How to add non-aggregated columns in WebDataRocks - webdatarocks

Some content in the data is detailed information. For functional needs, I need it to be displayed in the report, but it should not be used for aggregation, but displayed in each item. As shown in the picture, the column (name, version) should be displayed in each row, not as a category. What should i do?pic

If I understood correctly, you want to display raw records instead of aggregated data.
You should try switching to the flat form. Just specify the grid.type property of the options object as flat:
options: {
grid: {
type: "flat"
Check out the official documentation for more information on this point.


Adding a drop-down menu (data validation) after each row of a query result in Google Sheet

First, here is the link to my sheet:
If you look at the tab called "Selection", I have two columns called "Select". All the data in these tables is collected by a query function, except column "Select". In that column, I need to add Data Validation (a simple Yes or No). I want the Data Validation to be automatically added when a new row is created but the query function instead of having to add or remove it manually every time I make some changed. Data collected by the query function is using the two variables on top of the sheet (minimum rating and global buff).
Just to show the step to apply data validation to your whole column, see the following image. Under Cell Range, the image shows Selection!D5:D99, but this is actually set to Selection!D5:D999, it just is truncated due to the size of the text box.
Let us know if this is what you were looking for, or if I've misunderstood your issue.

Adding tables at run time in Telerik Reporting

I've been reading Telerik's documentation and I'm not sure if this is possible: I'm being asked to add tables to a report at run time, without doing so programmatically. A query is run that fetches hierarchical data, and the report owner would like to add a new table to the report for each member of the topmost parent, so that each topmost parent has their own table, with a text box title on top of the table containing the parent's name, in the following pattern:
[Parent1's table]
[Parent2's table]
Does anyone know how I could go about doing that without doing so programmatically? Every example and/or bit of documentation I've seen pertains to programmatically adding tables.
It is possible to add tables to a report at run time, without doing
so programmatically?
R: It's not possible to add table with out saying programmatically : the size of each element , the exact position , etc .. .. ..
HowTo create a 'hierachical' report with conditional display ?
1/. Hierachical Report.
Read the telerik official tutorial on How to: Create a Master-Detail Report Using a SubReport Item
Using the SubReport report item you can display one report within another report. The data for each SubReport can be completely different.
But You can achiev Parent/chield relation by Passing Parameters to a SubReport.
/!\ Caution /!\
Page sections are not related to the report itself, but are relative to the paper or screen. Thus page sections of nested/detail reports are ignored and only the page sections of the main report are visible.
In order to have sections that repeat on every page similar to page sections, consider using an unbound group (no grouping criteria specified) and set the PrintOnEveryPage property of its sections to True. Be aware that you cannot use PageCount and PageNumber global objects in group sections.
2/. Conditional Display
You will need to hide Report if subreport have no result.
If you want the user to choose if he want some sub report.
You can do it by passing parameter from your calling application to your report constructor.
And use Something like a Bitfield or an enum to choose what to display.
And What about a C# controler in the master report code behind ?
public myReportConstructor(int SubreportToDisplay)
private void Hiden_Display(int _code)
if ((_code & (int)myEnum.InfoClient) != (int)myEnum.InfoClient)
if ((_code & (int)myEnum.Item) != (int)myEnum.Item)
private void HideNShrink(ReportItem target)
target.Visible = false;
target.Height = Telerik.Reporting.Drawing.Unit.Pixel(1);
I use a little trick here in my designer every subreport item is set to public:
private Telerik.Reporting.TextBox textBox17;
public Telerik.Reporting.SubReport SubReport_Client;
public Sub_Client sub_CLI1;
When hidding Client I will use the SubReport_Client.
That is the SubReport item, the container of my SubReport Sub_Client ;
(Yes they name the container and the containt are the same name, thats confusing at First, but it's Vs/Telerik choice)
When hidding a Sub Report That is in an other Sub Report.
I use the ContaintSubReport, Container of the nested-nested SubReport.
like: sub_CLI1.nested-nested_SubReport
I was able to answer my own question as follows:
Create two blank reports.
On the report chosen to use for the detail report, remove the report header and footer.
Add data source and parameter/s to the detail report (in my case, an SQL data source) and set report data source to the data source created here.
Add group to report with the value of groupings set to the top-most result in query bound to report. (Groupings = Fields.Parent)
Create text box with the value set to the field for the top result (textbox1.Value = Fields.Parent) or use data explorer to drag and drop Fields.Parent into the group header.
Create text boxes to mimic table column heads (one text box for each title of the columns) and place them into the group header with the text box containing the topmost result (or Fields.Parent).
Drag or create text fields for the rest of the fields in the query (Fields.Child1, Fields.Child2, Fields.Child3, etc) in the detail section of the report, aligned vertically with their column header. Preview the report--it should contain a table-like structure that repeats on each top result.
Switch to other report.
Add same parameter/s to that report.
Add subreport item to the detail section of that report.
Set subreport report source to Type and report document, then select the name of the detail report (the first one created here).
Set parameter/s for subreport to the same parameter/s used in the subreport.
Using that, I was able to essentially add a table per item in the first column of the query. The report created first serves as a wrapper for the query, and because it's being placed in the other report as a subreport item with the grouping I created, it is allowed to repeat as much as it needs to in order to display all the rows in the query.
I used the Telerik documentation for master-detail reports and report structures for this.

