Do compilers take the "status quo" when optimizations produced worse results? - compilation

To my knowledge, when using optimizations there is a risk to face the "maybe will be worse" case (i.e. the performance will be degraded, or the code size will be higher, or both). However do compilers able to detect such cases and return to the "status quo" (i.e. fall back to the original non-optimized code) when optimizations produced worse results? Can someone give (if possible) a particular examples of what compilers (for example, gcc, Clang (LLVM), etc.) do in this case?

In JIT compilers there is a thing called Deoptimization. Normally the compiler will optimize heavily assuming something, but during execution some of the assumption may fail. For example the compiler will assume the inmput of a function is always an integer and produce a highly efficient code for integer manipulation, but if, and such things happen in dynamic languages, the input is suddenly and array or a string, the code should revert. See v8 turbofan speculative optimizator for example.
For non JIT there is no way to deoptimize during runtime, but the compiler may create multiple execution paths. Your question is not fully logical because how would compiler know if it created unoptimal code? It can only use the same algorithm it used to do the optimization itself. That's probably why you are downwoted.


efficiency loss due to use of function pointer in place of if-block

Suppose we have a Fortran function (for example a mathematical optimization algorithm) that takes as input, another Fortran function:
Now depending on the user's choice, the input function could be from a list of several different functions. This list of choices can be implemented via an if-block:
if (userChoice=='func1') then
elseif (userChoice=='func2') then
elseif (userChoice=='func3') then
end if
Alternatively, I could also define function pointers, and write this as,
if (userChoice=='func1') then
func => func1
elseif (userChoice=='func2') then
func => func2
elseif (userChoice=='func3') then
func => func3
end if
Based on my tests with Intel Fortran Compiler 2017 with O2 flag, the second implementation happens to be slower by several factors (4-5 times slower than the if-block implementation). From the software development perspective, I would strongly prefer the second approach since it results in much more concise and cleaner code, at least in my problem where there is a fixed workflow, with different possible input functions to the workflow. However, performance also equally matters in the problem.
Is this loss of performance by indirect function calls, expected in all Fortran codes? or is it a compiler-dependent issue? Is there a solution to using indirect function calls without performance loss? How about other languages such as C/C++?
This is a pure guess based on how compilers generally work and what might explain the 4-5x perf difference.
In the first version, maybe the compiler is inlining myOptimizer() into each call site with func1, func2, and func3 inlined into the optimizer, so when it runs there's no actual function pointer or function call happening.
An indirect function-call isn't much more expensive than a regular function call on modern x86 hardware. It's the lack of inlining that really hurts, especially for FP code. Spilling / reloading all the floating-point registers around a function call is expensive, especially if the function is fairly small.
i.e. what's probably hurting you is that your 2nd version convinces the compiler not to undo the indirection. This would be true in C / C++ as well.
Hand-holding your compiler into making fast asm probably means you have to write it the first way, unless there's a profile-guided optimization option you can use that might make the compiler realize this is a hot spot and it's worth trying harder with the source written the 2nd way. (Sorry I don't use Fortran, and I only know a few of the options for Intel's C/C++ compiler from looking at its asm output vs. gcc and clang on
To see if my hypothesis is right, check the compiler-generated asm. If the first version doesn't actually pass a function pointer to a stand-alone definition of myOptimizer, but the 2nd one does, that's probably all there is to it.
See How to remove "noise" from GCC/clang assembly output? for more about looking at compiler output. Matt Godbolt's CppCon2017 talk: “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid” is a good intro to reading compiler output and why you might want to.

How to know what code has been optimized out?

Is there a way to get information during or after compilation about what parts of the code have been optimized out, but without looking at the assembly or executing the code.
It'd be nice to know immediately if a big code chunk gets optimized away.
Sorry, but your expectations do not match what compilers actually do. Whether you're trying to find dead code or to find bugs that cause code that should run to be skipped, it is not information that a compiler can provide in an easy-to-read form.
With a compiler that translates each line of source code into a sequence of machine instructions, the compiler could easily tell you that it didn't include anything corresponding to a particular line. Of course it couldn't tell you if a line was translated to machine instructions but those machine instructions in fact won't ever be executed — code reachability is undecidable — but I don't think that's what you're after anyway.
The problem is that modern optimizing compilers are a lot more complex than that. A piece of code is often copied around and compiled multiple times under different assumptions (specialization, partial evaluation, loop unrolling, …). Or, conversely, pieces of code can be merged together (function inlining, …). There isn't a simple correspondence between source code and machine code. (That's why debuggers sometimes have trouble reporting the exact source code location of a binary instruction.)
If a big chunk of code gets optimized away, that may simply because it's one of many specialized copies and that particular specialization never happens (e.g. there's separate code for x==0 and x!=0, and separate code for y==0 and y!=0, and x and y are never 0 together so the x==0 && y==0 branch is eventually dropped). It may be something generated by a compile-time conditional instruction, such as a C macro that the compiler optimizes; this happens so often in C code that if compilers reported all such instances, that would create a lot of false positives.
Getting useful reports of potentially unused code or suspicious-looking program code that could indicate a bug requires a rather different kind of static analysis than what compilers do. There are tools that can do that, but they're typically not the same tools that convert source code to optimized machine code. Making static analysis tools that both detect potential problems often enough to be useful and don't produce so many false positives that they're practically unusable is not easy.
gcc -S
will output the assembly code that would have been passed to the assembler (and eventually been linked into the executable). If you squint the right way (and are patient), you can work backwards from that to confirm whether a given bit of code has actually been included in the executable, or was optimized away.
Obviously not something you'd do unless you have a suspicion that something was going on, given the time and effort required...

Questions about possible java(or other memory managed language) optimizations

From what I have read java (usually) seems to compile java to not very (is at all?) optimised java bytecode, leaving it to the jit to optimise. Is this true? And if it is has there been any exploration (possibly in alternative implementations) of getting the compiler to optimise the code so the jit has less work to do (is this possible)?
Also many people seem to have a dislike for native code generation (sometimes referred to as ahead of time compilation) for Java (and many other high level memory managed languages) , for many reasons such as loss of portability (and ect.) , but also partially because (at least for those languages that have a just in time compiler) the thinking goes that ahead of time compilation to machine code will miss the possible optimisations that can be done by a jit compiler and therefore may be slower in the long run.
This leads me to wonder whether anyone has ever tried to implement (compiling to a binary + some extras then running the program and analysing the runtime information of the test run to generate a hopefully more optimised binary for real world usage) for java/(other memory managed languages) and how this would compare to jit code? Anyone have a clue?
Personally, I think the big difference is not between JIT compiling and AOT compiling, but between class-compilation and whole-program optimization.
When you run javac, it only looks at a single .java file, compiling it into a single .class file. All the interface implementations and virtual methods and overrides are checked for validity but left unresolved (because it's impossible to know the true method invocation targets without analyzing the whole program).
The JVM uses "runtime loading and linking" to assemble all of your classes into a coherent program (and any class in your program can invoke specialized behavior to change the default loading/linking behavior).
But then, at runtime, the JVM can remove the vast majority of virtual methods. It can inline all of your getters and setters, turning them into raw fields. And when those raw fields are inlined, it can perform constant-propagation to further optimize the code. (At runtime, there's no such thing as a private field.) And if there's only one thread running, the JVM can eliminate all synchronization primitives.
To make a long story short, there are a lot of optimizations that aren't possible without analyzing the whole program, and the best time for doing whole program analysis is at runtime.
Profile-guided optimization has some caveats, one of them mentioned even in the Wiki article you linked. It's results are valid
for the given samples, representing how your code is actually used by the user or other code.
for the given platform (CPU, memory + other hardware, OS, whatever).
From the performance point of view there are quite big differences even among platforms that are usually considered (more or less) the same (e.g. compare a single core, old Athlon with 512M with a 6 core Intel with 8G, running on Linux, but with very different kernel versions).
for the given JVM and its config.
If any of these change then your profiling results (and the optimizations based on them) are not necessary valid any more. Most likely some of the optimizations will still have a beneficial effect, but some of them may turn out suboptimal (or even degrading performance).
As it was mentioned the JIT JVMs do something very similar to profiling, but they do it on the fly. It's also called 'hotspot', because it constantly monitors the executed code, looks for hot spots that are executed frequently and will try to optimize only those parts. At this point it will be able to exploit more knowledge about the code (knowing the context of it, how it is used by other classes, etc.) so - as mentioned by you and the other answers - it can do better optimizations as a static one. It will continue monitoring and if its needed it will do another turn of optimization later, this time trying even harder (looking for more, more expensive optimizations).
Working on the real life data (usage statistics + platform + config) it can avoid the caveats mentioned before.
The price of it is some additional time it needs to spend on "profiling" + JIT-ing. Most of the time its spent quite well.
I guess a profile-guided optimizer could still compete with it (or even beat it), but only in some special cases, if you can avoid the caveats:
you are quite sure that your samples represent the real life scenario well and they won't change too much during execution.
you know your target platform quite precisely and can do the profiling on it.
and of course you know/control the JVM and its config.
It will happen rarely and I guess in general JIT will give you better results, but I have no evidence for it.
Another possibility for getting value from the profile-guided optimization if you target a JVM that can't do JIT optimization (I think most small devices have such a JVM).
BTW one disadvantage mentioned in other answers would be quite easy to avoid: if static/profile guided optimization is slow (which is probably the case) then do it only for releases (or RCs going to testers) or during nightly builds (where time does not matter so much).
I think the much bigger problem would be to have good sample test cases. Creating and maintaining them is usually not easy and takes a lot of time. Especially if you want to be able to execute them automatically, which would be quite essential in this case.
The official Java Hot Spot compiler does "adaptive optimisation" at runtime, which is essentially the same as the profile-guided optimisation you mentioned. This has been a feature of at least this particular Java implementation for a long time.
The trade-off to performing more static analysis or optimisation passes up-front at compile time is essentially the (ever-diminishing) returns you get from this extra effort against the time it takes for the compiler to run. A compiler like MLton (for Standard ML) is a whole-program optimising compiler with a lot of static checks. It produces very good code, but becomes very, very slow on medium-to-large programs, even on a fast system.
So the Java approach seems to be to use JIT and adaptive optimisation as much as possible, with the initial compilation pass just producing an acceptable valid binary. The absolute opposite end is to use an approach like that of something like MLKit, which does a lot of static inference of regions and memory behaviour.

