Include an interactive plot (wordcloud) in a dashboard - panel

I created an interactive dashboard using hvPlot .interactive and Panel:
template = pn.template.FastListTemplate(
title='Central Africa - Word Frequency Analysis',
sidebar=['Frequency' , yaxis],
main=[ihvplot.panel(), ipanel.panel()],
Where ivplot and ipanel are my interactive plot and table, respectively. However, I would like to put instead of the table, an interactive wordcloud which I created using ipywidgets:
list1 = ['Corbeau News','Journal de Bangui','Le Potentiel','Ndjoni Sango','RJDH','Radio
Lengo Songo','Radio Ndeke Luka']
def makingclouds(Category,frame,col,atitle):
wordcloud_bangui = WordCloud(stopwords= stopword , width=1600 , height=800 ,
plt.title(atitle, fontsize=40)#,fontweight="bold")
plt.imshow(wordcloud_bangui, interpolation="bilinear")
wordcloud = interact(makingclouds, Category=list1, df=fixed(data_file_1),
atitle=fixed('Most used words media - Central Africa'),
My question is how can I do it. I've tried simply to put 'wordcloud' instead of itable in the 4th line of the first piece of code but it tells me that the object does not have a function panel.
What can I do?


Display images on Tensorboard to have the input, the ground truth and the prediction side by side

I'm working on a deep learning model and I would like to be able to display images on Tensorboard to have the input, the ground truth and the prediction side by side.
Currently, the display look like this :
current display
But this visualization is not convenient, because it's not easy to compare the ground truth with the prediction if images are not side by side, and we have to scroll to pass from the ground truth to the prediction (because images are too big and we display more than 6 images).
The current code :
for epoch in range(EPOCHS):
for step, (x_train, y_train) in enumerate(train_ds):
y_, gloss, dloss = pix2pix.train_step(x_train, y_train, epoch)
if step%PRINT_STEP == 0:
template = 'Epoch {} {}%, G-Loss: {}, D-Loss: {}'
print (template.format(epoch+1,int(100*step/max_steps),gloss, dloss))
with train_writer.as_default():
tf.summary.image('GT', y_train+0.5, step=epoch*max_steps+step, max_outputs=3, description=None)
tf.summary.image('pred', y_+0.5, step=epoch*max_steps+step, max_outputs=3, description=None)
tf.summary.image('input', x_train+0.5, step=epoch*max_steps+step, max_outputs=3, description=None)
tf.summary.scalar('generator loss', gloss, step = epoch*max_steps+step)
tf.summary.scalar('discriminator loss', dloss, step = epoch*max_steps+step)
So here is an example that what I would like to have :
desired display
I thought about an other solution : save all triples images(input/truth/pred) in local folders (folders 1 : input 1 /truth 1 /pred 1, folders 2 : input 2 /truth 2 /pred 2 ...) and display them with a python library (cv2, matplotlib ...) but same problem, I don't know how to do that if it's possible.
Thanks for your help

