Access cell in table and click - ruby

I am writing a script to automate certain tasks. I am at a point where I have a table and hyperlinked name written in its second row, first column ([2][1]). I want to access that cell and click on it to go to intended page. Structure of the page looks like this:
<table id="listViewTable" class="listview" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="margin-top: 0px;">
<tbody id="lvTred">
<tr id="1381137000000078119" class="tdout">
<td width="10" data-cid="dummy"></td>
<td class="lvCB" data-cid="dummy"></td>
<a id="listView_1381137000000078119" class="link" href="/crm/" data-params="{"relContactId":"1381137000000078117","module":"Potentials",…id":"1381137000000075541","recordNum":"1","lookback":"true"}" data-cid="detailView"></a>
I have successfully accessed table with id 'listviewTable' but not able to access cell with id 'listView_1381137000000078119' which is at location [2][1] in table. I did something like this:
cell = table.cell(:id, 'listView_1381137000000078119')
where table is actual table with mentioned id. Can anyone help?

Based on your HTML, there is no <td> tag with an id attribute of listView_1381137000000078119. However, there is an <a> tag with an id attribute of listView_1381137000000078119.
puts, 'listView_1381137000000078119').exists?
puts, 'listView_1381137000000078119').exists?
#=> false
#=> true


Unable to click on Select link present in last column of web table

I want to search Seller and have to click on select link for selected one. When I type seller name, it shows only record for selected seller.
I tried with following code, its not working. Can anyone please help
cy.get('input[name="search"]',{ timeout: 10000 }).type(this.data1.vehicle1_seller1)
Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout', 10000);
cy.get('td[class="span-3"] div').each(($el, index, $list) => {
if ($el.text().includes('STB002')) {
// cy.contains("Select").eq(index).click()
cy.get('.span-1-5 > div > a > span').contains('select').eq(index).click({force:true})
this is the DOM structure >
<tr class="even">
<td class="span-3">
<div title="06V001">06V001</div> == $0
<div title="06 Vauxhall Ormskirk">06 Vauxhall Ormskirk</div>
<td class="span-1-5">
<a id="link57" href="./wicket/page?7-1.-seller-table-body-rows-10-cells-3-cell-link">
<tr class="odd">
<tr class="even">
The HTML table is set out in rows and cells, exactly as you see it on the screen.
Your test is searching for the cell containing the text, but really you want to search for the row containing the text, then get the select button of that row.
The basic test would be
cy.contains('tr', 'STB002')
.within(() => {
// now inside the row
cy.contains('span', 'select').click()
The next problem is the car STB002 isn't on the first page, so you won't find it straight after loading.
Maybe use the search box to load that row (as you have in one screen-shot). I can't say what that code is, because the DOM picture doesn't include the search box.

Passing computed string to x-teleport in alpine.js

I want to append an element to a specific element when the user clicks the button. The scenario goes like this. Is there another way to deal with that kind of problem?
<button x-on:click="edit(passIdToFunc)">edit</button>
<tr id="one" style="display: hidden"></tr>
<!-- append x-teleport dom node to here when current value is id = one -->
<tr id="two" style="display: hidden"></tr>
<tr id="three" style="display: hidden"></tr>
For the initial render, or if there is no table data,
I would like to append it to somewhere else with display none.
<template x-teleport="computedString">
This looks like the wrong usage for x-teleport, though it's not clear from the example where you are teleporting to. You can just use x-show to toggle display:none if that's what you're looking for.

