Need help figuring out time complexity of this pseudocode - performance

I am trying to figure out how many primitive operations there are in this code and how many primitive operations are being executed over the runtime of this algorithm:
What have I tried to get the answer so far
I attempted to write the code out onto a piece of paper and go through it line by line. I separated each line into a cost and times ran section in hopes of figuring it out. I ended with T(O) = 2n +6i which seems incorrect.
Here is a snippet of my work:
I would greatly appreciate if someone could help me break this problem into concrete steps so I can better understand this topic as a whole.


Proof and explanation of the base 2 integer sqare root algorithm

While looking for a reasonably fast algorithm to calculate a square root of a number up to n digits I have stumbled upon this algorithm:
I must admit, this is a beautiful piece of code, but the explanation provided on wikipedia doesn't really speak to me. I have tried to understand it for several hours now and I simply have no idea how does it work - I have done some example calculations on paper but It didn't seem to help.
So, that's why I ask this question here, an explanation would be something really useful.
Also, if this method is supposed to be much quicker, why It is not the one used in standard C library?

How to analyze the computational overhead of a Processing Sketch

Please forgive me if the terms are inaccurate or this is the wrong forum.
Essentially I write sketches in Processing and I am struggling to find out why my code runs slow.
Sometimes a sketch runs fast and I have no idea why other than there are less lines of code. Sometimes a different sketch runs slow and I have no idea why.
I am curious if there is a way within the Processing IDE, or maybe a general tool, to determine or analyze which lines of code are causing the sketch to run slow?
Such as a way to isolate "Oh, these lines are causing it to run the slowest. Looks like it's a section of this loop. Maybe I should concentrate on improving this function rather than searching for a needle in a haystack."
Similar to how when my computer is running slow I can use task manager to take a look at which programs are running slow and then adjust. I don't just guess. Or develop an unfounded penchant for quitting one program over another.
I of course could upload my sketch but this is a example independent problem I am trying to get better at solving. I would like to find a way to analyze all sketches. Or even code in different languages, etc.
If there is no general tool for analyzing a Processing sketch how do people go about this? Surely there must be a better method than trial and error, brute force, intuition, or otherwise. Of course those methods could yield better running code but there must be some formal analysis.
Even if you didn't have anything specific to share for Processing any suggestions on search terms, subjects, or topics would be appreciated as I have no idea how to proceed other than the brute force/trial and error method.
Thank you,
Without an example code snippet I can only provide a couple of general approaches.
The simplest thing you could do is use time sections of code and add print statements (poor man's profiler). The idea is to take a time snapshot before running a function/block of code you suspect is slow, take another one after then print the difference. The chunks of code with the largest time difference is what you want to focus on. Here's a minimal example, assuming doSomethingInteresting() is a function that you suspect is slow
// get the current millis since the sketch started
int before = millis();
// call the function here
// get the millis again, after the function and calculate the time difference
int diff = millis() - before;
println("executed in ~" + diff + "ms");
If you use Processing's default Java mode you can use VisualVM to sample your PApplet. In your case you will want to sample CPU usage and the nice thing about VisualVM is that you will the results sorted by the slowest function calls (the first you should improve) and you can drill down to see what is your code versus what is part of the runtime or other native parts of code.

Python Recursion Understanding Issue

I'm a freshman in cs, and I am having a little issue understanding the content of recursion in python.
I have 3 questions that I want to ask, or to confirm if I am understanding the content correctly.
1: I'm not sure the purpose of using base case in recursion. Is base case worked to terminate the recursion somewhere in my program?
2: Suppose I have my recursive call above any other code of my program. Is the program going to run the recursion first and then to run the content after recursion?
3: How to trace recursion properly with a reasonable correctness rate? I personally think it's really hard to trace recursion and I can barely find some instruction online.
Thanks for answering my questions.
Yes. The idea is that the recursive call will continue to call itself (with different inputs) until it calls the base case (or one of many base cases). The base case is usually a case of your problem where the solution is trivial and doesn't rely on any other parts of the problem. It then walks through the calls backwards, building on the answer it got for the simplest version of the question.
Yes. Interacting with recursive functions from the outside is exactly the same as interacting with any other function.
Depends on what you're writing, and how comfortable you are with debugging tools. If you're trying to track what values are getting passed back and forth between recursive calls, printing all the parameters at the start of the function and the return value at the end can take you pretty far.
The easiest way to wrap your head around this stuff is to write some of your own. Start with some basic examples (the classic is the factorial function) and ask for help if you get stuck.
Edit: If you're more math-oriented, you might look up mathematical induction (you will learn it anyway as part of cs education). It's the exact same concept, just taught a little differently.

