Spring boot with Mockito mocking NamedParameterJdbcTemplate - spring

Trying to unit test a method which is defined as :
public void myMethod(List<? extends MyModel> model){
int[] result = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate("update query", SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(model));
In my test class i am defining test method as
class MyTestClass{
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
MyDao dao;
public void testMyMethod() {
final int[] rowsAffected = new int[]{1,2};
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(any(), SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(Arrays.asList(anySet())))).thenReturn(rowsAffected);
List<MyModel> myModels = new ArrayList<>();
MyModel mymodel = new MyModel();
While running this test method , i am getting NullPointerException in called method(myMethod()). int[] result is coming as null. My understanding is it should get the result from the stub in the mock.
Please help me understand what am i doing wrong.

It seems that you're not using the correct import for any() because if it would be the correct ArgumentMatchers.any() from Mockito, Mockito would complain that you don't use an ArgumentMatcher for both parameters of .batchUpdate().
You can statically import it with import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.*; or use ArgumentMatchers.any().
So as first step, try the following:
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.any())).thenReturn(rowsAffected);
or be less generic and match the return type of SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch() with:
// I don't know what SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch() returns, so you might have to adjust it
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.eq("SOME RETURN"))).thenReturn(rowsAffected);

It worked by adding the cast to the Argument matchers:
Updated Code :
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(anyString(), (SqlParameterSource[]) any())).thenReturn(rowsAffected);


Can this method be tested using mockito?

I am not sure how to test the first method in the service layer with Mockito as it is using the helper method. Below is my failed attempt at a test: I get an InvalidUseOfMatchersException in the second when clause.
Thanks in advance!
private EntityRepository EntityRepo;
private EntityService EntityService;
public List<DTO> getAllDTOs(){
//first method
return entityRepo.findAll()
//helper method
public DTO convertEntityToDTO(Entity entity) {
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
DTO dto = new DTO();
dto = modelMapper.map(entity, DTO.class);
return dto;
public void EntityService_GetAll_ReturnsDTOList() {
//the second when clause: when(entityService.convertEntityToDTO(Mockito.any(Entity.class)))
List<DTO>DTOList = entityService.getAllDTOs();
Mockito#any* methods are actually defined in class ArgumentMatchers and can only be used to match the call arguments when setting up a mock or when verifying calls. All matcher methods return null (but have side-effects of modifying a matcher stack to be able to properly detect and match mocked calls).
For instance, you might do Mockito.when(svc.print(Mockito.anyString()).doNothing() when you don't care about the input or Mockito.verify(svc.print(Mockito.anyString()), Mockito.never()) when you want to verify that the method has never been called.
When setting up your mock, you have to provide a real value in your thenReturn call:
.thenReturn(new DTO());

Dependency injection with mockito example

I am very new with Mockito and I don't get the following example (classes were provided, only test to write) and how to solve it.
What I try to do is use a test double for the supplier so that we can control the returned greeting in the test and assert that the GreetingService does not modify the greeting message in any way. Then assert that the returned greeting string is equal to "Hello Andy.".
public class Greeting {
private final String template;
public Greeting(String template) {
this.template = template;
public String forName(String world) {
return String.format(template, world);
public class GreetingService {
private final Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier;
public GreetingService(Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier) {
this.greetingSupplier = greetingSupplier;
public String greet(String name) {
return greetingSupplier.get().forName(name);
public class RandomGreetingSupplier implements Supplier<Greeting> {
private final List<Greeting> greetings = Arrays.asList(
new Greeting("Hello %s."),
new Greeting("Hi %s!"),
private final Random random = new Random();
public Greeting get() {
return greetings.get(random.nextInt(greetings.size()));
public class GreetingServiceTest {
GreetingService greetingService;
Supplier<Greeting> greetingSupplier;
void getGreetingForPerson() {
String name = "Andy";
// that test cannot know which greeting will be returned by the supplier
//String greeting = greetingService.greet(name);
// WROTE SUCH TEST HERE -> NullPointerException WHY?
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
assertThat(greetingSupplier.equals("Hello Andy."));
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get()).thenReturn(new Greeting("Hello %s."));
assertThat(greetingSupplier.equals("Hello Andy."));
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
You can't chain calls like that, you need to produce intermediate results, like
Supplier<Greeting> supplier = mock(Supplier.class);
Mockito.when(supplier).forName().thenReturn("Hello %s.");
For dependency injection, you need to create the subject under test with the mocked Supplier. You can do that in a #Before method for example.
Your mocking is wrong.
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get().forName(name)).thenReturn("Hello %s.");
You mocked Supplier<Greeting> and the default behavior is to return null. So when you call greetingSupplier.get() in your first line it returns null. You directly chain forName which nou basicall is null.forName which leads to an error.
Your second part is actually (kind of) correct.
Mockito.when(greetingSupplier.get()).thenReturn(new Greeting("Hello %s."));
You now properly return a response from greetingSupplier.get(). Instead of chaining the call.
However I would argue that your excercise is wrong. Why? When using a Supplier<?> in Spring it actually is a lazy beanFactory.getBean call. You can lazily inject dependencies this way. You should have a mock for Greeting which returns a hardcoded String which you can check.

