images displaying in a site is not looking responsive - image

we are using follwing code to display images in this site:
you can see 4 images below "slideshow" images
but it's not looking responsive.
That means, in mobiles and tabs it's not arranged properly & in smaller screen monitors, it's not displaying properly.
What code changes do I have to do to make it responsive?

Try this:
<img alt="" src="...topoffers1.jpg" style="max-width: 23%;">
<img alt="" src="...topoffers2.jpg" style="max-width: 50%;">
<img alt="" src="...topoffers3.jpg" style="max-width: 23%;">


image isn't shown on mobile browsers

In my PHP page I have a table where in one of the cells a picture is loaded dynamically:
<td class="text-centered">
<a href="modifica.php?id=<?php echo $objResult["id"];?>">
<img src="img/update.gif" width="29" height="20" title="modifica">
It works perfectly on any pc, but it doesn't show on smartphones. I tried several browsers and the problem persists.
Any ideas?

How to add text apparition on hover image

Hello I would like to know how to have some text apparition on hover when mouse is over images
here is my jfiddle ->
thank you guys
did you try html alt="text you want here"
Just wondering why you were trying with js.
<img src="" alt="Email"/>
<img src="" alt="Phone"/>
<img src="" alt="Facebook" />
<img src="" alt="Instagram"/>

Image on Image like Facebook

I would like to put an image on another image like it is done in Facebook, Google+ and now Twitter.
Large back image with a smaller one on the left side dropping off the large one, if that makes sence
There's several ways you can do this, 1 of them is using position (so you're on the right track).
Place 2 images inside an element that has position:relative and place the top image position:absolute, like so:
<div style="position:relative">
<img alt="" src="foreground.jpg" />
<img alt="" style="position:absolute; left:40px; top:20px" src="background.jpg" />
Check out this DEMO
Another way would be to have the background image set as a background on the <div> and place the image you want on top directly inside that div. Check out this 2nd DEMO

Font Awesome Image Overlay

I'm currently creating a image gallery (using Zurb Foundation as Framework) and would like to show the zoom icon on image hover (like this example here: But I would like the icon to be a font (Font Awesome) icon and not just one but 3 individual clickable icons.. Would that be possible?
I've put a quick JSfiddle together using font-awesome. The CSS is hacked together but demonstrates what's possible. It should give you a starting point to experiment with.
<a href="#" title="" class="image">
<img src="" alt="">
<div class="cn">
<div class="inner">
<i class="icon-zoom-in large"></i>
<i class="icon-cloud-download large"></i>
<i class="icon-comment large"></i>
Note: The JSfiddle above uses font-awesome.css called externally from

TCPDF + pChart wont show images

I'm triying to insert a image on the pdf generated by the script.
I have put a image that is on the folder and it shows correctly, but the generated one no.
In other section of the site, I use the same function to generate and show the image and it shows correctly, only when I put on the pdf gets a blank gap.
$html1 = '
<p align="left" style="color:#434343;">
<span align="justify" style="color:#fe5a1d; font-size:35px;">3.3.- Comparativa Evaluación Tu Total – Evaluación media Total</span>
<p align="justify" style="color:#434343; font-size:34px;">
<img src="'.DOMINIO.'intranet/graph.php?ide='.$evaluacion->getId().'&tipo=3" border="0" width="700" height="230"/>
<p align="left" style="color:#434343;">
<span style="color:#fe5a1d; font-weight:bold;">4.- Detalle por competencias</span>
<p align="justify" style="color:#434343; font-size:34px;">
<img src="'.DOMINIO.'intranet/graph.php?ide='.$evaluacion->getId().'&tipo=4" border="0" width="700" height="230"/><br />
This is the code that makes a little paragraph that is shown on the PDF, the text works nice, it's only the image not shown.
Thanks for all.
Its most likely a problem with your PHP setup, specifically make sure you have support for GD image installed and enabled.
Now its solved, what i've done is render the images on the HardDisk and load it on the pdf