Fetch parent of a specific row in a table without iteration

Consider the below table structure contains many rows with multiple column values. I need to identify the parent of specific row, which has to be identified using the cell .
<table class = 'grid'>
<thead id = 'header'>
<span class="group">
<span class="group__link"><a class="disabledlink"">copy</a>
<td class="COLUMNNAME">ACE</td>
<td class="COLUMNLONGNAME">Adverse Childhood Experiences</td>
<li>Family Medicine</li>
<li>General Practice</li>
<td class="COLUMNSEXFILTER">Both</td>
<td class="COLUMNAGEFILTERMIN">Any</td>
<td class="COLUMNTYPE">Score Only</td>
<td class="nowrap" showactionitem="2">
<span class="group">
<span class="group__link"><a onclick="Check()" href="#">copy</a>
<td class="COLUMNNAME">AM-PAC</td>
<td class="COLUMNLONGNAME">AM-PAC Generic Outpatient Basic Mobility Short Form</td>
<td class="COLUMNNOTE"></td>
<td class="COLUMNRESTRICTEDYN">No</td>
<td class="COLUMNSPECIALTYID"></td>
<td class="COLUMNSEXFILTER">Both</td>
<td class="COLUMNAGEFILTERMIN">Any</td>
<td class="COLUMNTYPE">Score Only</td>
Likewise this table contains around 100 rows. I did the same using iteration and it is working fine.
Is it possible to find the parent of specific row without iteration?
You can use the parent method to find the parent of an element. Assuming that you have located a table cell, let's call it cell, you can get its row using parent and then the parent of the row with another call to parent:
#=> a <tr> element
#=> the parent of the specific row - a <tbody> element in this case
Chaining multiple parent calls can become tedious and difficult to maintain. For example, you would have to call parent 4 times to get the table cell of the "copy" link. If you are after an ancestor (ie not immediate parent), you are better off using XPath:
cell.table(xpath: './ancestor::table')
#=> the <table> element containing the cell 'copy').tr(xpath: './ancestor::tr')
#=> the <tr> element containing a copy link
Hopefully Issue 451 will be implemented soon, which will remove the need for XPath. You would be able to call:
cell.parent(tag_name: 'table') # equivalent to `cell.table(xpath: './ancestor::table')`
There's no need for anything fancy, Watir has an Element#parent method.
You can use this one:
The below example will selects the parent node of the input tag of Id='email'.
Ex: //input[#id='email']/parent::*
the above can also be re-written as
XPath tutorial for Selenium

How to click on the table cell for particular text

The following is the DOM details:
<div id: "abc_440"
<table class = "listtable" >
<td id = "someid" >
<td class = 'someclass_item"> This is Text </td>
<td class = 'someclass_button">
< a > Add </a>
I need to click on 'Add' for particular text at "This is Text". I have to use div with ID (abc_440)to locate the corresponding table as there are may divs with this same dom layout. but index at div ID (for example 440) keeps changing to random number. How do I handle it in general ?
Please help.
I think that what you want to do is very similar to the previous Watir question.
Given that the id is randomly generated, it does not sounds like a good way of finding the link. You will likely need to use the text of the same row.
Assuming that the "This is Text" is unique (as you said you want to find the Add link for it), you can find that td, go to the parent row and then get the link. => 'This is Text')
If you need to ensure that the text is in the second column, then you can do:
b.trs.find{ |tr| and => 1).text == 'This is Text'
The is added in case some of your rows do not have any tds (example a header row), which would cause an exception when checking the second criteria.
Don't mix quotes in HTML tags. id: doesn't work. <td>s should rarely be empty. The Add button should be a button, not an <a>nchor element. Buttons only work in <form>s.
<form id="abc_440" action='someURI'> <!-- The handler for the button. -->
<table class="listtable">
<td id = "someid">
<!-- What goes here? -->
<td class='someclass_item'>
This is Text
<td class='someclass_button'>
<button name='add'>Add</button>
You should be able to find the button through its name attribute, add, and through the form's id attribute, abc_440. Who generates the ids?
Once you have the problem of finding the add button solved, and figuring out where the form's id comes from, please then stop using tables for formatting. There's no need for that. Learn about <form>s, <fieldset>s, <legend>s, and <label>s. I doubt you need the *some_id* part, the text part should probably be a <label>, and you can use CSS to format your <label>s as:
label {
width: 150px;
float: left;
fieldset p {
clear: left;

Firefox displays 3 columns in a table, IE8 only 2

Would love some help here... Firefox displays the last column in the table (an image they click on to edit their email address, it's a link), and IE8 displays nothing for the last column (doesn't even appear to display a column!) I've left out other rows in the table, but similar stuff happens.
Anyone know why?
<table class="profile-display">
<td style="text-align: right; color: red;"> Email address: </td>
<td class="profile-content"> <?php echo("$evar"); ?> </td>
<td> <a href="profile_change.php?edit=13"
<img src="../images/writegreen.png" class="profile-edit" alt="Edit"
title="Edit Email Address"
border="0" />
Your <a> tag is missing its >. That will cause a browser to not recognize the end of the tag until the first > it sees, which is the end of the img tag. Frankly, I'm surprised that Firefox shows the img.
Edit: Other common causes of this problem are missing quotes and misspelled tags.
