Move elements of an array to a different array in Ruby - ruby

Simple ruby question. Lets say I have an array of 10 strings and I want to move elements at array[3] and array[5] into a totally new array. The new array would then only have the two elements I moved from the first array, AND the first array would then only have 8 elements since two of them have been moved out.

Use Array#slice! to remove the elements from the first array, and append them to the second array with Array#<<:
arr1 = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux']
arr2 = []
arr2 << arr1.slice!(1)
arr2 << arr1.slice!(2)
puts arr1.inspect
puts arr2.inspect
["Foo", "Baz"]
["Bar", "Qux"]
Depending on your exact situation, you may find other methods on array to be even more useful, such as Enumerable#partition:
arr = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux']
starts_with_b, does_not_start_with_b = arr.partition{|word| word[0] == 'B'}
puts starts_with_b.inspect
puts does_not_start_with_b.inspect
["Bar", "Baz"]
["Foo", "Qux"]

a = (0..9).map { |i| "el##{i}" }
x = [3, 5].sort_by { |i| -i }.map { |i| a.delete_at(i) }
puts x.inspect
# => ["el#5", "el#3"]
puts a.inspect
# => ["el#0", "el#1", "el#2", "el#4", "el#6", "el#7", "el#8", "el#9"]
As noted in comments, there is some magic to make indices stay in place. This can be avoided by first getting all the desired elements using a.values_at(*indices), then deleting them as above.

arr = ["null","one","two","three","four","five","six","seven","eight","nine"]
p "Array: #{arr}"
third_el = arr.delete_at(3)
fifth_el = arr.delete_at(4)
first_arr = arr
p "First array: #{first_arr}"
concat_el = third_el + "," + fifth_el
second_arr = concat_el.split(",")
p "Second array: #{second_arr}"
"Array: [\"null\", \"one\", \"two\", \"three\", \"four\", \"five\", \"six\", \"s
even\", \"eight\", \"nine\"]"
"First array: [\"null\", \"one\", \"two\", \"four\", \"six\", \"seven\", \"eight
\", \"nine\"]"
"Second array: [\"three\", \"five\"]"

Why not start deleting from the highest index.
arr = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz', 'Qux']
index_array = [2, 1]
new_ary = { |index| arr.delete_at(index) }
new_ary # => ["Baz", "Bar"]
arr # => ["Foo", "Qux"]

Here's one way:
vals = arr.values_at *pulls
arr = arr.values_at *([*(0...arr.size)] - pulls)
Try it.
arr = %w[Now is the time for all Rubyists to code]
pulls = [3,5]
vals = arr.values_at *pulls
#=> ["time", "all"]
arr = arr.values_at *([*(0...arr.size)] - pulls)
#=> ["Now", "is", "the", "for", "Rubyists", "to", "code"]
arr = %w[Now is the time for all Rubyists to code]
pulls = [5,3]
vals = arr.values_at *pulls
#=> ["all", "time"]
arr = arr.values_at *([*(0...arr.size)] - pulls)
#=> ["Now", "is", "the", "for", "Rubyists", "to", "code"]


Looking to convert information from a file into a hash Ruby

Hello I have been doing some research for sometime on this particular project I have been working on and I am at a loss. What I am looking to do is use information from a file and convert that to a hash using some of those components for my key. Within the file I have:1,Foo,20,Smith,40,John,55
An example of what I am looking for I am looking for an output like so {1 =>[Foo,20], 2 =>[Smith,40] 3 => [John,55]}
Here is what I got.
h = {}
people_file ="people.txt") # I am only looking to read here.
until people_file.eof?
i = products_file.gets.chomp.split(",")
FName = 'test'
str = "1,Foo,20,Smith, 40,John,55"
File.write(FName, str)
#=> 26
base, *arr =
enum = (base.to_i).step
with_object({}) {|pair,h| h[]=pair}
#=> {1=>["Foo", "20"], 2=>["Smith", "40"],
# 3=>["John", "55"]}
The steps are as follows.
s =
#=> "1,Foo,20,Smith, 40,John,55"
base, *arr = s.split(/\s*,\s*/)
#=> ["1", "Foo", "20", "Smith", "40", "John", "55"]
#=> "1"
#=> ["Foo", "20", "Smith", "40", "John", "55"]
a = base.to_i
#=> 1
I assume the keys are to be sequential integers beginning with a #=> 1.
enum = a.step
#=> (1.step)
#=> 1
#=> 2
#=> 3
enum = a.step
b = arr.each_slice(2)
#=> #<Enumerator: ["Foo", "20", "Smith", "40", "John", "55"]:each_slice(2)>
Note I needed to redefine enum (or execute enum.rewind) to reinitialize it. We can see the elements that will be generated by this enumerator by converting it to an array.
#=> [["Foo", "20"], ["Smith", "40"], ["John", "55"]]
c = b.with_object({})
#=> #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator: ["Foo", "20", "Smith", "40", "John", "55"]
# :each_slice(2)>:with_object({})>
#=> [[["Foo", "20"], {}], [["Smith", "40"], {}], [["John", "55"], {}]]
The now-empty hashes will be constructed as calculations progress.
c.each {|pair,h| h[]=pair}
#=> {1=>["Foo", "20"], 2=>["Smith", "40"], 3=>["John", "55"]}
To see how the last step is performed, each initially directs the enumerator c to generate the first value, which it passes to the block. The block variables are assigned to that value, and the block calculation is performed.
enum = a.step
b = arr.each_slice(2)
c = b.with_object({})
pair, h =
#=> [["Foo", "20"], {}]
#=> ["Foo", "20"]
h #=> {}
#=> ["Foo", "20"]
h#=> {1=>["Foo", "20"]}
The calculations are similar for the remaining two elements generated by the enumerator c.
See IO::write, IO::read, Numeric#step, Enumerable#each_slice, Enumerator#with_object, Enumerator#next and Enumerator#rewind. write and read respond to File because File is a subclass of IO (File.superclass #=> IO). split's argument, the regular expression, /\s*,\s*/, causes the string to be split on commas together with any spaces that surround the commas. Converting [["Foo", "20"], {}] to pair and h is a product of Array Decompostion.

