Mailchimp and returning a 500 error - http-status-codes

Mailchimp and are returning a 500 error on a URL, but the page is displaying correctly in all the browsers I've tried & the status code when fetching the page using cURL is 200.
Having done some testing, I've narrowed this down to images & using secset/webp images.
For example, when the image is specified as the below, returns a 500 error:
<img src="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.webp" srcset="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-800.webp 800w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-640.webp 640w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-320.webp 320w" alt="">
The same is true for the following:
<img src="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.jpg" srcset="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-800.webp 800w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-640.webp 640w, /oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-320.webp 320w" alt="">
<img src="/oimgnn/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.webp" alt="">
But when the image is simpified to the below, returns a 200 status:
<img src="/img/HD_104_8cc70ae9797774642027c6dd45645e5a-850.jpg" alt="">
I can confirm ALL the images are available as specified... any suggestions would be helpful.

THis was an issue in my script... the server didn't have the $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] variable which I was using to check that webp images were accepeted. A simple isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) fixed it!


Laravel profile photos show only sometimes

I have a profile photo set up in a std header like so
<img src="{{ Auth::user()->profile_photo_url }}" class="img-circle" alt="User Image" />
When I sign in and land on my dashboard page using this header everything works great.
When I route to any other screen using the same header the picture does not show.
If I inspect the img src I get the same img src from all screens wether the picture shows up or not.
Any insight would help.
<img src="storage/profile-photos/1715359786021735.png" class="user-image" alt="User Image">

Why is JMeter showing an undefined variable error in the response body even if the web page is working properly if I run it manually?

Undefined index: current_institute_id
I am getting above error in jmeter response body but its working fine if i run web page manually . Also i have passed the value of current institute in request.
enter image description here
enter image description here
<div class="container">
<div class="trace trace-as-html">
<table class="trace-details">
<thead class="trace-head"><tr><th>
<h3 class="trace-class">
<span class="text-muted">(1/1)</span>
<span class="exception_title"><abbr title="ErrorException">ErrorException</abbr></span>
<p class="break-long-words trace-message">Undefined index: current_institute_id</p>
<tbody><tr><td><span class="block trace-file-path">in <span title="/var/www/html/mycc/t11/app/Http/Controllers/inquiry/AdmissionFormController.php line 1666"><strong>AdmissionFormController.
As I can see in the Screenshot the information provided is not enough to completely investigate the issue. But I can notice that the data you are sending is not recognized by the server. This means you may be sending data that the server was not expecting.
The solution is to record the script manually after understanding the flow.
Found a video explaining the process. Maybe it'll help you understand the way how you can record manually and not depend on tools that ultimately misguide you.
I'm not sure that'll help with the information provided by you. But it may lead you to a solution

Laravel show s3 image in blade template

I have an image stored in an S3 bucket that is linked to my Laravel app. How can I display this image in a blade template?
So far I have...
<img src= "{{Image::make(Storage::disk('s3')->get('image/' . $filename))}}">
But this is not returning anything.
Does anybody have an example I can see?
The S3 driver has a url function that'll get you a temporary, signed URL to the S3 object, so all you'll need to do is:
<img src="{{ Storage::disk('s3')->url($filename) }}">

images displaying in a site is not looking responsive

we are using follwing code to display images in this site:
you can see 4 images below "slideshow" images
but it's not looking responsive.
That means, in mobiles and tabs it's not arranged properly & in smaller screen monitors, it's not displaying properly.
What code changes do I have to do to make it responsive?
Try this:
<img alt="" src="...topoffers1.jpg" style="max-width: 23%;">
<img alt="" src="...topoffers2.jpg" style="max-width: 50%;">
<img alt="" src="...topoffers3.jpg" style="max-width: 23%;">

Images not showing in views block with drupal 7

I'm completely stuck on this one:
I'm working on a drupal 7 website and I have created a block (view) that should display an image with it. No matter what I try, I cant get the image displayed...
The content type I'm trying to display has 3 fields: "name", "description" and "picture".
The picture simply is an Image that's stored in a folder "myImages".
This is a picture of the block view I'm trying to create:
This does display the fields "title" and "beschrijving" (=description). The "foto" (=picture) however is not displayed... (in chrome it gives the "broken picture" logo, in firefox just nothing).
The wierd thing is: the image appears just for a blink and then disappears, meaning it is actually being rendered.
When I took a look at it with firebug I got following html:
<div class="views-field views-field-field-foto">
<span class="field-content">
<img width="100" height="100" alt="" src="sites/default/files/myImages/imageSource.jpg" typeof="foaf:Image">
And when I try to open the image itself (imageSource.jpg) I get an (500) internal server error (but I'm pretty sure this is because of the .gitignore file).
The image path is incorrect. It should look like...
...with the beginning forward slash.
I had issues when displaying images with Views, and it turned out to be the "alt text" option. In order to use "alt text" and not have issues I had to make use of the "Rewrite Results" option in Views.
