Setting up rake-pipeline for use with handlebars alongside Google App Engine - ruby

So here's what I'm attempting to do. I'm building an ember.js application, with a java backend running on GAE.
I'm using handlebars, but I want them divided up into separate files, not just all pasted into the index.html.
Via the ember.js irc I was turned on to rake-pipeline along with minispade
Along with the web filters and a custom handlebars filter I started building the assetfile. I don't know Ruby, or gem files, etc.
So I'm trying to figure out the best way to be able to compile my coffeescript/handlebars files on the fly, minispade them, but keep the individual files accessible while in dev mode so I can debug them. What makes that hard is that the rake pipeline is running on a different port than GAE. So I'm not sure exactly how to handle this. Do I make my index file in GAE point to individual files at the 9292 port (rakep) during development, but in production mode point to the fully concatenated version? I'm not sure.
So I was attempting to do that here: by having only one section that was triggered by the 'build' flag. Not even sure if that works that way.
I know there's a lot of confusion here. Apologies, like I said I'm not even remotely familiar with the Ruby style of doing things.

Since you're not a Ruby person, here are the most reliable steps for getting a stock OSX environment set up with rake pipeline:
Step 1: Install bundler
# on OSX, using built-in Ruby
$ sudo gem install bundler --pre
Step 2: Create a Gemfile
# inside your app directory
$ bundle init
# will create a file named Gemfile in the root
Step 3: Add rake-pipeline to the Gemfile
# inside the Gemfile
gem "rake-pipeline-web-filters"
Step 4: Install your gems
$ bundle install --binstubs
Step 5: Set up Assetfile
However you were already doing it...
Step 6: Run Rake::Pipeline
# to run the preview server
$ bin/rakep
# to build your assets
$ bin/rakep build is the method that evaluates an Assetfile. You can imagine that your entire Assetfile is wrapped inside a {} block; you shouldn't ever need to write one inside an Assetfile.
Some of the filters in the docs are hypothetical, most of those docs were written before there were any filters at all. A CoffeeScript compiler has been recently added, though.
As to your main question, I'm not sure there's a clean way to do it with the current rakep implementation. An Assetfile is just Ruby, though, so it's possible to hack something together that should work. Here's how I would write yours:
require "json"
require "rake-pipeline-web-filters"
require "rake-pipeline-web-filters/helpers"
class HandlebarsFilter < Rake::Pipeline::Filter
def initialize(&block)
block ||= proc { |input| input.sub(/\.handlebars$/, '.js') }
def generate_output(inputs, output)
inputs.each do |input|
output.write "return Ember.Handlebars.compile(#{})"
# process all js, css and html files in app/assets
input "assets"
# processed files should be outputted to public
output "public"
# process all coffee files
match "**/*.coffee" do
# compile all CoffeeScript files. the output file
# for the compilation should be the input name
# with the .coffee extension replaced with .js
# The coffee_script helper is exactly equivalent to:
# filter Rake::Pipeline::Web::Filters::CoffeeScriptCompiler
match "**/*.js" do
if ENV['RAKEP_ENV'] == "production"
concat "application.js"
match "**/*.handlebars" do
filter HandlebarsFilter
concat "templates.js"
The if ENV['RAKEP_ENV'] bit reads an environment variable to decide whether to concatenate your JS to a single file.
So now you can run RAKEP_ENV="production" rakep build for a concatenated build, or just rakep build for a development build.


