How to disable deceleration in OrbitControls? - three.js

I am trying to set up OrbitControls in my project (
While getting closer to maxDistance, the speed of zooming decelerates. Zooming become slower and slower.
It is possible to disable the deceleration and make zooming speed constant?


Syncing sprite animation and physics in Godot

In a 2D scene in Godot, I have a factory belt transporting items. The items are physics objects (with linear damping = 1 so they do not accelerate too much), the belts have an Area2D with a gravity force that transports the items. The belts have a sprite animation showing the belt moving.
I can sync the sprite animation reasonably well to the speed the items reach on the belts by adjusting the AnimatedSprite's speed scale. Any divergence looks odd visually of course, as the items will either be moving faster or slower than the belt.
I am worried that differences in FPS across devices may cause the visual correctness to break.
Should I just stop worrying? Is there a better way to implement belts moving items? I am aware that I can implement the item movement myself instead of relying on the physics engine - but this won't solve the problem of syncing with the belt animation.

How to prevent culling or simply redraw on iTowns globe rotation outside of mouse, touch or key events?

I'm attempting to rotate the "globe" in iTowns in real time by adding a frame requester (in three.js this would be the requestAnimationFrame loop).
I am attempting to use iTowns to provide a real time 3D earth map simulation. As part of this I have an interval firing every second and playhead controls to manipulate time. I'm trying to rotate an earth representation along the z-axis because in iTowns that is the polar axis. I need to check the time every frame because I can calculate the earth rotation in radians/sec quite easily and as I manipulate the playhead to speed up time I can get a fluidly rotating earth. Also I'm utilizing the default Ortho layer provided in iTowns to add a geographic layer on top of the blue marble default.
// this.view is an iTowns/src/Core/Prefab/GlobeView
const globeLayer = this.view.getLayerById("globe");
const globe = globeLayer.object3d;
this.view.addFrameRequester(MAIN_LOOP_EVENTS.UPDATE_START, () => {
globe.rotation.z = ConversionUtils.toRadians(this.globals.getSceneRotation());
The globe rotates, however I believe iTowns is performing some sort of culling of the map tiles/globe. What happens is at some point as the earth rotation is taking place a portion of the globe no longer renders. If this was related to the Ortho layer I believe the blue marble would still show. We have another version of the application without any iTowns and we can rotate a Three.js SphereGeometry without any culling using the same mechanics; so I am 99% sure it is not an issue with Three.js unless iTowns is doing something I don't see.
How do I prevent the culling, which I see is documented as an optimization? Better yet, how can I tell it to redraw properly?
I've tried the following but to no apparent effect:
this.view.notifyChange(globeLayer, true);
this.view.notifyChange(undefined, true);
this.view.notifyChange(, true);
There is "culling" logic in:
- iTowns/src/Core/Prefab/GlobeLayer.js
- iTowns/src/Layer/TiledGeometryLayer.js
This is invoked from iTowns/src/Core/MainLoop.js. Bubbling up to the method scheduleViewUpdate which is invoked on iTowns/src/Core/View.js notifyChange.
Further digging leads me to believe iTowns/src/Controls/GlobeControls.js, specifically the cameraTarget attribute that I can't manipulate, is either the answer or is related.
I am hoping I am missing something and there is a way to code this up. Alternatively, I realize the suggestion may be fork or PR iTowns.
It is worth noting I do not want to change the camera position, just rotate the globe because there are other objects also moving in the scene i.e. satellites in orbit.

Animated texture quality very bad

I'm trying to create a short opener for a clip by using a plane and an animated texture. I created the animated texture sheet, frame by frame, in photoshop. It's a large texture, 12x12 frames. When I try playing it in unity, while it works, it is of a significantly lower quality.
I have seen posts about tweaking my import settings, but these are the only ones I see (no max size etc)
I did have to use an older version of unity to make it work with the rest of the project I was working on - is that the problem? I feel like even older versions should be capable of generating good quality
Disable mipmaps. Mipmaps are downsized versions of your texture used for rendering at different distances. If the distance you have your image from the camera is far enough, Unity will use one of those smaller versions, making it blurry.
Disable blend mode (set it to 'Point'). Bilinear Filtering slightly blurs textures so that they scale better or render at sub-pixel positioning better. However, this makes them less crisp.
You may want to set the texture mode from 'Default' to 'Sprite 2D' or 'GUI', I'm not sure what version of Unity you're on (2017?) as I don't recognize the layout of the inspector you have there. Sprite 2D settings tend to optimize for images that are intended to be pixel perfect, same goes for GUI textures.

Unity 4.6 Canvas - How to correctly apply 2D physics effects

Is there a way to universally multiply physics2D calculations on the canvas?
I'm trying to make a set of canvas UI elements with 2D physic properties. The objects contain images and text, but need to respond to gravity, impacts, and overlapping collision boxes with other GUI elements.
I've added 2D RigidBody and boxCollider components to my objects. However, they move very slowly. If given a gravity, they fall slowly. If overlapped, they push each other apart slowly.
I've figured out that this is due to the canvas having a very large scale. My objects are effectively 'very big and very far away'.
I can't modify the canvas scale. It needs to be huge or I get render artifacts.
I can't just modify gravity because it doesn't provide a universal fix. Things fall faster, but they don't push apart or spring right.
I can't modify the timestep because it affects the whole world, not just the canvas.
My canvas objects have widths akin to 80, where unity physics expects widths akin to 1. How can I get them to behave like they have a width of 1?
Is there some universal scaling factor for canvas based physics, or am I simply mis-using the canvas for something it is not intended for?
if you are still having this problem, the answer to fixing the movement rates of your scaled-up objects is to scale up your movement forces as well as your gravity. If you can't get certain elements to work right, use a forcepush that you can set to any strength.

Tweening large sprites with TweenMax (AS3)

I'm trying to tween a Sprite's alpha to 1 using Greensock's TweenMax. cacheAsBitmap has been set to true. The Sprite fades alright at 800x600 (although you can already tell it's starting to lag), but when I set the dimensions of the Sprite to 1440x1080, the tween is significantly choppier.
The framerate drops from a consistent 24 to 11.1 when I try to tween, and CPU usage jumps from ~6% to 164%.
DisplayList Rendering before, during, and after the tween:
Top Activities:
Any tips on how I can get a smoother result?