Multiple sub-hashes out of one hash

I have a hash:
hash = {"a_1_a" => "1", "a_1_b" => "2", "a_1_c" => "3", "a_2_a" => "3",
"a_2_b" => "4", "a_2_c" => "4"}
What's the best way to get the following sub-hashes:
[{"a_1_a" => "1", "a_1_b" => "2", "a_1_c" => "3"},
{"a_2_a" => "3", "a_2_b" => "4", "a_2_c" => "4"}]
I want them grouped by the key, based on the regexp /^a_(\d+)/. I'll have 50+ key/value pairs in the original hash, so something dynamic would work best, if anyone has any suggestions.
If you're only concerned about the middle component you can use group_by to get you most of the way there:
hash.group_by do |k,v|
k.split('_')[1] do |list|
# => [{"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2", "a_1_c"=>"3"}, {"a_2_a"=>"3", "a_2_b"=>"4", "a_2_c"=>"4"}]
The final step is extracting the grouped lists and combining those back into the required hashes.
def partition_hash(hash)
hash.each_with_object({}) do |(k,v), h|
key = k[/(?<=_).+(?=_)/]
h[key] = (h[key] || {}).merge(k=>v)
hash = {"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2", "a_1_c"=>"3", "a_2_a"=>"3", "a_2_b"=>"4", "a_2_c"=>"4"}
#=> [{"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2", "a_1_c"=>"3"},
# {"a_2_a"=>"3", "a_2_b"=>"4", "a_2_c"=>"4"}]
The steps are as follows.
enum = hash.each_with_object({})
#=> #<Enumerator: {"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2", "a_1_c"=>"3", "a_2_a"=>"3",
# "a_2_b"=>"4", "a_2_c"=>"4"}:each_with_object({})>
The first element of this enumerator is generated and passed to the block, and the block variables are computed using parallel assignment.
(k,v), h =
#=> [["a_1_a", "1"], {}]
k #=> "a_1_a"
v #=> "1"
h #=> {}
and the block calculation is performed.
key = k[/(?<=_).+(?=_)/]
#=> "1"
h[key] = (h[key] || {}).merge(k=>v)
#=> h["1"] = (h["1"] || {}).merge("a_1_a"=>"1")
#=> h["1"] = (nil || {}).merge("a_1_a"=>"1")
#=> h["1"] = {}.merge("a_1_a"=>"1")
#=> h["1"] = {"a_1_a"=>"1"}
so now
h #=> {"1"=>{"a_1_a"=>"1"}}
The next value of enum is now generated and passed to the block, and the following calculations are performed.
(k,v), h =
#=> [["a_1_b", "2"], {"1"=>{"a_1_a"=>"1"}}]
k #=> "a_1_b"
v #=> "2"
h #=> {"1"=>{"a_1_a"=>"1"}}
key = k[/(?<=_).+(?=_)/]
#=> "1"
h[key] = (h[key] || {}).merge(k=>v)
#=> h["1"] = (h["1"] || {}).merge("a_1_b"=>"2")
#=> h["1"] = ({"a_1_a"=>"1"}} || {}).merge("a_1_b"=>"2")
#=> h["1"] = {"a_1_a"=>"1"}}.merge("a_1_b"=>"2")
#=> h["1"] = {"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2"}
After the remaining four elements of enum have been passed to the block the following has is returned.
h #=> {"1"=>{"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2", "a_1_c"=>"3"},
# "2"=>{"a_2_a"=>"3", "a_2_b"=>"4", "a_2_c"=>"4"}}
The final step is simply to extract the values.
#=> [{"a_1_a"=>"1", "a_1_b"=>"2", "a_1_c"=>"3"},
# {"a_2_a"=>"3", "a_2_b"=>"4", "a_2_c"=>"4"}]

Ruby, how to create a hash from two arrays?

I'm fairly a beginner in Ruby and I'm trying to do the following:
Let's say I have two arrays:
array_1 = ["NY", "SF", "NL", "SY"]
array_2 = ["apple", "banana"]
I want to merge the arrays to a hash so each object in array_1 will be assigned with the objects in array_2
Thanks in advance.
x = [:foo, :bar, :baz]
y = [1, 2, 3] # => {:foo=>1, :bar=>2, :baz=>3}
You can use the zip method, like so:
h = array_1.product([array_2]).to_h
#=> {"NY"=>["apple", "banana"], "SF"=>["apple", "banana"],
# "NL"=>["apple", "banana"], "SY"=>["apple", "banana"]}
We were given Array#to_h in MRI v2.0. For earlier versions, use Kernel#Hash:
h = Hash[array_1.product([array_2])]
but beware:
array_2[0] = "cat"
#=> ["cat", "banana"]
h #=> {"NY"=>["cat", "banana"], "SF"=>["cat", "banana"],
# "NL"=>["cat", "banana"], "SY"=>["cat", "banana"]}
You may instead want:
h = array_1.each_with_object({}) { |str,h| h[str] = array_2.dup }
#=> {"NY"=>["apple", "banana"], "SF"=>["apple", "banana"],
# "NL"=>["apple", "banana"], "SY"=>["apple", "banana"]}
array_2[0] = "cat"
h #=> {"NY"=>["apple", "banana"], "SF"=>["apple", "banana"],
# "NL"=>["apple", "banana"], "SY"=>["apple", "banana"]}

How do I create a hash from this array?

I have an array that looks like this:
["value1=3", "value2=4", "value3=5"]
I'd like to end up with a hash like:
H['value1'] = 3
H['value2'] = 4
H['value3'] = 5
There's some parsing involved and I was hoping to get pointed in the right direction.
ary = ["value1=3", "value2=4", "value3=5"]
H = Hash[ {|s| s.split('=') }]
This however will set all the values as strings '5' instead of integer. If you are sure they are all integers:
H = Hash[ {|s| key, value = s.split('='); [key, value.to_i] }]
I'd do as #BroiSatse suggests, but here's another way that uses a Regex:
ary = ["value1=3", "value2=4", "value3=5"]
ary.join.scan(/([a-z]+\d+)=(\d+)/).map { |k,v| [k,v.to_i] }.to_h
=> {"value1"=>3, "value2"=>4, "value3"=>5}
Here's what's happening:
str = ary.join
#=> "value1=3value2=4value3=5"
a = str.scan(/([a-z]+\d+)=(\d+)/)
#=> [["value1", "3"], ["value2", "4"], ["value3", "5"]]
b = { |k,v| [k,v.to_i] }
#=> [["value1", 3], ["value2", 4], ["value3", 5]]
#=> {"value1"=>3, "value2"=>4, "value3"=>5}
For Ruby versions < 2.0, the last line must be replaced with
#=> {"value1"=>3, "value2"=>4, "value3"=>5}

Populate ruby Array1 with Array2 String element if and only if Array2 element matches Hash value(not key)

I have a ruby hash:
VALS = { :one => "One", :two => "Two" }
and an Array:
array2 = ["hello", "world", "One"]
Question: How can I populate a new array1 so that it only pulls in any values in array2 that match exactly the values in VALS?
For example, I have tried:
array2.each_with_index do |e,i|
array1 << e if VALS[i] ~= e
Along with other thing, and none work. Noob.
brilliant! but whent I tried:
p { |i| hash.has_value? i ? array[i+1] : "foo"}
I got an can't convert fixnum error. I must be missing something.
Using nested loops would be very slow if both collections are large. It's better to treat the contents as sets:
array1 = VALS.values & array2
print array1
Here's an option:
hash = { :one => "One", :two => "Two" }
array = ["hello", "world", "One"]
p { |i| hash.has_value? i }
# >> ["One"]
got it! do |i|
if VALS.has_value? i
result << array[array.index(i)+1]