Rspec: requiring spec/workers

I've got a bunch of Sidekiq workers in app/workers, and some matching specs in spec/workers. How can I add both to my rspec runs? As in stands none are included when I hit up rspec on the Terminal.
I see a few alternatives for your situation:
Rspec loading:
Make sure your test files in spec/worker follow the pattern setup for Rspec (e.g. *.rb or *_spec.rb).
Require the worker files in the spec_helper.rb.
Manual loading: Require the spec/worker and app/worker files in your spec_helper.rb with a Ruby-defined glob.
Sidekiq helper gem: Add the rspec-sidekiq gem to your project, as explained at Sidekiq's.
To add a bulk of files to the load path, you can either:
Add path strings to the $: global variable, early in your boot process (e.g. at the beginning of spec_helper.rb):
$:.unshift(File.expand_path('../app/workers/**/*_worker.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))
Use a glob to load the files without modifying the load path:
Dir[File.expand_path('../app/workers/**/*_worker.rb', File.dirname(__FILE__))].each do |file|
require file

How can I override the Jekyll build command to set some config options only when building?

I'm using Jekyll Asset Pipeline to build my website and I'd like to only compress the website (which takes about 20 seconds) when I'm publishing it. To do this I have to enable these values programmatically in the config file:
bundle: false
compress: false
I've tried to code a plugin but it isn't working. Could someone help me as to why?
module Jekyll
module Commands
# I overwrite this here so we only do heavy work (like compressing HTML and stuff)
# when we are building the site, not when testing (which uses jekyll serve)
class << Build
alias_method :_process, :process
def process(options)
require 'jekyll-press'
options['asset_pipeline']['bundle'] = true
options['asset_pipeline']['compress'] = true
You don't even need a special gem - you can pass multiple configuration files to jekyll build:
First, the regular config file, with all the settings that are always needed, plus the values to disable compressing, since you don't always want it to run each time you're building locally:
destination: _site
source: src
markdown: rdiscount
# ... and many more settings that are always needed
bundle: false
compress: false
Then, you need a second config file for publishing which overrides only the values that you actually want to be different:
bundle: true
compress: true
So when you're not publishing, you just run jekyll build like before.
But when you're publishing, you pass both config files in the right order:
jekyll build --config _config.yml,_config-publish.yml
Jekyll will apply them in the order you passed them, so the settings in the second file will overwrite the ones in the first file, and bundle and compress will be set to true in the end.
In case you can't control what parameters will be passed to jekyll build (maybe on GitHub Pages? I never used it, but maybe...) you can do the same thing, just the other way round:
Set bundle and compress to true in the default config file
Whenever you're not publishing, use a second _config-dev.yml file to set bundle and compress to false again
The gueard-jekyll-plus gem allows you to configure multiple configuration files where the later ones override the former ones. I have the same set up where I have a _development.yml file that turns off all the asset compilation settings for development work. Yes you have to set guard up, but it makes it simple to refresh the site. Here's the relevant section:
guard 'jekyll-plus', extensions: %w[slim yml scss js md html xml txt rb], serve: true, rack_config: '', config: ['_config.yml', '_development.yml'] do
watch /.*/
ignore /^build/
I detail most of the basic setup in of the Gem in the article Integrate Jekyll with Slim, Zurb Foundation, Compass and an Asset Pipeline.
Couldn't you also just do:
> jekyll build --config _development.yml
To build with a different configuration file?

Creating Ruby Main (command line utility) program with multiple files

I am trying to use the main gem for making command line utilities. This was presented in a recent Ruby Rogues podcast.
If I put all the code in one file and require that file, then rspec gives me an error, as the main dsl regards rpsec as a command line invocation of the main utility.
I can break out a method into a new file and have rspec require that file. Suppose you have this program, but want to put the do_something method in a separate file to test with rspec:
require 'main'
def do_something(foo)
puts "foo is #{foo}"
Main {
required # this is the default
cast :int # value cast to Fixnum
validate{|foo| foo == 42} # raises error in failure case
description 'the foo param' # shown in --help
What is the convenient way to distribute/deploy a ruby command line program with multiple files? Maybe create a gem?
You are on the right track for testing - basically you want your "logic" in separate files so you can unit test them. You can then use something like Aruba to do an integration test.
With multiple files, your best bet is to distribute it as a RubyGem. There's lots of resources out there, but the gist of it is:
Put your executable in bin
Put your files in lib/YOUR_APP/whatever.rb where "YOUR_APP" is the name of your app. I'd also recommend namespacing your classes with modules named for your app
In your executable, require the files in lib as if lib were in the load path
In your gemspec, make sure to indicate what your bin files are and what your lib files are (if you generate it with bundle gem and are using git, you should be good to go)
This way, your app will have access to the files in lib at runtime, when installed with RubyGems. In development, you will need to either do bundle exec bin/my_app or RUBYLIB=lib bin/my_app. Point is, RubyGems takes care of the load path at runtime, but not at development time.

