D3 How to pass text value from data to variable - d3.js

I got a great answer yesterday helping me set up a conditional rule that allows me to display the points on my scatter chart as images or dots based on a variable 'displaytype'
Here's the link to the answer: D3 conditionally append image OR circle element based on variable
I'm porting my solution into Power BI and the dataset will contain a field 'display_type' which will be either 'image' or 'dot'
So I'm trying to update my variable and link it to the data but the if statement doesn't seem to recognise the output from the function.
The Current variable is:
var displaytype = "image" // or "dot"
I'm trying to change that to:
var displaytype = function(d) {
return d.display_type
var displaytype = function(d) {
return data[0].display_type
However, the result has no impact to the display whatsoever so I guess I'm missing something (probably simple) ?
Any help much appreciated as always


Is there a way to filter a dimension based on the value of another field?

I'm building a data dashboard for a project and I want to be able to compare data from two distinct groups in the same dataset.
My dataset looks like this:
Number,Name,Gender,Race,Height,Publisher,Alignment,Weight,Superpower,Strength,Costume Colour
1,A-Bomb,Male,Metahuman,203,Marvel Comics,Good,441,Superhuman Strength,10,None
2,Abin Sur,Male,Alien,185,DC Comics,Good,90,Cosmic Power,40,Green
3,Abomination,Male,Metahuman,203,Marvel Comics,Bad,441,Superhuman Strength,10,None
4,Abraxas,Male,Cosmic Entity,1000,Marvel Comics,Bad,1000,Reality Warping,40,Green
5,Absorbing Man,Male,Metahuman,193,Marvel Comics,Bad,122,Matter Duplication,5,None
6,Adam Strange,Male,Human,185,DC Comics,Good,88,None,0,Red
I want to create two separate selectMenus which list the character names, but with each of the two menus filtered on Publisher name.
So one drop down will have all the characters associated with Marvel Comics, and the other will have all the characters associated with DC Comics.
Once this is set up, the idea is that the dashboard can then show a set of graphs which work as a comparison between the two characters that have been selected - so I don't want the entire dataset to be split out, I just want the selection to be filtered by Publisher.
I've been through dozens of different Stack Overflow threads about similar stuff but still struggling. I've created the dimensions for character name and character publisher but I'm getting really lost trying to use one to filter the other.
This is what I've got so far (ignore the costume color stuff, that's for something further down the line) - the data in 'heroes-information.csv' is in the same format I shared above.
// Bring in data from csv files
Promise.all([d3.csv("../data/heroes-information.csv"), d3.csv("../data/costume-colors.csv")])
.then(function(data) {
// Tidy data before use
data.forEach(function(d) {
d.Height = +d.Height;
d.Weight = +d.Weight;
d.Strength = +d.Strength;
// Bring in Heroes data
var ndx = crossfilter(data[0]);
// Bring in costume color data
var ndxcol = crossfilter(data[1]);
// Create colorScale to dynamically color pie chat slices
var colorScale = d3.scaleOrdinal()
.domain(data[1].map(row => row.Name))
.range(data[1].map(row => row.RGB));
// Define chart type
var dccomicsSelector = dc.selectMenu('#dccomics-selector');
// Define chart dimension
var character = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Name'));
var characterPublisher = ndx.dimension(dc.pluck('Publisher'));
var dccomicsCharacters = character.group();
var dccomicsPublisher = characterPublisher.group();
I'm probably missing something really obvious but I'm fairly new to DC.js and Crossfilter so a bit lost in the weeds with this one, any help would be much appreciated!

d3 multiple different graticules

I am trying to create a "proper" version of the logo at IFMMS Logo
using the graticule feature of d3.js.
At https://gist.run/?id=22361573b05b541ac9799037116aea8d you'll find the current state of the code - specifically version https://gist.run/?id=22361573b05b541ac9799037116aea8d&sha=dd6aef5c64e3ac4c1c917fd5e3c7bbf4b91c75a8
In a loop i am trying to set the graticule steps for different scales of the logo draft.
var lonsteps=6+col*2;
var latsteps=10;
var title='IFMMS Logo';
in the "createLogo" function i am using these steps as outlined in the answer:
I get
instead of
so instead of having 6/8/10 steps for the longitudinal grid lines I get three times 6 steps. It seems as if the first setting "overrides" all others although i assign different values.
What is causing this and how can it be fixed?
If you pass a parameter (svgid) to a function use it and don't use the global variable (id) with the same value.
function createLogo(title,svgid,cx,cy,scale,strokeScaleFactor,lonsteps,latsteps,debug) {
// ...
.attr("class", "feature"+svgid)
.attr("d", path);
// ...
One indication of the problem can be that your scale is not working.
The reason a HTML ID should be unique.
fix it by making the graticule defs id unique and use this new id.
var ggraticule=defs.append("g")
.attr("class", "graticule")
// ...
You still have a problem with the background, choose a color and see the effect.
In D3 v5+ you can use the step method on your geoGraticules like so:
var graticules = d3.geoGraticule().step([15, 15])
The default step is 10° and 10° for longitude and latitude.

