Resources (images, custom font, etc.) not showing in app after uploading to AppStore - Xamarin Forms iOS - visual-studio

I have an app produced in Xamarin Forms and already published on the iOS AppStore. I recently updated the app and when I published it, it was uploaded to the AppStore with no images, tab bar icons, custom font that I had been using, etc. I have been investigating this for a couple of days but cannot come to a conclusion as to why this is happening. When debugging, everything shows as expected. I've even published an Ad-Hoc version of the build and everything is showing as expected with the Ad-Hoc version too.
There are also no issues with the android version on Google Play, so this seems to be happening specifically with the iOS version when being released/distributed to the AppStore.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


How to debug a Cordova app showing blank screen in XCode Simulator

We inherited an app where the frontend is built in Vue 2 and the mobile app built with cordova-ios (6.2.0) and cordova-android (10.1.1). It has built ok and loaded in the XCode (13.2.1) simulator until recently.
It's got some fairly old packages which I upgraded, and managed to get it to run both in vue ui and Android Studio (Chipmunk). (I had upgraded the packages because somewhere along the line that build broke -- so I deleted node_modules and package-lock.json, then upgraded packages one by one until I got it working again.)
However, when I do the Cordova build for iOS, open the project in XCode, do an XCode build, then open it up in a simulator, the screen is completely blank.
These are the only files that changed in version control between releases:
(various Vue files under src/views)
I'm fairly new to mobile development so don't really know how to proceed. How would I go about debugging the project (simulator, XCode, whatever) to see what has broken?
Any extra information you need please ask.
Edit 1: Avinash's suggestion about debugging via Safari Dev Console was a good tip (thanks Avinash). I've checked the app HTML vs a working build and it seems somehow the injection of the app content into <div id="app"> is not happening. In the android version it's fine, so maybe something in the cordova build is not happy.
There's an error message in the debug logging in XCode saying it could not load the "LaunchStoryboard" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier which is also different from the output in a working build.
Avinash's suggestion is spot on in that it can help troubleshoot startup problems (I've had to do this a bunch of times myself). From your update, it sounds like there's an issue with the splash screen configuration.
There's some iOS specific documentation for the splash screen plugin on the Cordova documentation website. A couple tips that might be useful in tracking down the issue:
You can use a single image for the splash screen if desired. I've got just one defined for my app (the needed dimensions are defined in the Cordova docs above):
<platform name="iOS">
<splash src="www/res/screen/ios/Default#2x~universal~anyany.png" />
I have also run into issues where the storyboard file has gotten corrupted, probably by me falling on my keyboard and clicking on something while the editor was open. To rebuild, you can remove and re-add the iOS platform:
$ cordova platform rm ios
$ cordova platform add ios
This should copy over the splash image and rebuild the storyboard file.

App Icon not appearing on device with TestFlight installed app iOS 15

I have noticed on iOS 15, when I install an app from TestFlight, my app icon is not appearing on the device. Only placeholder for app icon appears on physical device.
All app icon assets for every resolution are correctly added to Assets. The app icon appears in the test flight app and in appstoreconnect everywhere including TestFlight and builds.
The only place it doesn't appear is on the device. It appears normally on the simulator.
The only fix I found was to add a version of the app to add a build where you submit for review and save it. No need to submit. Then install from TestFlight and reboot device. The problem is as soon as I uploaded a new build to TestFlight it stopped showing icon and had to go through this silly process again.
I have never had this issue with past apps and wondering what the issue is and how to resolve it.
I encountered the same issue with testflight on iOS 15. I found this from apple developer forum that might of help:
According to the accepted answer by #vladweinstein, a temporary solution is to restart the device after installing the app.
This works for me too.
We are still having the same issue with TestFlight apps (iOS 14.7 and iOS 15+)
The only solution we found is to restart the device as Raphael Rex mentioned.

Users Complain that Xamarin Android App Freezes

I have a Xamarin.Forms Android app on the Google Play store. An overwhelming amount of users are leaving 1 star app reviews of my app saying that the app is "Freezing." They say that nothing happens when they click on a button in the apps UI. I have made doubly sure that no processes are running on the UI Thread that might hold up the UI. I have not been able to recreate this "Freezing" behavior personally. There are also no crash or ANR reports in the Google Play Console (at least not enough to make up for the amount of negative reviews I'm receiving). Has anyone else faced this problem?
Useful Info:
Xamarin.Forms Version:
There is no discrimination between the Freezing behavior and users' Android API Version
The issue is not happening (or is not being reported) on the iOS app.
Do you have a physical Android device to deploy to? Take the apk and side load it, or download from the store, don't use VS to deploy the app on your device.
I had a similar issue and it was the code shrinker in VS. The released version with the code shrinker enabled, caused the app to freeze immediately after the splash screen.
You can disable it by selecting 'nothing' in the code shrinker box in VS.

Apple News Preview - Simulator stopped working

I am currently testing the Apple News JSON format using XCode / News Preview / Simulator and randomly running into a new error that was not occurring prior to today.
I am attempting to load the article.json file into the News Preview app (it's been working up until today). The article.json file gets successfully loaded with no errors in the console but the Simulator is claiming that the channel is not available for me. Here is what the error message on the Simulator reads:
Channel Unavailable
This channel isn't currently available in your region.
The News Preview and Simulator were working just fine until today. I have tried re-installing XCode and News Preview (and Simulator because I re-installed XCode) but the problem persists. Other colleagues of mine are now experiencing the same problem.
I tried also clearing all the content in the Simulator and tried wiping the device clean and also tried going to the "Debug" menu in Simulator and setting the Location specifically there, as well, without any success.
Is there a way to fix this or is there a way to know if there was a recent developer push to the Simulator code base?
Just to add a bit more detail, I am attempting to load the official Apple News article preview files, not my own article.json files (I tried loading my own json files, as well).
Any help is appreciated.
Hey I also just had this issue and have been troubleshooting since yesterday. Not sure what is causing it, but it only happens for my on devices simulators from iPhone 7 and newer.
Try running the preview on iPhone 6 or an older-gen iPad, etc... that's working for me.
The solution on only one of my machines was to enter the Publisher ID into the News Preview application, which is the first thing that is asked when launching the News Preview app. After entering the Publisher ID, everything seemed to return to normal - for all of my colleagues and I.
See my comment above about my new macbook and the new problem it is having.

XCode Archive for app store Submission

i have several apps in the AppStore but now i am struggling with one of the apps submission.
I added to my app the chart module, and i used AMCharts for that, so to make it work, i added the AMChartLibrary project into my project, and everything works fine either usgin the simulator and the device itself for testing, and now I am ready to submit the new version to appstore and then the nightmare starts
When i run the archive to create the file to be submitted, it falls under Other Items instead iOS Apps, this disables the button "Upload to App Store", my best guess is that the AMChart library can be used for MAC and iOS apps, and for some reason the xCode organizer is not identifying it as iOS app...
I know i am missing something, but i am not finding it.
Problem solved, i should change the skip install for the subproject under Build Settings.