Assembly language and compiled languages

How is assembly faster than compiled languages if both are translated to machine code?
I'm talking about truly compiled languages which are translated to machine code. Not C# or Java which are compiled to an intermediate language first and then compiled to native code by a software interpreter, etc.
On Wikipedia, I found something which I'm not sure if it's in any way related to this. Is it because that translation from a higher level language generates extra machine code? Or is my understanding wrong?
A utility program called an assembler is used to translate assembly language statements into the target computer's machine code. The assembler performs a more or less isomorphic translation (a one-to-one mapping) from mnemonic statements into machine instructions and data. This is in contrast with high-level languages, in which a single statement generally results in many machine instructions.
Well, it relates a bit to your question, indeed. The point is that compilers produce inefficient machine code at times for various reasons, such as not being able to completely analyze your code, inserting automatic range checks, automatic checks for objects being null, etc.
On the other hand if you write assembler code by hand and know what you're doing, then you can probably write some things much more efficient than the compiler, although the compiler's behavior may be tweaked and you can usually tell it not to do range checking, for example.
Most people, however, will not write better assembler code than a compiler, simply because compilers are written by people who know a good deal of really weird but really cool optimizations. Also things like loop unrolling are usually a pain to write yourself and make the resulting code faster in many cases.
While it's generally true that everything that a computer executes is machine code, the code that runs differs greatly depending on how many abstraction levels you put between the machine and the programmer. For Assembler that's one level, for Java there are a few more ...
Also many people mistakenly believe that certain optimizations at a higher abstraction layer pay off at a lower one. This is not necessarily the case and the compiler may just have trouble understanding what you are trying to do and fail to properly optimize it.
Assembly may sometimes be faster than a compiled language if an assembly programmer writes better assembly than that generated by the compiler.
A compiled language is often faster than assembly because programmers who write compilers usually know the CPU architecture better than programmers who are utilizing assembly in a one-off, limited-case, situation.
An assembly expert may be able to write assembly code that is more effective (fewer instructions, more efficient instructions, SIMD, ...) than what a compiler generates automatically.
However, most of the time, you're better off trusting the optimizer of your compiler.
Learn what your compiler does. Then let the compiler do it.
My standard answer when questions about assembly vs. high-level come up is to take a look at Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book.
The first couple of chapters give a good idea of what you can optimise effectively using assembly, and what you can't.
You can download it from GameDev - Jeff's links seem to be broken now unfortunately.
All good answers. My only additional point is that programmers tend to write a certain number of lines of code per day, regardless of language. Since the advantage of a high-level language is that it lets you get more done with less code, it takes incredible programmer discipline to actually write less code.
This is especially an issue for performance because it matters almost nowhere except in a tiny part of the code. It only matters in your hotspots - code that you write (1) consuming a significant fraction of execution time (2) without calling functions (3).
First of all, compilers generate very good (fast) assembly code.
It's true that compilers can add extra code since high order languages have mechanisms, like virtual methods and exceptions in C++. Thus the compiler will have to produce more code. There are cases where raw assembly could speed up the code but that's rare nowdays.
First - assembler should be used only in small code pieces, which eat most of the CPU time in a program - some kind of calculations for example - in the "bottle neck" of algorithm.
Secondly - it depends on experience in ASM of those who implements the same code in Assembler. If the assembler implementation of "bottle neck" code will be faster. If experience is low - it will be slower. And it will contain a lot of bugs. If experience is high enough - ASM will give significant profit.
How is assembly faster than compiled languages if both are translated to machine code?
The implicit assumption is hand-written assembly code. Of course, most compilers (e.g. GCC for C, C++, Fortran, Go, D etc...) are generating some assembler code; for example you might compile your C++ source code with g++ -fverbose-asm -Wall -S -O2 -march=native and look into the generated foo.s assembler code.
However, efficient assembler code is so difficult to write that, today, compilers can optimize better than human do. See this.
So practically speaking, it is not worth coding in assembler (also, take into account that development efforts cost very often much more than the hardware running the compiled code). Even when performance matters a lot and is worth spending a lot of money, it is better to hand-code only very few routines in assembler, or even to embed some assembler code in some of your C routines.
Look into the CppCon 2017 talk: Matt Godbolt “What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid”