NullPointerException on mockito spring's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

i have a DAO class that I am trying to write test cases
Here is modified reproducible code
the DAO class I am trying to test
public class SomeDAO {
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
public boolean dataInTable(String id) {
String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) " +
"FROM table1" +
"WHERE id =:id";
MapSqlParameterSource sqlParms = new MapSqlParameterSource();
sqlParms.addValue("id", id
try {
int count = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, sqlParms, Integer.class);
return (count > 0) ? true : false;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Error checking existence of id : " + id);
throw e;
When i run the test, it throws an NullPointer on
int count = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(sql, sqlParms, Integer.class);
so i believe mockito is not returning a value on when, thenReturn
i searched around stack overflow and it looks like what i have should work, but I am getting NullPointerException.
I have also tried using the same value for sql string and a mapObject as the dao class instead of anyString() and anyMap()
but did not work either
Test case
public class SomeDAOTest {
SomeDAO someDao
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
public void init() {
public void TestdataInTable(){
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForObject(anyString(), anyMap(),eq(Integer.class))).thenReturn(1);
assertEquals( true,someDao.dataInTable("123456"));
Try this,
public void TestdataInTable() {
Mockito.any(SqlParameterSource.class), Mockito.eq(Integer.class))).thenReturn(1);
assertEquals(true, someDao.dataInTable("123456"));
The second parameter in queryForObject() is of type SqlParameterSource, which is not directly a map. So it should be, Mockito.any(SqlParameterSource.class).
The current version of your code displays warning in console, which is the best way to debug the issue.
[MockitoHint] TestDao.TestdataInTable (see javadoc for MockitoHint):
[MockitoHint] 1. Unused... -> at TestDao.TestdataInTable(TestDao.java:33)
[MockitoHint] ...args ok? -> at SomeDao.dataInTable(SomeDao.java:26)
Adding this as it may help someone:
I had a similar issue but the reason was very different.
I was getting null pointer exception not just on NamedParameterJdbcTemplate which was annotated with #Mock but also on #InjectMocks.
It so turn out that I was using Junit 5. The above solution will work with Junit 4. To make Mockito use Junit 5, an additional annotation is required. Also make sure you remove #RunWith(MockitoJUnitRunner.class) as this will cause failure. Instead use #ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class.
Here is an example:
public class SomeDAOTest {
SomeDAO someDao
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;

Value of doReturn not used

I use spring boot 2.
I search to test a private method in the facade
public class SamplingsFacadeTest {
private SamplingsFacade facade;
private SamplingsService samplingsService;
public void exampleTest() throws Exception {
List<Samplings> samplings = new ArrayList<>();
Samplling sampling = new Samplings();
//fake call
//real call
List<FactoryEmailNCDto> factoryEmails = Whitebox.invokeMethod(facade, "prepareDataNoncompliantSampling");
public List<Samplings> getSamplingContainingNonCompliantTest() {
return samplingsRepository.findSamplingContainingNonCompliantTest();
In Facade In
private List<FactoryEmailNCDto> prepareDataNoncompliantSampling() {
List<FactoryEmailNCDto> factoryEmailNC = new ArrayList<>();
List<Samplings> samplings = samplingsService.getSamplingContainingNonCompliantTest();
for (Samplings sampling : samplings) {
Why when I debug, samplings is null and not the value I created
One potential problem is that doReturn takes the form doReturn(value).when(mock).method(), not doReturn(value).when(mock.method()). The latter is considered an incomplete stubbing. Instead, it should look like this:
Note that there may be other problems with your test; the code you've written expects samplingsService to be public and non-final, and your getSamplingContainingNonCompliantTest() to likewise be public, non-static, and non-final, but the code sample you have does not confirm that. You may want to call Mockito.validateMockitoUsage() in an #After method, or use a #Rule that handles Mockito annotations and cleanup for you.

Exception while getting values from Mocked object using Mockito

I am writing junit using mockito for a Spring #component class.
When it try to access the static field from final constant file throwing Null pointer exception.
public class CruserTest {
CruserDomain eDomain = new CruserDomain();
public void testGetCruseById() throws Exception,
String cCode = "AA";
int employeeId = 21305;
anyString(), anyInt())).thenReturn(
anyString(), anyString(), anyString()))
CruseMember expectedResponse = eDomain.getMemberById(
airlineCode, employeeId);
//getting null pointer exception in the below line execution
//while getting the current month
public CruseMember getMemberById(String cCode, int employeeId)
throws Exception {
//Some code //
if (contractMonth.getType().equals(
CruseConstant.CURRENT_MONTH)) {
currentMonthStartDate = cMonth.getStartDate();
} else if (contractMonth.getType().equals(
CruseConstant.OTHER_MONTH)) {
nextMonthStartDate = cMonth.getStartDate();
public final class CruseConstant {
public static final String CURRENT_MONTH = "C";
public static final String OTHER_MONTH = "O";
I tried with ReflectionTestutils but throwing exception while junit starts.
Help me on how to lookup final class static variables in the injectMocked class.
I strongly advise you to not mock domain objects, instead I would craft builders that can generate those objects.
Also in the code snippet #InjectMocks has no mock to inject, so injects nothing, mock fields should be declared in the test class. However I stress the point of not mocking the domain !
We've written this page on how to write good tests, I think TDD practitioners should read it, wether they use mockito or not. Lot of people contributed to refine this wiki page.
=> https://github.com/mockito/mockito/wiki/How-to-write-good-tests
It is really hard to understand your code because you have replaced the interesting parts with comments, but I would guess that you get a NPE because
is null. That is because you did not mock and/or forgot to define the behaviour of the class that you get the contractMonth from (CruserRepository?)
