React Native Builds not visible in App Store Connect - xcode

I would like to submit my React Native APP to Apple store. I've uploaded my app through Xcode and also with "Transporter" App. App shows that the build uploaded successfully. But when i checked with my App store account no builds available for submitting my APP for review.
Thanks in advance.


How to enable phone auth firebase, flutter, xcode

I have Flutter Firebase auth configured and it is working perfectly with Android. But with ios, I cannot seem to get it to work.
Am using Xcode and Flutter on MacOS deploying to a physical iphone()14.4) and I have followed the instructions:
Added googleservice-info.plist into project via Xcode.
Under Signing and capabilities in Xcode, Provisioning profile, Team , Bundle identifier, Signing certificate(Apple Development certificate) configured with no errors. Push Notifications(Release) also enabled.
In, under Identities->myapp, I have enabled Push Notifications. I have also created development and production SSL certs inside Push Notifications. Also created key for Apple Push Notifications service (APNs).
In my Firebase project, I have added iOS apps and all the fields are populated. Under Cloud Messaging, in iOS apps, I have uploaded the APN key and both development and Production certs I got from Apple Developer.
I run 'flutter run --release' (I am using a physical iphone(14.4)) because debug mode is not allowed on 14.4. App installs successfully. I am able to navigate pages and even register email/pw with Firebase. But when I do a Firebase phone auth (verifyPhoneNumber), I keep getting an error as indicated by a snackbar error I coded in. Problem is that I cannot get the specific error from the logs since I have deployed using release and flutter logs remain blank.
I don't know what else to do. Please help.
Figured it out. Problem was with URL Types under Info of target Runner. Had to add URL Scheme. For those who has this problem, refer to the below.
iOS uses captcha with Firebase.

How can I test a standalone watchOS application?

I can't figure out how to test running my watchOS app as a standalone app. When I run it on the simulator it never works unless I also have the associated iOS app. Running the watch scheme shows that the iOS app is running along with the watchOS app. I created a scheme which just builds the watch and it will cause the watch app to start, but it doesn't actually update the compiled binary.
First of all, you have to create certificates for all project targets and upload on Testflight, Through Testflight (mobile application) you can install the app and it will sync automatically in the watch.
The second option will, Connect your watch with mobile and install that watch application via Xcode on mobile, it will sync automatically in the watch.

How to identify some particular app is installed or not in my device using xamarin forms (Android and ios)

How to identify whether some particular application is already installed in my device or not through xamarin forms? (I want to achieve in android and ios).
Explanation :
In native windows application I have used one service which give me following data (App Name, App Icon Image, App Id, Publisher Id, Version name).
I have checked whether particular application is already installed in my device or not through App Name, App Id, Publisher Id.
Suppose app is installed then I checked version of the application if its fully updated then "Launch" button display and if it is not then "Update" button display.
If application is not installed then "Install" button display and this button redirect me directly through play store.
Same thing I want achieve in android and ios through xamarin forms.
which things are required through service for android and ios?
How to redirect directly to play store in android and ios?
Method 1:
Try using App Links. You need to install the Rivets component from the Component Store. You can handle the navigation to play store if not installed and else browser based on your URL.
Your app will now attempt to Navigate to another installed app for the URL using App Links, or will fall back to usingUIApplication.OpenUrl in ios/or will fall back to using an intent with a view action in Android, if no App Link meta data is found, or no apps for the metadata are installed.
Method 2:
For example I have handled the situation for facebook app to open a page from my xamarin app but not by using App Links.
Device.OpenUri(new Uri("fb://page/page_id")); // Launch the page in facebook app (if facebook app is installed) from my application.
The above code line when executed, will open the specified facbook page in facebook app. Notice "fb://page/page_id" this is the intent with specific uri provided from facebook. You can read more about it here.
Use Plugin.Share to use CrossShare to open a browser cross-platform from your xamarin app. This I have used below.
The above code will throw an exception if facebook app is not installed, then you probably need to redirect to the play store of Android or the app store of Apple.
For Android:
Here com.facebook.katana is the package name of facebook app in android. You can replace with your application's package name if registered on playstore. This will automatically launch in playstore not in browser.
In case of IOS redirect to App store:
Here id284882215 is the app id of facebook on Apple's app store.

Archive Watch app application without iOS application

Ive builded a watch application for OS 2.x, and i wanted to submit the watch app to the app store without the iOS application. how can i do that ? what targets do i need to remove and so i can send the watch app standalone app without iOS ?
Do i have to submit both of them and apple will decide to take the apple watch application without iOS app ?
i tried to remove iOS application from targets. then the app stopped running on simulator. and couldn't be archived.
You can't do it. A watchOS application doesn't currently exist without a corresponding iOS application. If you are only updating the watch app, you still have to resubmit the whole thing, and the version of the iOS app must be incremented as well.

How application behaves when updated from Mac App Store?

I'm building sandboxed OSX app (with embeded helper app that is running on the background) that will be delivered through the Mac App Store and I'm not sure how update will affect app life cycle.
What will happen with running app, when user hits update in app
What will happen with running background helper app when user hits
update in app store?
Are apps installed under different accounts updated separately?
Thanks for any help, documentation for sandboxed apps doesn't have any information about update process.