Cannot display the highest value when using crossfilter.js

I am trying to display the top value, found by crossfilter, in dc.js, but I get
Uncaught TypeError: _chart.group(...).value is not a function
Any help?
This is my code
var ndx = crossfilter(projectsJson);
var highPriceDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.High; });
var highGrp = highPriceDim.top(1);
var highGrpND = dc.numberDisplay("#max-price-nd");
.valueAccessor(function(d){return d ; })
Thanks for any help
highGrp is an array. Try highGrpND.group(highGrp[0]) instead.
You should be able to just do
since the numberDisplay will look for either a value method, or failing that, take .top(1)
(which is kind of a messy design, but hey if it works...)
This is better than calculating the top(1) at setup time, since it will be calculated every time the charts are drawn, rather than just once, which is probably what you want.

Extracting a selection of countries from JSON file

I'm using this great example: Countries By Area
However I'm wanting to modify this code for my own use and project only a selection of chosen countries.
I've managed to read the JSON file into an array, and the code is now looking through that array but I don't see any way on rendering a country (or countries) if a criteria is met.
For example, if I want to simply render the country, who has an ID of 533, I don't see any way of attaching a condition.
Can anyone shed any light on how I may be able to do this.
Have edited my original question here as I've managed to do it, but I'm sure there's a more elegant way of achieving it:
Original code was:
var svg = d3.select("#map").selectAll("svg")
.data(topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries).features)
Which I've changed to:
var svg = chartDetails.plotArea.selectAll("svg")
a = topojson.feature(tempWorld, tempWorld.objects.countries).features
var returnobject =[]
$.each(a, function (i, v) { if (v.id == 826) { returnobject.push(v) } });
return returnobject
826 refers to United Kingdom.
If your array looks like this:
var a = [];
a.push({id:1, name:'Argentina'});
a.push({id:2, name:'Bahamas'});
Then you might need to iterate it to find the key(id) you want.
Take a look at these solutions:

How to show "missing" rows in a rowChart using crossfilter and dc.js?

I'm using code similar to that in the dc.js annotated example:
var ndx = crossfilter(data);
var dayName=["0.Sun","1.Mon","2.Tue","3.Wed","4.Thu","5.Fri","6.Sat"];
var dayOfWeek = ndx.dimension(function (d) {
var day = d.dd.getDay();
return dayName[day];
var dayOfWeekGroup = dayOfWeek.group();
var dayOfWeekChart = dc.rowChart("#day-of-week-chart");
.label(function(d){return d.key.substr(2);})
The issue I've got is that only days of the week present in the data are displayed in my rowChart, and there's no guarantee every day will be represented in all of my data sets.
This is desirable behaviour for many types of categories, but it's a bit disconcerting to omit them for short and well-known lists like day and month names and I'd rather an empty row was included instead.
For a barChart, I can use .xUnits(dc.units.ordinal) and something like .x(d3.scale.ordinal.domain(dayName)).
Is there some way to do the same thing for a rowChart so that all days of the week are displayed, whether present in data or not?
From my understanding of the crossfilter library, I need to do this at the chart level, and the dimension is OK as is. I've been digging around in the dc.js 1.6.0 api reference, and the d3 scales documentation but haven't had any luck finding what I'm looking for.
Based on #Gordon's answer, I've added the following function:
function ordinal_groups(keys, group) {
return {
all: function () {
var values = {};
group.all().forEach(function(d, i) {
values[d.key] = d.value;
var g = [];
keys.forEach(function(key) {
g.push({key: key,
value: values[key] || 0});
return g;
Calling this as follows will fill in any missing rows with 0s:
.group(ordinal_groups(dayNames, dayOfWeekGroup))
Actually, I think you are better off making sure that the groups exist before passing them off to dc.js.
One way to do this is the "fake group" pattern described here:
This way you can make sure the extra entries are created every time the data changes.
Are you saying that you tried adding the extra entries to the ordinal domain and they still weren't represented in the row chart, whereas this did work for bar charts? That sounds like a bug to me. Specifically, it looks like support for ordinal domains needs to be added to the row chart.
