preview server
$ bin/rakep
# to build your assets
$ bin/rakep build is the method that evaluates an Assetfile. You can imagine that your entire Assetfile is wrapped inside a {} block; you shouldn't ever need to write one inside an Assetfile.
Some of the filters in the docs are hypothetical, most of those docs were written before there were any filters at all. A CoffeeScript compiler has been recently added, though.
As to your main question, I'm not sure there's a clean way to do it with the current rakep implementation. An Assetfile is just Ruby, though, so it's possible to hack something together that should work. Here's how I would write yours:
require "json"
require "rake-pipeline-web-filters"
require "rake-pipeline-web-filters/helpers"
class HandlebarsFilter < Rake::Pipeline::Filter
def initialize(&block)
block ||= proc { |input| input.sub(/\.handlebars$/, '.js') }
def generate_output(inputs, output)
inputs.each do |input|
output.write "return Ember.Handlebars.compile(#{})"
# process all js, css and html files in app/assets
input "assets"
# processed files should be outputted to public
output "public"
# process all coffee files
match "**/*.coffee" do
# compile all CoffeeScript files. the output file
# for the compilation should be the input name
# with the .coffee extension replaced with .js
# The coffee_script helper is exactly equivalent to:
# filter Rake::Pipeline::Web::Filters::CoffeeScriptCompiler
match "**/*.js" do
if ENV['RAKEP_ENV'] == "production"
concat "application.js"
match "**/*.handlebars" do
filter HandlebarsFilter
concat "templates.js"
The if ENV['RAKEP_ENV'] bit reads an environment variable to decide whether to concatenate your JS to a single file.
So now you can run RAKEP_ENV="production" rakep build for a concatenated build, or just rakep build for a development build.
