Jmeter WebDriver Sampler - How to Select an Element from a table - jmeter

So I'm using Jmeter WebDriver sampler and I have a table where each row has a Delete and Edit button.
The layout of the HTML table is as follows:
<tbody id=table_id>
<td> name </td>
<a class="some random text" href="edit.php/20" role="button>edit>edit </a>
<a class="some random text" onclick="delete20"> Delete </a>
<td> name2 </td>
<a class="some random text" href="edit.php/21" role="button>edit>edit </a>
<a class="some random text" onclick="delete21"> Delete </a>
I'm unsure how to tell the webdriver to click a button based on the product name without an ID to findByElementID. I was thinking maybe I can parse through the table but I'm unsure what the steps are to take that route.
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Thank you!

Identify the product by its name, i.e. name or name2 using text() function
//td[text()=' name2 ']
Locate it's following sibling
//td[text()=' name2 ']/following-sibling::td
Locate the button which you want to click, i.e. "edit" or "delete"
//td[text()=' name2 ']/following-sibling::td/a[text()=' Delete ']
More information:
XPath Language Reference
XPath Tutorial
Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter


Unable to click on Select link present in last column of web table

I want to search Seller and have to click on select link for selected one. When I type seller name, it shows only record for selected seller.
I tried with following code, its not working. Can anyone please help
cy.get('input[name="search"]',{ timeout: 10000 }).type(this.data1.vehicle1_seller1)
Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout', 10000);
cy.get('td[class="span-3"] div').each(($el, index, $list) => {
if ($el.text().includes('STB002')) {
// cy.contains("Select").eq(index).click()
cy.get('.span-1-5 > div > a > span').contains('select').eq(index).click({force:true})
this is the DOM structure >
<tr class="even">
<td class="span-3">
<div title="06V001">06V001</div> == $0
<div title="06 Vauxhall Ormskirk">06 Vauxhall Ormskirk</div>
<td class="span-1-5">
<a id="link57" href="./wicket/page?7-1.-seller-table-body-rows-10-cells-3-cell-link">
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
The HTML table is set out in rows and cells, exactly as you see it on the screen.
Your test is searching for the cell containing the text, but really you want to search for the row containing the text, then get the select button of that row.
The basic test would be
cy.contains('tr', 'STB002')
.within(() => {
// now inside the row
cy.contains('span', 'select').click()
The next problem is the car STB002 isn't on the first page, so you won't find it straight after loading.
Maybe use the search box to load that row (as you have in one screen-shot). I can't say what that code is, because the DOM picture doesn't include the search box.

How do I bind a value to a TCustomAttribute in Aurelia?

I'm trying to achieve the following result: I have a set of values that are coming from an array which I iterate over in order to populate an HTML table. As well I have an icon that user can hoover-over and can see data in there coming from the array and a translation key coming from translation files.
I want to bind a second argument to the TCustomAttribute in order to display to the user another data that was edited by them.
How do I achieve this in Aurelia?
<tr repeat.for="item of data">
<a data-toggle="popover" t="[data-content]pending_name ${data.Name}" data-trigger="hover">
<i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i>
Take a look at the t-params attribute which allows you to pass in additional parameters. More about that in the official guide

How to find a particular link in a table which is repeating using a particular text in a column using xpath

I have table like below without any id.
<td>Alfreds Futterkiste</td>
<td>Maria Anders</td>
<td><a><i class="btn red">close</i> </a></td>
<td>Centro comercial Moctezuma</td>
<td>Francisco Chang</td>
<td><a><i class="btn red">close</i> </a></td>
<td>ABC Products</td>
<td>Menu Perrita</td>
<td><a><i class="btn red">close</i> </a></td>
I need to click on the Close (X) button of the 2nd row. Which is in Centro comercial Moctezuma. This row is not display at 2nd always. It can be at any place. But I need to click on the particular Close button to delete the mentioned row for a selenium test.
Please help me in writing the xpath to identify the particular button.
You can do this using the following XPath
//td[text()='Centro comercial Moctezuma']/following-sibling::/td//i[text()='close']
Something like this:
//tr[td = 'Centro comercial Moctezuma']/td/a

Access cell in table and click

I am writing a script to automate certain tasks. I am at a point where I have a table and hyperlinked name written in its second row, first column ([2][1]). I want to access that cell and click on it to go to intended page. Structure of the page looks like this:
<table id="listViewTable" class="listview" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="margin-top: 0px;">
<tbody id="lvTred">
<tr id="1381137000000078119" class="tdout">
<td width="10" data-cid="dummy"></td>
<td class="lvCB" data-cid="dummy"></td>
<a id="listView_1381137000000078119" class="link" href="/crm/" data-params="{"relContactId":"1381137000000078117","module":"Potentials",…id":"1381137000000075541","recordNum":"1","lookback":"true"}" data-cid="detailView"></a>
I have successfully accessed table with id 'listviewTable' but not able to access cell with id 'listView_1381137000000078119' which is at location [2][1] in table. I did something like this:
cell = table.cell(:id, 'listView_1381137000000078119')
where table is actual table with mentioned id. Can anyone help?
Based on your HTML, there is no <td> tag with an id attribute of listView_1381137000000078119. However, there is an <a> tag with an id attribute of listView_1381137000000078119.
puts, 'listView_1381137000000078119').exists?
puts, 'listView_1381137000000078119').exists?
#=> false
#=> true

selenium webdriver xpath generation

I want to create an xpath for clicking on "run " (4th column) based on the first column value (xyz). the below xpath doesnt work. Can you suggest a better way of writing the xpath.
//table/tbody/tr/td[text()='xyz fix']/parent::tr/td[4]
<div id="main">
<table class="FixedLayout" width="1000px">
<td class="RowHeight">
<td>xyz fix</td>
<td class="RowHeight">
<td>abc fix</td>
I don't see why your one didn't work. Please clarify what it means "doesn't work". NoSuchElementException? ElementNotVisibleException? Wrong XPath? Not clicking the link or what?
Meanwhile, try the following XPaths (but the issue could be your Selenium code instead of XPath):
Here I assume you want to the <a> link instead of <td>, because you mentioned you want to click it.
Use XPath predicate:
Use XPath predicate with attribute selector to avoid using index.
//*[#id='main']//table/tobdy/tr[td[text()='xyz']]//a[contains(#href, 'Instance/Create')]
Use .. to get the parent
