How to change the default message text of OTP message sent by twilio verify - laravel

I am using Twillio API in my laravel application to send users an OTP, when they try to login through their mobile number. It is working fine, it is sending a message like "Your verification code is XXXXXX". My question is, is there any way so that I can customize the message text?? I want to greet my users when they try to login through the phone. I want to add the greeting line with the default line of verifying the message. Any suggestion is appreciable. Thanks in Advance.

Twilio developer evangelist here.
By default you cannot customise the message. As Alan points out, the application name can be set as the service friendly name, which inserts the name in the message
Your {Service Friendly Name} verification code is: {code}
But this does not allow you to directly customize the text on a per user basis.
There are customization options available but you need to talk to Twilio sales to enable them.

Just the Verify Application/Service Name which is conveyed in the message.
Friendly Name (used in the Verification message templates)

If You want message like this :
Your Grocery-store verification code is : ******
then change your verify service name from twilio console as Grocery-store


How to load test Sign Up API using Jmeter for 100 users where mobile number & email are unique

I have to perform load test on a Sign UP API using Jmeter.
Sign Up asks for:
valid cell # where system sends SMS code for verfication
Valid Email address where user receives a link for verification
Can any one help for this scenario.
Thanks in advance.
It might be tricky, however you can consider a 3rd-party application like Spikko or 2nr and use mobile automation framework like Appium from JSR223 Test Elements in order to get SMS text from the mobile application. If you don't have a real phone you can use an emulator like Bluestacks or Genymotion
For email it is way easier, JMeter comes with Mail Reader Sampler so you can fetch an email from any real box and extract confirmation URL from there, check out How to Create a JMeter Script to Check Email During Registration AND Grab the Confirmation URL for more details.
You probably should use JDBC Request and get from DB the code/link sent.
But if it's not possible, for email you can concatenate to same gmail +${UUID()}. Gmail at least support sending to same mail if have different suffix:
Here are two different ways you can modify your Gmail address and still get your mail:
Append a plus ("+") sign and any combination of words or numbers after your email address. For example, if your name was, you could send mail to or

Verified email in Spring Boot/Security registration

How to verify an email provided during registration is a real one? Confirmation link is an obvious choice, but I've seen websites where some kind of email verification happens right after you click 'register'. If email is fake, the process stops. How can this be done in Spring?
(example: safaribooksonline)
You have to check if the mail got bounced. If it does, it's not a valid email. You can use an api provided by neverbounce and here is the github link for that in java.
You can try the MailboxValidator API.
Just sign up for the free API key at
Then you can use the Java code at or use Maven

Parse Email Verification inverse

There is a method in Parse to send the confirmation e-mail with a link to not confirm? Because in the app is uncomfortable to go out and confirm and return.
Something like "If you decided to signup here, please ignore this link, otherwise if you not, click on the link"
If you are using the Parse SDK, you aren't forced to use the email verification. It's just an option. So your user are able to register without the need of email verification and they will get the pass recovery mail if they don't have verified address.

Send SMS with trial twilio account

I want to try to send SMS to a cellphone in Austria. I have set up a free trial Twilio account to do so. however, my Twilio account seems not to be capable of doing so. but I think it should be possible to send SMS with the trial account?
This is a screenshot of my Twilio number where you can see that it's not capable of messaging:
this is the exception i get when running my python-code which tries to send the SMS: HTTP 400 error: 21606: The From phone number +43720881723 is not a valid, SMS-capable inbound phone number or short code for your account.
any idea on how I can get this running? in other words: how can I activate SMS-capability for my free Twilio account? if this is possible, what are the limitations, i.e., how many free SMS messages can I send?
To send SMS with trial twilio account TEST ACCOUNT SID and TEST AUTHTOKEN which is placed inside Phone Number > Tools > Test Credentials rather than ACCOUNT SID and AUTHTOKEN given by Console Dashboard > Account Summary.
Because ACCOUNT SID and AUTHTOKEN is bind after you buy the twilio number and TEST ACCOUNT SID and TEST AUTHTOKEN is bind with +15005550006.
If you received this error while trying to authenticate with your Test Credentials, you probably tried to send a message with a From number from your live account. The only number that can be used to send successful messages with your Test Credentials is +15005550006
If you use this number +15005550006 along with your 'demo' twilio sid and token, this will show you the success (no error) but it actually not sending you any sms/ text.
Go to this page and set a phone number like "+133438*****". Twilio will auto provide you a number like (334) 384-**** and by clicking the buttons you need to generate the phone number as like "+133438*****". Once you successful, try to use your 'live' sid and token number within the API. But before integrating the same, you can fire a SMS in your own phone number from this page
Otherwise, the API error message will show you that - [HTTP 400] *Unable to create record: The 'From' number +1*********** is not a valid phone number, shortcode, or alphanumeric sender ID.
Your number is not capable (configure) for SMS sending. Go to your account and enable SMS capability. After that you will see a green check mark with text
"" instead of Messaging". Similar to below screenshot
I got this error when I was using test Account SID and test Auth Token along with a regular number. Then I changed the Account SID and Auth Token to the regular ones and it worked as expected, i.e. allowed me to send SMS to a verified phone number.
If your number is sms capable and still you are getting the 21606 error, then check 'Active Numbers' tab under 'Manage Numbers'. It should show your number '+43720881723' as an active number.
I had found two errors in this regard, the problem is in the evaluation account and its limitations, but I found a way around it, within the rules of twilio.
Access this page and follow the instructions:
Write down the number he gives you, this will be your new number, paste it in your application, it will solve your problem, but you still need to do one last thing, you need to check the number you want to send the message to, access this page:
After you do this, you can try to send the message again, if it fails, the problem must be elsewhere, as it worked for me.
To send SMS with trial Twilio account, test ACCOUNT SID and test AUTHTOKEN which can be found at
Phone Number > Tools > Test Credentials rather than ACCOUNT SID and AUTHTOKEN given by Console Dashboard > Account Summary.
In my case, upgraded my Twilio account and copied the US Florida phone number as it is (9549386330) and got
"is not a valid, SMS-capable inbound phone number or short code for your account"
I only needed to put "1" in front of 19549386330 and it worked.
so check the country code of your phone number as well.

Can outlook (web) notify me that I have email?

I have two email accounts. One of them I use every day. The other one, I have to fire up a VPN, authenticate through a firewall, and then run Outlook Web Access. Triple-yuck.
I'd like to set up a rule that says "Whenever I receive an email to, send an email to letting me know to check annoyingaccount." I do not want am not allowed to forward the actual email to mydailyaccount. I simply want a notice that email is waiting for me.
I see options that will let me forward the email or send a text message, but I don't see an option to just send a boilerplate email. Is there something I'm missing, or a "trick" I need to do, or am I just out of luck?
There is not an option like this in the Rules Wizard.
You can forward the email to your account and use rules to:
File the AnnoyingAccount email in a folder (so it is out of the way)
Display an a custom message in your MyDailyAccount email.
Take a look at the the display a specific message in the New Item Alert window option found on the 2nd screen of the Rules Wizard.
Here is a quick How To:
