Create new hash from original based on specific criteria - ruby

The code is as follows
fruits = { "mango": 5, "orange": 8, "apple": 2}
The selected ones are as follows
selected = ["apple", "orange"]
Now i need to get a hash with the selected ones. Currently, it is implemented as follows
h = {}
selected.each do |fruit|
h[fruit] = fruits[fruit.to_sym]
This will yield
#h = {"apple"=>2, "orange"=>8}
Is there any one liner to achieve this?

fruits = { mango: 5, orange: 8, apple: 2 }
selected = ["apple", "orange"]
#=> {:apple=>2, :orange=>8}
See Hash#slice.

Use select method of the hash
[17] pry(main)> fruits = { "mango": 5, "orange": 8, "apple": 2}
=> {:mango=>5, :orange=>8, :apple=>2}
[18] pry(main)> selected = ["apple", "orange"]
=> ["apple", "orange"]
[19] pry(main)> {|key, value| selected.include? key.to_s}
=> {:orange=>8, :apple=>2}

This is the one liner of your solution using Enumerable#each_with_object:
selected.each_with_object({}) { |fruit, h| h[fruit.to_sym] = fruits[fruit.to_sym] }
Notice that I added .to_sym also to the first member of the assignment, that's to keep consistency with the fact that keys are symbols:
fruits.keys.first.class #=> symbol
But it's on you.


Merge hash of arrays into array of hashes

So, I have a hash with arrays, like this one:
{"name": ["John","Jane","Chris","Mary"], "surname": ["Doe","Doe","Smith","Martins"]}
I want to merge them into an array of hashes, combining the corresponding elements.
The results should be like that:
[{"name"=>"John", "surname"=>"Doe"}, {"name"=>"Jane", "surname"=>"Doe"}, {"name"=>"Chris", "surname"=>"Smith"}, {"name"=>"Mary", "surname"=>"Martins"}]
Any idea how to do that efficiently?
Please, note that the real-world use scenario could contain a variable number of hash keys.
Try this
h[:name].zip(h[:surname]).map do |name, surname|
{ 'name' => name, 'surname' => surname }
I suggest writing the code to permit arbitrary numbers of attributes. It's no more difficult than assuming there are two (:name and :surname), yet it provides greater flexibility, accommodating, for example, future changes to the number or naming of attributes:
def squish(h)
keys = { |a| }
h = { name: ["John", "Jane", "Chris"],
surname: ["Doe", "Doe", "Smith"],
age: [22, 34, 96]
#=> [{"name"=>"John", "surname"=>"Doe", "age"=>22},
# {"name"=>"Jane", "surname"=>"Doe", "age"=>34},
# {"name"=>"Chris", "surname"=>"Smith", "age"=>96}]
The steps for the example above are as follows:
b = h.keys
#=> [:name, :surname, :age]
keys =
#=> ["name", "surname", "age"]
c = h.values
#=> [["John", "Jane", "Chris"], ["Doe", "Doe", "Smith"], [22, 34, 96]]
d = c.transpose
#=> [["John", "Doe", 22], ["Jane", "Doe", 34], ["Chris", "Smith", 96]] { |a| }
#=> [{"name"=>"John", "surname"=>"Doe", "age"=>22},
# {"name"=>"Jane", "surname"=>"Doe", "age"=>34},
# {"name"=>"Chris", "surname"=>"Smith", "age"=>96}]
In the last step the first value of b is passed to map's block and the block variable is assigned its value.
a = d.first
#=> ["John", "Doe", 22]
e =
#=> [["name", "John"], ["surname", "Doe"], ["age", 22]]
#=> {"name"=>"John", "surname"=>"Doe", "age"=>22}
The remaining calculations are similar.
If your dataset is really big, you can consider using Enumerator::Lazy.
This way Ruby will not create intermediate arrays during calculations.
This is how #Ursus answer can be improved:
.map { |name, surname| { 'name' => name, 'surname' => surname } }
Other option for the case where:
[..] the real-world use scenario could contain a variable number of hash keys
h = {
'name': ['John','Jane','Chris','Mary'],
'surname': ['Doe','Doe','Smith','Martins'],
'whathever': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
You could use Object#then with a splat operator in a one liner:
h.values.then { |a, *b| *b }.map { |e| ( e).to_h }
#=> [{:name=>"John", :surname=>"Doe", :whathever=>1}, {:name=>"Jane", :surname=>"Doe", :whathever=>2}, {:name=>"Chris", :surname=>"Smith", :whathever=>3}, {:name=>"Mary", :surname=>"Martins", :whathever=>4}]
The first part, works this way:
h.values.then { |a, *b| *b }
#=> [["John", "Doe", 1], ["Jane", "Doe", 2], ["Chris", "Smith", 3], ["Mary", "Martins", 4]]
The last part just maps the elements zipping each with the original keys then calling Array#to_h to convert to hash.
Here I removed the call .to_h to show the intermediate result:
h.values.then { |a, *b| *b }.map { |e| e }
#=> [[[:name, "John"], [:surname, "Doe"], [:whathever, 1]], [[:name, "Jane"], [:surname, "Doe"], [:whathever, 2]], [[:name, "Chris"], [:surname, "Smith"], [:whathever, 3]], [[:name, "Mary"], [:surname, "Martins"], [:whathever, 4]]]
[h[:name], h[:surname]] do |name, surname|
{ 'name' => name, 'surname' => surname }