Fortran's performance

Fortran's performances on Computer Language Benchmark Game are surprisingly bad. Today's result puts Fortran 14th and 11th on the two quad-core tests, 7th and 10th on the single cores.
Now, I know benchmarks are never perfect, but still, Fortran was (is?) often considered THE language for high performance computing and it seems like the type of problems used in this benchmark should be to Fortran's advantage. In an recent article on computational physics, Landau (2008) wrote:
However, [Java] is not as efficient or
as well supported for HPC and parallel
processing as are FORTRAN and C, the
latter two having highly developed
compilers and many more scientific
subroutine libraries available.
FORTRAN, in turn, is still the
dominant language for HPC, with
FORTRAN 90/95 being a surprisingly
nice, modern, and effective language;
but alas, it is hardly taught by any
CS departments, and compilers can be
Is it only because of the compiler used by the language shootout (Intel's free compiler for Linux) ?
No, this isn't just because of the compiler.
What benchmarks like this -- where the program differs from benchmark to benchmark -- is largely the amount of effort (and quality of effort) that the programmer put into writing any given program. I suspect that Fortran is at a significant disadvantage in that particular metric -- unlike C and C++, the pool of programmers who'd want to try their hand at making the benchmark program better is pretty small, and unlike most anything else, they likely don't feel like they have something to prove either. So, there's no motivation for someone to spend a few days poring over generated assembly code and profiling the program to make it go faster.
This is fairly clear from the results that were obtained. In general, with sufficient programming effort and a decent compiler, neither C, C++, nor Fortran will be significantly slower than assembly code -- certainly not more than 5-10%, at worst, except for pathological cases. The fact that the actual results obtained here are more variant than that indicates to me that "sufficient programming effort" has not been expended.
There are exceptions when you allow the assembly to use vector instructions, but don't allow the C/C++/Fortran to use corresponding compiler intrinsics -- automatic vectorization is not even a close approximation of perfect and probably never will be. I don't know how much those are likely to apply here.
Similarly, an exception is in things like string handling, where you depend heavily on the runtime library (which may be of varying quality; Fortran is rarely a case where a fast string library will make money for the compiler vendor!), and on the basic definition of a "string" and how that's represented in memory.
Some random thoughts:
Fortran used to do very well because it was easier to identify loop invariants which made some optimizations easier for the compiler. Since then
Compilers have gotten much more sophisticated. Enormous effort has been put into c and c++ compilers in particular. Have the fortran compilers kept up? I suppose the gfortran uses the same back end of gcc and g++, but what of the intel compiler? It used to be good, but is it still?
Some languages have gotten a lot specialized keywords and syntax to help the compiler (restricted and const int const *p in c, and inline in c++). Not knowing fortran 90 or 95 I can't say if these have kept pace.
I've looked at these tests. It's not like the compiler is wrong or something. In most tests Fortran is comparable to C++ except some where it gets beaten by a factor of 10. These tests just reflect what one should know from the beggining - that Fortran is simply NOT an all-around interoperable programming language - it is suited for efficient computation, has good list operations & stuff but for example IO sucks unless you are doing it with specific Fortran-like methods - like e.g. 'unformatted' IO.
Let me give you an example - the 'reverse-complement' program that is supposed to read a large (of order of 10^8 B) file from stdin line-by-line, does something with it & prints the resulting large file to stdout. The pretty straighforward Fortran program is about 10 times slower on a single core (~10s) than a HEAVILY optimized C++ (~1s). When you try to play with the program, you'll see that only simple formatted read & write take more than 8 seconds. In a Fortran way, if you care for efficiency, you'd just write an unformatted structure to a file & read it back in no time (which is totally non-portable & stuff but who cares anyway - an efficient code is supposed to be fast & optimized for a specific machine, not able to run everywhere).
So the short answer is - don't worry, just do your job - and if you want to write a super-efficient operating system, than sorry - Fortran is just not the way for that kind of performance.
This benchmark is stupid at all.
For example, they measure CPU-time for the whole program to run. As mcmint stated (and it might be actually true) Fortran I/O sucks*. But who cares? In real-world tasks one read input for some seconds than do calculations for hours/days/months and finally write output for the seconds. Thats why in most benchmarks I/O operations are excluded from time measurements (if you of course do not benchmark I/O by itself).
Norber Wiener in his book God & Golem, Inc. wrote
Render unto man the things which are man’s and unto the computer the things which are the computer’s.
In my opinion the usage of this principle while implementing algorithm in any programming language means:
Write as readable and simple code as you can and let compiler do the optimizations.
Especially it is important in real-world (huge) applications. Dirty tricks (so heavily used in many benchmarks) even if they might improve the efficiency to some extent (5%, maybe 10%) are not for the real-world projects.
/* C/C++ uses stream I/O, but Fortran traditionally uses record-based I/O. Further reading. Anyway I/O in that benchmarks are so surprising. The usage of stdin/stdout redirection might also be the source of problem. Why not simply use the ability of reading/writing files provided by the language or standard library? Once again this woud be more real-world situation.
I would like to say that even if the benchmark do not bring up the best results for FORTRAN, this language will still be used and for a long time. Reasons of use are not just performance but also some kind of thing called easyness of programmability. Lots of people that learnt to use it in the 60's and 70's are now too old for getting into new stuff and they know how to use FORTRAN pretty well. I mean, there are a lot of human factors for a language to be used. The programmer also matters.
Considering they did not publish the exact compiler options they used for the Intel Fortran Compiler, I have little faith in their benchmark.
I would also remark that both Intel's math library, MKL, and AMD's math library, ACML, use the Intel Fortran Compiler.
I did find the compilation options when you click on the benchmark's name. The result is surprising since the optimization level seems reasonable. It may come down to the efficiency of the algorithm.
