Is there a way to dynamically generate dropdownoptions in Umbraco 7.3 backoffice? - umbraco7

I have a folderstructure that looks a little like this (DocumentType in square brackets):
Municipality [Landingpage]
|_Areas [Area]
|_Plot [Plot]
|_Subdivision [Zoning]
| |_Ballig, Falkevej [Zone]
| |_Durup, Torpager [Zone]
| |_...
| |_Vinkel, Vinkelpletvej [Zone]
|_Properties [Properties]
|_Private Homes [Types]
|_Coporate Buildings [Types]
|_Other Buildinglots [Types]
In each [Zone] I would like to have a dropdown called "Type". And that type should be a value matching the name of one of the [Properties] [Types].
Visual example (comma separation = new option in dropdown):

You could try nuPickers ( - there's an XML data source that let's you do Xpath for content (
You'd be setting "Options Xpath" to something like "//Types" to get all document of type "Types" in a dropdown. I think (haven't used nuPickers for a while).


Include an interactive plot (wordcloud) in a dashboard

I created an interactive dashboard using hvPlot .interactive and Panel:
template = pn.template.FastListTemplate(
title='Central Africa - Word Frequency Analysis',
sidebar=['Frequency' , yaxis],
main=[ihvplot.panel(), ipanel.panel()],
Where ivplot and ipanel are my interactive plot and table, respectively. However, I would like to put instead of the table, an interactive wordcloud which I created using ipywidgets:
list1 = ['Corbeau News','Journal de Bangui','Le Potentiel','Ndjoni Sango','RJDH','Radio
Lengo Songo','Radio Ndeke Luka']
def makingclouds(Category,frame,col,atitle):
wordcloud_bangui = WordCloud(stopwords= stopword , width=1600 , height=800 ,
plt.title(atitle, fontsize=40)#,fontweight="bold")
plt.imshow(wordcloud_bangui, interpolation="bilinear")
wordcloud = interact(makingclouds, Category=list1, df=fixed(data_file_1),
atitle=fixed('Most used words media - Central Africa'),
My question is how can I do it. I've tried simply to put 'wordcloud' instead of itable in the 4th line of the first piece of code but it tells me that the object does not have a function panel.
What can I do?

Pythonic way to generate an IPv4 report

I am looking for the most Pythonic way to print a very generic report based on input data, to sort by number instances per IP address.
The incoming data looks like this
{'file3.txt': ['notice of IP abuse', '', 'sender Bill Foobar'], 'file2.txt': ['DMCA notice 987654321', '', 'Copyright Owner'], 'file1.txt': ['', 'spam notification', 'Esmeralda Hopkins III'], 'file0.txt': ['DMCA notice 123456789', '', 'Ian Flemming']}
I want to generate output that looks like this:
Bill Foobar | notice of IP abuse
Ian Flemming | DMCA notice 123456789
Copyright Owner | DMCA notice 987654321
Esmerelda Hopkins III | spam notification
Unfortunately I am stuck with Python 2 on Windows for this task, and I am unable to install any modules like Panda because I don't have pip.
I have tried all of the following:
print dict(sorted(matrix.items(), key=lambda item: item[1]))
print matrix
print dict(sorted(matrix.items(), key=lambda item: ip))
print dict(sorted(matrix.items))
print sorted(matrix)
sorted_x = sorted(matrix.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(0))
print sorted_x
the result is always this or something very similar:
{'file3.txt': ['notice of IP abuse', '', 'sender Bill Foobar'], 'file2.txt': ['DMCA notice 987654321', '', 'Copyright Owner'], 'file1.txt': ['', 'spam notification', 'Esmeralda Hopkins III'], 'file0.txt': ['DMCA notice 123456789', '', 'Ian Flemming']}
edit: I am able to sort the lists using this:
sorted_x = sorted(matrix.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
print sorted_x
Now I am looking for a way to print in a report format, without using any any specialized modules since I don't have pip. I am thinking the Naïve Method is probably the best way, so my question is what is the most pythonic way to format it pretty?

I cannot get my honeycomb panel in Sumo Logic to display the correct colors

I have the following search:
_sourceCategory="/api/SQLWatch" AND "'checktype':'AGDetails'"
| parse "'synchronization_pair':''" as synchronization_pair
| parse "'Database_Name':''" as Database_Name
| parse "'synchronization_health_desc':''" as synchronization_health_desc
| parse "'AG_Name':''" as AG_Name
| parse "'DAG':'*'" as DAG
| IF (synchronization_health_desc = "HEALTHY", 1, 0) as isHealthy
| first(_messagetime) group by synchronization_pair, Database_Name, synchronization_health_desc, AG_Name, DAG, isHealthy
which produces results like this:
synchronization_pair Database_Name synchronization_health_desc AG_Name DAG Healthy
ServerA-ServerB DB1 HEALTHY AG1 No 1
ServerC-ServerD DB2 UNHEALTHY AG2 Yes 0
When I add a honeycomb panel to my dashboard with this search all the honeycombs are blue.
I add the following settings to my Visual Settings and they are still blue.
1 to 1 GREEN
0 to 0 RED
Please help.
i figured it out!
the column in the first() is the value used for the visual settings
i changed the last line to the following and it works now!!!
| first(isHealthy) group by synchronization_pair, Database_Name, synchronization_health_desc, AG_Name, DAG //, isHealthy

How do I include selectors in a theme for RStudio?