Translate Ruby hash (key,value) to separate keys

I have a map function in ruby which returns an array of arrays with two values in each, which I want to have in a different format.
What I want to have:
"countries": [
"country": "Canada",
"count": 12
{and so on... }
But map obviously returns my values as array:
"countries": [
When using Array::to_h I am also able to bringt it closer to the format I actually want to have.
"countries": {
"Canada": 2,
"Chile": 1,
"China": 1,
I have tried reduce/inject, each_with_object but in both cases I do not understand how to access the incoming parameters. While searching here you find many many similar problems. But haven't found a way to adapt those to my case.
Hope you can help to find a short and elegant solution.
You are given two arrays:
countries= [['Canada', 2], ['Chile', 1], ['China', 1]]
keys = [:country, :count]
You could write
[keys].product(countries).map { |arr| arr.transpose.to_h }
#=> [{:country=>"Canada", :count=>2},
# {:country=>"Chile", :count=>1},
# {:country=>"China", :count=>1}]
or simply { |country, cnt| { country: country, count: cnt } }
#=> [{:country=>"Canada", :count=>2},
# {:country=>"Chile", :count=>1},
# {:country=>"China", :count=>1}]
but the first has the advantage that no code need be changed in the names of the keys change. In fact, there would be no need to change the code if the arrays countries and keys both changed, provided countries[i].size == keys.size for all i = 0..countries.size-1. (See the example at the end.)
The initial step for the first calculation is as follows.
a = [keys].product(countries)
#=> [[[:country, :count], ["Canada", 2]],
# [[:country, :count], ["Chile", 1]],
# [[:country, :count], ["China", 1]]]
See Array#product. We now have { |arr| arr.transpose.to_h }
map passes the first element of a to the block and sets the block variable arr to that value:
arr = a.first
#=> [[:country, :count], ["Canada", 2]]
The block calculation is then performed:
b = arr.transpose
#=> [[:country, "Canada"], [:count, 2]]
#=> {:country=>"Canada", :count=>2}
So we see that a[0] (arr) is mapped to {:country=>"Canada", :count=>2}. The next two elements of a are then passed to the block and similar calculations are made, after which map returns the desired array of three hashes. See Array#transpose and Array#to_h.
Here is a second example using the same code.
countries= [['Canada', 2, 9.09], ['Chile', 1, 0.74],
['China', 1, 9.33], ['France', 1, 0.55]]
keys = [:country, :count, :area]
[keys].product(countries).map { |arr| arr.transpose.to_h }
#=> [{:country=>"Canada", :count=>2, :area=>9.09},
# {:country=>"Chile", :count=>1, :area=>0.74},
# {:country=>"China", :count=>1, :area=>9.33},
# {:country=>"France", :count=>1, :area=>0.55}]
Just out of curiosity:
countries = [['Canada', 2], ['Chile', 1], ['China', 1]][country count].method(:zip)).map(&:to_h)
#⇒ [{:country=>"Canada", :count=>2},
# {:country=>"Chile", :count=>1},
# {:country=>"China", :count=>1}]