How can I debug plugins that are being silently ignored?

Newcomer to Jekyll here (previously on Hyde).
Ruby files placed in the _plugins/ directory are apparently silently ignored.
I am using version 0.11.2 of Jekyll, with ruby 1.8.7 on Ubuntu 12.04.
Should an extra config parameter be added to load these plugins? The doc doesn't say so - the sane default should be to look into _plugins, and they should be required automatically. How can one debug the loading of Jekyll plugins?
For my instance of jekyll (also 0.11.2, but with ruby 1.9.2p290 on a Mac), I don't have to add any extra configuration, but you can try adding the following line to your top level "_config.yml" file.
plugins: _plugins
or, possibly,
plugins: ./_plugins
The simplest way to test that your plugins are working is to remove all of them except for one that you know will work. I've put together the following which works as expected on my install.
Create a new file in the root of your jekyll source directory called "" with the following contents:
layout: default
title: Plugin Test
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Testing plugin output of '_plugins/testplugin.rb': {% testplugin %}
Note that you may need to change "layout: default" to whatever you are actually using.
Create a new file at "_plugins/testplugin.rb" with the following contents:
module Jekyll
class TestPlugin < Liquid::Tag
def render(context)
"It's Working!"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('testplugin', Jekyll::TestPlugin)
Run jekyll on your source dir.
All that testplugin.rb does is replace instances of the liquid tag {% testplugin %} with the text "It's Working!". If your plugins are triggering, you'll see the output
Testing plugin output of '_plugins/testplugin.rb': It's Working!"
on the page "plugin_test.html" at your output site root. If you see:
Testing plugin output of '_plugins/testplugin.rb':
that means that the plugin didn't trigger. If you run into that, I think it's a sign that something is pretty out of whack and would advise reinstalling jekyll.
I know I'm little bit late but for others who still come across this question I would like to add my resolution:
Restart the server to get the newly added plugin working. So stop jekyll serve (Ctrl C) and restart it again with jekyll serve.

Ruby separate large source files into multiple files

I am writing a Ruby script which was supposed to be a small thing but has grown quite large, way to large to have everything crammed into one source file. So I am trying to separate the project into different files. I have four classes and I want to put each in its own separate source file.
What I did:
I moved all of the classes into their own files so now I have this
Now that they are in other files I am getting uninitialized constant GoogleChart (NameError) in all of my subclasses on the line where I inherit from GoogleChart, i.e.
require 'GoogleChart'
BarChart < GoogleChart
Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
Using ruby version 1.8.4
Also I have tried using the absolute path:
require 'C:/Documents and Settings/proj/GoogleChart.rb' and this is still producing a NameError
In Ruby 1.8.x, the . is part of your load path. So you should at least try to debug that by including something like:
puts $:
require 'GoogleChart'
class BarChart < GoogleChart
and load that in an IRB session:
Open the session in your directory proj.
Enter there require 'BarChart'
Look at the result.
For me it is:
irb(main):001:0> require 'BarChart'
=> true
So the require is successful for me, and the . is part of the path (as it should). As you can see, I am working with Ruby 1.8.7, I don't know if anything has changed since 1.8.4 that is relevant here.
So please describe exactly how you run your file:
Have you opened a shell to run the file?
What is the current working directory of that shell?
Do you run by double-clicking it?
It only works when you are in your proj directory and run there (with ruby in your shell path) ruby BarChart.rb.