How to use the two stage simulated annealing algorithm

I've been reading the following paper
I'm failing to understand how exactly the first stage develops. I understand
that the author is using the Best Extended algorithm, but I'm not sure
how each method is being developed, like the
initialize-last-column and compute-missing-tuples. Also, it looks like
I'm also not sure if I should already know the value for N. I hope someone
can enlighten me on the subject. My final task is to translate this into a
c# example.

Practical tips debugging deep recursion?

I'm working on a board game algorithm where a large tree is traversed using recursion, however, it's not behaving as expected. How do I handle this and what are you experiences with these situations?
To make things worse, it's using alpha-beta pruning which means entire parts of the tree are never visited, as well that it simply stops recursion when certain conditions are met. I can't change the search-depth to a lower number either, because while it's deterministic, the outcome does vary by how deep is searched and it may behave as expected at a lower search-depth (and it does).
Now, I'm not gonna ask you "where is the problem in my code?" but I am looking for general tips, tools, visualizations, anything to debug code like this. Personally, I'm developing in C#, but any and all tools are welcome. Although I think that this may be most applicable to imperative languages.
Logging. Log in your code extensively. In my experience, logging is THE solution for these types of problems. when it's hard to figure out what your code is doing, logging it extensively is a very good solution, as it lets you output from within your code what the internal state is; it's really not a perfect solution, but as far as I've seen, it works better than using any other method.
One thing I have done in the past is to format your logs to reflect the recursion depth. So you may do a new indention for every recurse, or another of some other delimiter. Then make a debug dll that logs everything you need to know about a each iteration. Between the two, you should be able to read the execution path and hopefully tell whats wrong.
I would normally unit-test such algorithms with one or more predefined datasets that have well-defined outcomes. I would typically make several such tests in increasing order of complexity.
If you insist on debugging, it is sometimes useful to doctor the code with statements that check for a given value, so you can attach a breakpoint at that time and place in the code:
if ( depth = X && = 32) {
// Breakpoint here
Maybe you could convert the recursion into an iteration with an explicit stack for the parameters. Testing is easier in this way because you can directly log values, access the stack and don't have to pass data/variables in each self-evaluation or prevent them from falling out of scope.
I once had a similar problem when I was developing an AI algorithm to play a Tetris game. After trying many things a loosing a LOT of hours in reading my own logs and debugging and stepping in and out of functions what worked out for me was to code a fast visualizer and test my code with FIXED input.
So, if time is not a problem and you really want to understand what is going on, get a fixed board state and SEE what your program is doing with the data using a mix of debug logs/output and some sort of your own tools that shows information on each step.
Once you find a board state that gives you this problem, try to pin-point the function(s) where it starts and then you will be in a position to fix it.
I know what a pain this can be. At my job, we are currently working with a 3rd party application that basically behaves as a black box, so we have to devise some interesting debugging techniques to help us work around issues.
When I was taking a compiler theory course in college, we used a software library to visualize our trees; this might help you as well, as it could help you see what the tree looks like. In fact, you could build yourself a WinForms/WPF application to dump the contents of your tree into a TreeView control--it's messy, but it'll get the job done.
You might want to consider some kind of debug output, too. I know you mentioned that your tree is large, but perhaps debug statements or breaks at key point during execution that you're having trouble visualizing would lend you a hand.
Bear in mind, too, that intelligent debugging using Visual Studio can work wonders. It's tough to see how state is changing across multiple breaks, but Visual Studio 2010 should actually help with this.
Unfortunately, it's not particularly easy to help you debug without further information. Have you identified the first depth at which it starts to break? Does it continue to break with higher search depths? You might want to evaluate your working cases and try to determine how it's different.
Since you say that the traversal is not working as expected, I assume you have some idea of where things may go wrong. Then inspect the code to verify that you have not overlooked something basic.
After that I suggest you set up some simple unit tests. If they pass, then keep adding tests until they fail. If they fail, then reduce the tests until they either pass or are as simple as they can be. That should help you pinpoint the problems.
If you want to debug as well, I suggest you employ conditional breakpoints. Visual Studio lets you modify breakpoints, so you can set conditions on when the breakpoint should be triggered. That can reduce the number of iterations you need to look at.
I would start by instrumenting the function(s). At each recursive call log the data structures and any other info that will be useful in helping you identify the problem.
Print out the dump along with the source code then get away from the computer and have a nice paper-based debugging session over a cup of coffee.
Start from the base case where you've mentioned if else statements and then try to channelize your thinking by writing it down on pen and paper + printing the values on console when the first few instances of recursive functions are generated with values.
The motto is to find the correct trend between the values you print and match them with those values you wrote on paper in the initial few steps of your recursive algorithm.