Move elements of an array to a different array in Ruby

Simple ruby question. Lets say I have an array of 10 strings and I want to move elements at array[3] and array[5] into a totally new array. The new array would then only have the two elements I moved from the first array, AND the first array would then only have 8 elements since two of them have been moved out.
Use Array#slice! to remove the elements from the first array, and append them to the second array with Array#<<:
arr1 = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux']
arr2 = []
arr2 << arr1.slice!(1)
arr2 << arr1.slice!(2)
puts arr1.inspect
puts arr2.inspect
["Foo", "Baz"]
["Bar", "Qux"]
Depending on your exact situation, you may find other methods on array to be even more useful, such as Enumerable#partition:
arr = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux']
starts_with_b, does_not_start_with_b = arr.partition{|word| word[0] == 'B'}
puts starts_with_b.inspect
puts does_not_start_with_b.inspect
["Bar", "Baz"]
["Foo", "Qux"]
a = (0..9).map { |i| "el##{i}" }
x = [3, 5].sort_by { |i| -i }.map { |i| a.delete_at(i) }
puts x.inspect
# => ["el#5", "el#3"]
puts a.inspect
# => ["el#0", "el#1", "el#2", "el#4", "el#6", "el#7", "el#8", "el#9"]
As noted in comments, there is some magic to make indices stay in place. This can be avoided by first getting all the desired elements using a.values_at(*indices), then deleting them as above.
arr = ["null","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"]
p "Array: #{arr}"
third_el = arr.delete_at(3)
fifth_el = arr.delete_at(4)
first_arr = arr
p "First array: #{first_arr}"
concat_el = third_el + "," + fifth_el
second_arr = concat_el.split(",")
p "Second array: #{second_arr}"
"Array: [\"null\", \"one\", \"two\", \"three\", \"four\", \"five\", \"six\", \"s
even\", \"eight\", \"nine\"]"
"First array: [\"null\", \"one\", \"two\", \"four\", \"six\", \"seven\", \"eight
\", \"nine\"]"
"Second array: [\"three\", \"five\"]"
Why not start deleting from the highest index.
arr = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux']
index_array = [2, 1]
new_ary = { |index| arr.delete_at(index) }
new_ary # => ["Baz", "Bar"]
arr # => ["Foo", "Qux"]
Here's one way:
vals = arr.values_at *pulls
arr = arr.values_at *([*(0...arr.size)] - pulls)
Try it.
arr = %w[Now is the time for all Rubyists to code]
pulls = [3,5]
vals = arr.values_at *pulls
#=> ["time", "all"]
arr = arr.values_at *([*(0...arr.size)] - pulls)
#=> ["Now", "is", "the", "for", "Rubyists", "to", "code"]
arr = %w[Now is the time for all Rubyists to code]
pulls = [5,3]
vals = arr.values_at *pulls
#=> ["all", "time"]
arr = arr.values_at *([*(0...arr.size)] - pulls)
#=> ["Now", "is", "the", "for", "Rubyists", "to", "code"]

How do I create a hash from this array?

I have an array that looks like this:
["value1=3", "value2=4", "value3=5"]
I'd like to end up with a hash like:
H['value1'] = 3
H['value2'] = 4
H['value3'] = 5
There's some parsing involved and I was hoping to get pointed in the right direction.
ary = ["value1=3", "value2=4", "value3=5"]
H = Hash[ {|s| s.split('=') }]
This however will set all the values as strings '5' instead of integer. If you are sure they are all integers:
H = Hash[ {|s| key, value = s.split('='); [key, value.to_i] }]
I'd do as #BroiSatse suggests, but here's another way that uses a Regex:
ary = ["value1=3", "value2=4", "value3=5"]
ary.join.scan(/([a-z]+\d+)=(\d+)/).map { |k,v| [k,v.to_i] }.to_h
=> {"value1"=>3, "value2"=>4, "value3"=>5}
Here's what's happening:
str = ary.join
#=> "value1=3value2=4value3=5"
a = str.scan(/([a-z]+\d+)=(\d+)/)
#=> [["value1", "3"], ["value2", "4"], ["value3", "5"]]
b = { |k,v| [k,v.to_i] }
#=> [["value1", 3], ["value2", 4], ["value3", 5]]
#=> {"value1"=>3, "value2"=>4, "value3"=>5}
For Ruby versions < 2.0, the last line must be replaced with
#=> {"value1"=>3, "value2"=>4, "value3"=>5}

How to change more than one string variables to integer and minus 1?

I want to change 8 strings to integer type and minus 1. I wrote the code as:
foo1, foo2, too3 ... = foo1.to_i - 1, foo2.to_i - 1, foo3.to_i -1, ...
But I think it's too complex. Are there some better ways to achieve this goal?
[:foo1, :foo2, ... etc. ...].each { |foo| eval "#{foo} = #{foo}.to_i - 1" }
Although it's a bad idea if you've decided to do it.
Putting them in an Array would be the simplest thing.
%w{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 }.map!(&:to_i).map!(&:pred)
=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
You should not use this, eval is dangerous and dynamic. I would recommend moving your values into a hash where you can control the keys. If you want to do literally what you asked:
(1..2).map {|n | eval("foo#{n}").to_i - 1}
> foo1 = 2
=> 2
> foo2 = 3
=> 3
> (1..2).map {|n | eval("foo#{n}").to_i - 1}
=> [1, 2]
... non-terrifying way to store/process these values:
> hash = { :foo1 => 2, :foo2 => 3 }
=> {:foo1=>2, :foo2=>3}
hash.keys.inject({}) { |h, key| h[key] = hash[key].to_i - 1; h }
=> {:foo1=>1, :foo2=>2}
When you are working with 8 variables and need to do the same operation on them it usually means that they are linked somehow and can be grouped, for example in a hash:
data = {:foo1 => "1", :foo2 => "2", ...}
data2 = Hash[ { |key, value| [key, value.to_i - 1] }]
Note that instead of updating inplace values I create a new object, a functional approach is usually more clear.
Based on your comment to #Winfields solution this might be enough:
foo1 = "123"
foo2 = "222"
too3 = "0"
def one_less_int(*args) # the splat sign (#) puts all arguments in an array{|str| str.to_i-1}
p one_less_int(foo1, foo2, too3) #=> [122, 221, -1]
But putting everything in an array beforehand, as others are suggesting, is more explicit.
