ElasticSearch 5.6 > 7.x Upgrade, is there an auto_generate_phrase_query Equivalant? - go

I'm upgrading my codebase's ElasticSearch from 5.6 to 7.x due to some features I'd like to explore.
I'm currently using GoLang & "github.com/olivere/elastic/v5" specifically.
However, auto_generate_phrase_query has been depreciated, and AutoGeneratePhraseQueries no longer works on v7 ("github.com/olivere/elastic/v7").
I've read to use explicit quoted queries, what is the equivalent to that in olivere? is there no setting i can set to true/false in ES when making requests to achieve this? Must i explicitly wrap my queries in quotation marks? Surely there must be a proper way to do this...
I found this: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.8/query-dsl-query-string-query.html
which states use [type=phrase] instead
In Olivere, i can set this via: Type("phrase"); is this a sufficient alternative?

The closest thing was actually using Phrase Queries. For anyone in the future coming back to find an answer.


Get Github Issue based only on title

I need to modify the body of an existing GitHub issue in a Project. All I'll be passed is the title of the issue, and a word (the word exists in the body, and I'll just need to fill the checkbox next it).
It looks like to do this I'll need to use the GET API to get the body of the issue, modify it, and then use the EDIT API to swap in the new body. However the GET API can only be called with the issue number. I need to do all this as quickly as possible. Is there some way to search via an API call?
Thoughts much appreciated!
Edit: All my issues are in the same project (and issue titles will be unique there). I've also recently discovered Github's GraphQL API, which may be applicable here.
You can use the issue search endpoint with the in and repo¹ keywords:
GET /search/issues?q=text+to+search+in:title+repo:some/repo
Of course, issue titles aren't guaranteed to be unique. You'll have to request each of the issues that comes back and see if its body contains the word you're looking for. Even in that case you could get multiple positive results.
It would be much better if you could search by issue number.
¹I've assumed that you really mean "repository" when you say "project". But if you're actually talking about GitHub Project Boards you can use the project keyword as well or instead.

Corenlp server shows different NER result from local 3.8 version

I uses the sentense
He died in the day before yesterday.
to process corenlp NER.
On the server, I got the result like this.
And in local, I uses the same sentence, got the result of
He(O) died(O) in(O) the(O) day(TIME) before(O) yesterday(O) .(O)
So, how can I get the same result like the server?
In order to increase the likelihood of getting a relevant answer, you may want to rephrase your question and provide a bit more information. And as a bonus, in the process of doing so, you may even find out the answer yourself ;)
For example, what url are you using to get your server result? When I check here: http://nlp.stanford.edu:8080/ner/process , I can select multiple models for English. Not sure which version their API is based on (would say the most recent stable version, but I don't know). Then the title of your post suggests you are using 3.8 locally, but it wouldn't hurt to specify the relevant piece in your pom.xml file, or the models you downloaded yourself.
What model are you using in your code? How are you calling it? (i.e. any other annotators in your pipeline that could be relevant for NER output)
Are you even calling it from code (if so, Java? Python?), or using it from the command line?
A lot of this is summarised in https://stackoverflow.com/help/how-to-ask and it's not that long to read through ;)

ES 1.7.5 How to mimic match_none behavior?

Match_none was introduced in later versions, but there has to be a way to mimic the behavior in 1.7.5? Any leads would be appreciated.
Basically, I want to return a query which will match no documents, but my global aggregations would still run.
Found out I can use MustNot in combination with MatchAll (must not match all)

can i backport "pattern_replace" char filter into elasticsearch 0.19.9?

our system is running elasticsearch 0.19.9.
recentyly i'm going to add a new mapping on it. what i need is merge multiple whitespaces into a single whitespace.
i do some search ,and find pattern_replace is what i need, code are like
but the bad news is "pattern_replace" is not introduced until 0.90.*. so is there possibily to backport this function into the version i'm using?
really i don't want to upgrade this system the newest version, guessing it's time consuming, as i'm also using es-head and bigdesk. the version match thing might kill me.

Lucene.NET MatchAllDocsQuery doesn't honor document boost?

I have a Lucene index of document, all nearly identical (test 1, test 2, etc.) except that some have a higher boost than others. When using a default query (MatchAllDocsQuery OR .Parse(":") on the query parser) the documents come back in the order they went in every time. By adding a search term ("test" in this case), the document boost is apparent and the documents are sorted according to the boost. I can change the boost levels around and the new order is reflected in the results. All my code is pretty standard fair, I'm using a default Sort() is both cases.
I found that this same bug was reported and fixed in Lucene back in 2005-2006, and I checked my MatchAllDocsQuery.cs file (Lucene .NET 2.9.2) and it seems to have this change present, but the behavior is as described in the ticket above.
Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Perhaps someone running the Java version has experienced this (or not)? Thanks.
Uh, don't I feel silly now. This is as-designed behavior. I guess. According to Lucene in Action, MatchAllDocsQuery uses a constant for the boost.