Can we have a Title spanning rows for a repeating rowgroup in JqGrid?

I am trying to create tabular report using JQGrid, JavaScript. I want to add a rowgroup header spanning whole row, and repeat this group using JQgrid and JavaScript. The data is going to come from JSON file.
I've already explored options of rowgroup using Jqgrid. But, instead of static header spanning, it gives header with expand/collapse function. It is not able to give Total for two rows in each column. Also I am not able to repeat leftmost column in it.
You can use plusicon and minusicon options which specify the icons used by jqGrid group. If you need to hold the icons hidden that the corresponding classes should have display: none prorty. For example you can use
groupingView: {
... // your other options
plusicon: "ui-helper-hidden",
minusicon: "ui-helper-hidden"
If you need customize the grouping row additionally, then you can use formatDisplayField callback. See the answer, this one, this post and this one.

Filtering data for d3.js sankey diagrams

I'm trying to have a d3.js Sankey visualisation filter a data set according to categories.
I'm using d3.csv method to input the data as shown in this example -
I would however like to upload a data set with four columns -
source, target, value, category
My aim is to have a visualisation with the ability to switch between categories. So each Sankey visualisation will only represent one particular category. Then user can switch from the dropdown to another one.
Is this possible using the current d3.csv input method?
Would this work ?
d3.csv("file.csv", function(data) {
// Called each time there is an action on the dropdown menu
function updateGraph() {
// Select only data that are tagged with a certain category
var dataset = data.filter(function(d) { return d.category == selectedCategory; });
// Update graph visualization
This way you wouldn't have to reload your csv file each time.
This a very long method for the second part but, creating multiple html/php and csv files depending on your categories and then adding the following code in each of your html/php files. This method would be extra work if you have a lot of categories.
Category 1
category 2
If you figured out a solution the way you were trying it, then if possible please update your answer. it would be helpful.

How to add Column in Drupal's content View using VBO?

I want to add column into drupal's Content View.
In Drupal's admin panel, when we click on content Management-->Content-->List
the contents are loaded in table with columns Title|Type|Author|Status|Operations
I want add one more columns to this table and that is date and want to sort according to date.
How I can do this?
I wouldn't go through the trouble of altering that table. If you do so decide on going on that path here's a post that will help you: Add column to content list
The easiest way to do this is to install the Views module. Then
add a new node type view
add a page display
Fields (After you add the fields you can put them in the desired order):
Node: Title
Node: Type
Note: Published (Status)
Node: Post date (Created)
User: Name (Author)
Sort criteria
Node: Post date (Created)
Basic settings
Style: Table
click the small settings (gear link next to it) and specify Default sort and which fields are Sortable.
You might have to do some small other tweaks for the view or fields. Views is a very powerful module and once you master it you can get just about any page you can image.