How to get the correlation matrix of a pyspark data frame? NEW 2020

I have the same question from this topic:
How to get the correlation matrix of a pyspark data frame?
"I have a big pyspark data frame. I want to get its correlation matrix. I know how to get it with a pandas data frame.But my data is too big to convert to pandas. So I need to get the result with pyspark data frame.I searched other similar questions, the answers don't work for me. Can any body help me? Thanks!"
df4 is my dataset, he has 9 columns and all of them are integers:
I have first done this step:
# convert to vector column first
vector_col = "corr_features"
assembler = VectorAssembler(inputCols=df4.columns, outputCol=vector_col)
df_vector = assembler.transform(df4).select(vector_col)
# get correlation matrix
matrix = Correlation.corr(df_vector, vector_col)
And got the following output:
Out[33]: array([ 1. , 0.0760092 , 0.09051543, 0.07550633, -0.08058203,
-0.24106848, 0.08229602, -0.02975856, -0.03108094, 0.0760092 ,
1. , 0.14792512, -0.10744735, 0.29481762, -0.04490072,
-0.27454922, 0.23242408, 0.32051685, 0.09051543, 0.14792512,
1. , -0.03708623, 0.13719527, -0.01135489, 0.08706559,
0.24713638, 0.37453265, 0.07550633, -0.10744735, -0.03708623,
1. , -0.49640664, 0.01885793, 0.25877516, -0.05019079,
-0.13878844, -0.08058203, 0.29481762, 0.13719527, -0.49640664,
1. , 0.01080777, -0.42319841, 0.01229877, 0.16440178,
-0.24106848, -0.04490072, -0.01135489, 0.01885793, 0.01080777,
1. , 0.00523737, 0.01244241, 0.01811365, 0.08229602,
-0.27454922, 0.08706559, 0.25877516, -0.42319841, 0.00523737,
1. , 0.32888075, 0.21416322, -0.02975856, 0.23242408,
0.24713638, -0.05019079, 0.01229877, 0.01244241, 0.32888075,
1. , 0.53310864, -0.03108094, 0.32051685, 0.37453265,
-0.13878844, 0.16440178, 0.01811365, 0.21416322, 0.53310864,
1. ])
I've tried to insert this result on arrays or an excel file but it didnt work.
I did:
matrix2 = (matrix.collect()[0]["pearson({})".format(vector_col)])
Then I got the following error when I tried to display this info:
Exception: ML model display does not yet support model type <class ''>.
I was expecting to insert the name of the columns back from df4 but it didnt succeed, I've read that I need to use df4.columns but I have no idea how does it works.
Finally, I was expecting to print the following graph that I've seen from medium article
But also it didn't work:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
stdsc = StandardScaler()
X_std = stdsc.fit_transform(df4.iloc[:,range(0,7)].values)
cov_mat =np.cov(X_std.T)
hm = sns.heatmap(cov_mat,
annot_kws={'size': 12},
plt.title('Covariance matrix showing correlation coefficients', size = 18)
AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'iloc'
I've tried to replace df4 to matrix2 and didn't work too
You can use the following to get the correlation matrix in a form you can manipulate:
matrix = matrix.toArray().tolist()
From there you can convert to a dataframe pd.DataFrame(matrix) which would allow you to plot the heatmap, or save to excel etc.

How to change the language in timespan() function in codeigniter

Im using codeigniter to pull blog posts from my database and I want to display how much time has elapsed since the post is posted. By default codeigniters timespan() function is displaying for example:
1 Year, 10 Months, 2 Weeks, 5 Days, 10 Hours, 16 Minutes
but i want to translate the words Year,Months,Weeks,Days,Hours,Minutes in other language, for example Bosnian,Croatian or Serbian.
How can I translate it?
I found the answer. You need to go to the application/language/english folder and create a file called date_lang.php. In my case I just want to have one language on my website, so i made the file in the default (english) folder. If you have more languages you can change the language in the application/config/config.php and change the $config['language'] = 'english' to whatever language you made in the application/language/YOURLANGUAGE.php file.
I added this piece of code in my date_lang.php file and it works well.
$lang['date_year'] = 'Godinu';
$lang['date_years'] = 'Godina';
$lang['date_month'] = 'Mjesec';
$lang['date_months'] = 'Mjeseci';
$lang['date_week'] = 'Sedmica';
$lang['date_weeks'] = 'Sedmice';
$lang['date_day'] = 'Dan';
$lang['date_days'] = 'Dana';
$lang['date_hour'] = 'Sat';
$lang['date_hours'] = 'Sat';
$lang['date_minute'] = 'Minute';
$lang['date_minutes'] = 'Minuta';
$lang['date_second'] = 'Sekundu';
$lang['date_seconds'] = 'Sekunde';

How to convert visual foxpro 6 report to word

I have used following code to show a report.
select mem_no,com_name,owner,owner_cate,iif(empty(photo),"c:\edrs\memphoto\void.JPG",iif(file(photo),photo,"c:\edrs\memphoto\void.JPG")) as photo from own1 into curs own
REPO FORM c:\edrs\reports\rptsearch.frx TO PRINT PREVIEW NOCONS
Here rptsearch.frx contains some image. The following code export data to excel except image.
COPY TO "c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\a.xls" TYPE XLS
In case of image it shows only the path name. Now I need to know how I can convert this report in word so that I can have the images in the word report.
It looks like that you are creating a simple list with pictures. One of the easiest ways to do that is to use automation. ie:
Select mem_no,com_name,owner,owner_cate,;
iif(Empty(photo) Or !File(photo),"c:\edrs\memphoto\void.JPG",photo) As photo ;
from own1 ;
into Curs crsData ;
#Define wdWord9TableBehavior 1
#Define wdAutoFitWindow 2
#Define wdStory 6
#Define wdCollapseEnd 0
#Define wdCellAlignVerticalCenter 1
#Define CR Chr(13)
Local Array laCaptions[5]
laCaptions[1] = 'Mem No'
laCaptions[2] = 'Com Name'
laCaptions[3] = 'Owner'
laCaptions[4] = 'Owner Cate'
laCaptions[5] = 'Photo'
Local nRows, nCols, ix
nRows = Reccount('crsData')+1
nCols = Fcount('crsData')+1
oWord = Createobject('Word.Application')
With m.oWord
oDocument = .Documents.Add
With m.oDocument.Tables.Add( m.oWord.Selection.Range, m.nRows, m.nCols)
.BorderS.InsideLineStyle = .F.
.BorderS.OutsideLineStyle = .F.
For ix=1 To Alen(laCaptions)
**** Add captions *****
.Cell(1,m.ix).Range.InsertAfter( laCaptions[m.ix] )
Select crsData
For ix=1 To Fcount()-1 && last one is photo path
**** Add values to the different cells *****
.Cell(Recno()+1,m.ix).Range.InsertAfter( Eval(Field(m.ix)) )
lcPhoto =
If File(m.lcPhoto) && Add photo if any
oDocument.InlineShapes.AddPicture( m.lcPhoto, .T., .T.,;
.Rows(Recno()+1).Cells.VerticalAlignment = wdCellAlignVerticalCenter
.Visible = .T.
However, sending data to word this way would suffer from performance if you have many rows. You can use this for small data like an employee table or so. With larger data, instead of using automation, you could simply create an HTML document and word would open an HTML document.
There is no native way to do it. I would investigate FoxyPreviewer and use that to report to RTF, which Word can open.
Or do it the other way round with a mail merge in Word.
In addition to FoxyPreviewer, you could also use OLE Office automation to programmatically build the report. There are numerous examples online, and even a book, Microsoft Office Automation, written by Tamar E. Granor & Della Martin.
I have not done a lot with automation, only enough to get it basically verify it works, and discover it was very slow for what I was attempting to do.

Sublime Text - Goto line and column

Currently, the Go to line shortcut (CTRL+G in windows/linux) only allows to navigate to a specific line.
It would be nice to optionally allow the column number to be specified after comma, e.g.
:30,11 to go to line 30, column 11
Is there any plugin or custom script to achieve this?
Update 3
This is now part of Sublime Text 3 starting in build number 3080:
Goto Anything supports :line:col syntax in addition to :line
For example, you can use :30:11 to go to line 30, column 11.
Update 1 - outdated
I just realized you've tagged this as sublime-text-3 and I'm using 2. It may work for you, but I haven't tested in 3.
Update 2 - outdated
Added some sanity checks and some modifications to
Created github repo sublimetext2-GotoRowCol
Forked and submitted a pull request to commit addition to package_control_channel
Edit 3: all requirements of the package_control repo have been met. this package is now available in the package repository in the application ( install -> GotoRowCol to install ).
I too would like this feature. There's probably a better way to distribute this but I haven't really invested a lot of time into it. I read through some plugin dev tutorial really quick, and used some other plugin code to patch this thing together.
Select the menu option Tools -> New Plugin
A new example template will open up. Paste this into the template:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class PromptGotoRowColCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, automatic = True):
'Enter a row and a column',
'1 1',
def gotoRowCol(self, text):
(row, col) = map(str, text.split(" "))
if self.window.active_view():
{"row": row, "col": col}
except ValueError:
class GotoRowColCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, row, col):
print("INFO: Input: " + str({"row": row, "col": col}))
# rows and columns are zero based, so subtract 1
# convert text to int
(row, col) = (int(row) - 1, int(col) - 1)
if row > -1 and col > -1:
# col may be greater than the row length
col = min(col, len(self.view.substr(self.view.full_line(self.view.text_point(row, 0))))-1)
print("INFO: Calculated: " + str({"row": row, "col": col})) # r1.01 (->)
self.view.sel().add(sublime.Region(self.view.text_point(row, col))), col))
print("ERROR: row or col are less than zero") # r1.01 (->)
Save the file. When the "Save As" dialog opens, it should be in the the Sublime Text 2\Packages\User\ directory. Navigate up one level to and create the folder Sublime Text 2\Packages\GotoRowCol\ and save the file with the name
Create a new file in the same directory Sublime Text 2\Packages\GotoRowCol\GotoRowCol.sublime-commands and open GotoRowCol.sublime-commands in sublime text. Paste this into the file:
"caption": "GotoRowCol",
"command": "prompt_goto_row_col"
Save the file. This should register the GotoRowCol plugin in the sublime text system. To use it, hit ctrl + shift + p then type GotoRowCol and hit ENTER. A prompt will show up at the bottom of the sublime text window with two number prepopulated, the first one is the row you want to go to, the second one is the column. Enter the values you desire, then hit ENTER.
I know this is a complex operation, but it's what I have right now and is working for me.