I have modified this cobalt2 .tmTheme and installed it for RStudio. I want to use some of the more granular features available for the .rsTheme format. When I go into the .rsTheme file generated by RStudio, I see many of the selectors described on this site, along with a number of additional selectors (complete list below), each followed by 1 or more declarations. I've figured out that these are CSS selectors.
Are all of these declarations things I can safely change? Where can I find more detailed information about how to edit .rsTheme files and what type of feature each selector points to? Is there a way to include the selectors in the .tmTheme file, so that RStudio creates the "generated values" automatically?

trying to parse specific data using xpath

I have a small xml file that I'm trying to grab the away_team first and then the home_team second.
/game/team/statistics/#goals gives me the data I want but I need to reverse the order. So I'm trying to understand how to get the away_team goals first, followed by the home_team.
Below is the file
<game id="f24275a9-4f30-4a81-abdf-d16a9aeda087" status="closed" coverage="full" home_team="4416d559-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44" away_team="44167db4-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44" scheduled="2013-10-10T23:00:00+00:00" attendance="18210" start_time="2013-10-10T23:08:00+00:00" end_time="2013-10-11T01:32:00+00:00" clock="00:00" period="3" xmlns="">
<venue id="bd7b42fa-19bb-4b91-8615-214ccc3ff987" name="First Niagara Center" capacity="18690" address="One Seymour H. Knox III Plaza" city="Buffalo" state="NY" zip="14203" country="USA"/>
<team name="Sabres" market="Buffalo" id="4416d559-0f24-11e2-8525-18a905767e44" points="1">
<period number="1" sequence="1" points="1"/>
<period number="2" sequence="2" points="0"/>
<period number="3" sequence="3" points="0"/>
<statistics goals="1" assists="2" penalties="7" penalty_minutes="23" team_penalties="0" team_penalty_minutes="0" shots="27" blocked_att="14" missed_shots="8" hits="25" giveaways="5" takeaways="10" blocked_shots="7" faceoffs_won="22" faceoffs_lost="28" powerplays="1" faceoffs="50" faceoff_win_pct="44.0" shooting_pct="3.7" points="3">
<powerplay faceoffs_won="2" faceoffs_lost="0" shots="0" goals="0" missed_shots="1" assists="0" faceoff_win_pct="100.0" faceoffs="2"/>
<shorthanded faceoffs_won="3" faceoffs_lost="3" shots="1" goals="0" missed_shots="0" assists="0" faceoffs="6" faceoff_win_pct="50.0"/>
<evenstrength faceoff_win_pct="40.5" missed_shots="7" goals="1" faceoffs_won="17" shots="26" faceoffs="42" faceoffs_lost="25" assists="2"/>
<penalty shots="0" goals="0" missed_shots="0"/>
<shootout shots="0" missed_shots="0" goals="0" shots_against="0" goals_against="0" saves="0" saves_pct="0"/>
<goaltending shots_against="33" goals_against="4" saves="29" saves_pct="0.879" total_shots_against="33" total_goals_against="4">
<powerplay shots_against="0" goals_against="0" saves="0" saves_pct="0"/>
<shorthanded shots_against="7" goals_against="0" saves="7" saves_pct="1.0"/>
<evenstrength goals_against="4" saves_pct="0.846" shots_against="26" saves="22"/>
<penalty shots_against="0" goals_against="0" saves="0" saves_pct="0"/>
<emptynet goals_against="0" shots_against="0">
<powerplay goals_against="0"/>
<shorthanded goals_against="0"/>
<evenstrength goals_against="0"/>
Here's an XPath 2.0 expression that should do what you asked, yielding a sequence of two elements:
(/game/team[#id = /game/#home_team]/statistics/#goals,
/game/team[#id = /game/#away_team]/statistics/#goals)
Credit to #Ian for sleuthing out the details of the question.
In XPath 1.0, you could concatenate string data from the two teams in whatever order you want:
concat(/game/team[#id = /game/#home_team]/statistics/#goals, ' ',
/game/team[#id = /game/#away_team]/statistics/#goals)
But as Ian said, you can't produce a nodeset with an order different from document order. (I don't think a nodeset has any intrinsic order at all... it's how it's processed that imposes an order.)
As Ian pointed out, your XML data is in a namespace, thanks to the default namespace declaration on <game>. Since you said that "/game/team/statistics/#goals gives me the data", I'm assuming that you've already taken care of this aspect of the problem, perhaps by declaring the default namespace in your XPath execution environment.
