Difference between Image , VHD and Snapshot in Azure - image

I was able to take a snapshot of OS Disk of VM1 and create a disk out of it.
I have swapped with the VM1 OS Disk for learning purpose. I'm aware we can also create a new VM out of this snapshot as well.
There is another way to create a blob storage with VHD file and create a managed OS disk by selecting OS type as Windows/linux and then swap with VM1 OS Disk.
There is also a way to create an image by selecting same VHD file and create a completely new VM out of it.
I want to understand in detail the difference between Image, VHD and Snapshot.
Is Image = VHD bundled with OS.
Does VHD contain OS?
Is Snapshot a VDH at a point of time?
Does Snapshot contains OS as well?
Thank you very much in advance.

Well, if the existing issue does not answer solve the question. I would show you something that I understand about the three things via answer the four questions.
Is Image = VHD bundled with OS.
I think it's not. The image can contain the OS disk and the data disk. So you can treat it as a thing that contains multiple VHD files. And the OS disk is the must-have for the image.
Does VHD contain OS?
No, VHD is a format of a file that contains a virtual hard disk used by Microsoft Windows Virtual PC. The hard disk can be the OS disk or the data disk, but not both.
Is Snapshot a VHD at a point of time?
Yes, the snapshot is a full, read-only copy of a virtual hard drive (VHD).
Does Snapshot contains OS as well?
Perhaps. If the snapshot is a copy of the OS disk, of course, it contains the OS disk. But if the snapshot is a copy of the data disk, then it doesn't. You can tread snapshot the same as the VHD file in a special moment.


Time Machine Disk not Recognising

I took the backup of my system on Time Machine disk , at that time it was running Mac Big Sur. Now i want to restore the data on Mac Capitan but its not Recognising the external hard drive.
Do i need to upgrade it to Big sur and then try restoration of data or it's possible on Capitan.
The disk is visible at Disk Utility section, but cannot be accessible.
Hope to see the solution soon.
Thank you in advance.
Your disk is probably formatted with APFS which wasn't fully supported until High Sierra. Time Machine itself used the HFS+ format until Catalina, only in Big Sur will Time Machine use APFS.
If the disk is APFS you need a High Sierra or new OS to mount the disk. Even having achieved that you may only be able to access the Time Machine backup manually. If the backup is a "remote" backup and is in a sparsebundle image you can double-click to mount it, if the extension is backupbundle change it to sparsebundle and it will mount.
Copying out your files is easy up to Catalina. Under Big Sur your backup disc may look empty as Apple has made entires invisible. To address that use the Terminal to move to the disc (in /Volumes) and you will probably find you can open the hidden folder back in the Finder (using open <folder> in Terminal).

How to access files stored in Virtual Machine from Host

I have a Mac OS X (10.11) virtual machine. But it has stopped working. It just about finishes loading the virtual machine and then just freezes on a black screen. Anyway, I wanna know if there is a way for me to recover the files on that virtual machine (Specifically Xcode files). They were not part of the shared folders so I'm not sure how to access them from the host (which is a windows 10).
One way to do this is to do the following:
Create another virtual machine with Ubuntu
Attached the virtual disk image (.vdi) or whichever format you chose to store the OSX image as a second HDD to the Ubuntu VM.
Follow these instructions to enable HFS+ read write in the Ubuntu virual image.
Another way to do it would be to use something like Arsenal Image mounter which supports direct mounting of a bunch of virtual image formats including VDI, VHD etc.

Using USB Drive as Boot Drive and Storage

I have a 32GB USB drive that I am trying to use as both a boot drive for a ChromeOS version available from here, and to use the remaining space on the drive as I normally would, just for storage to be accessed via Windows or hopefully the ChromeOS.
I've tried partitioning it in various ways using EaseUS, but every time I've written the ChromeOS image to a partition with the Win32DiskImager, I can't access the larger partition I want as storage.
I feel like I'm missing something major here, can anyone shed some light on this for me?
when you make a bootable usb using ChromeOs image
When does resizing occur?
Partition resizing is initiated by the system, not by the user.
refer here for more information

VMWare Memory Clear

I have installed a VMWare 7.1 workstation for ubuntu 12.01. After using vmware for a month the folder contains too many of .vmdk files. Its costing the partition memory low.
1) How to free the memory that occupied by the vmware temporary memory.
2) What can i do to the .VMDK files - too many files are there is in the source path.
1)Go to the snapshot manager and delete the old snap shot. It will give some free memory space
2)Go to the Setting windows and choose snapshot and set the snap shot setting when power off.

where does VirtualBox create partitions on mac for fedora installation?

I have downloaded the fedora iso image and trying to install it using virtual box on my mac. I dedicated a space of 40GB for my hard drive. Now I get this pop up message, I am worried if it will delete my data on hard-drive. I have enough free-space left on my hard-drive. but I don't want this partion to erase my exisiting data.
where is the partition created on file system.(ATA VBOX HARDDISK). Here is the screenshot:
Creating a virtual hard-disk in the host operating system (In virtualBox) will not overwrite any files on your hard drive. It will only utilize unused space on your disk. Overwriting the hard-disk in the guest operating system will not delete any files in the host, but it will overwrite/wipe files in the virtual hard disk (guest OS files).
