Can this method be tested using mockito? - spring-boot

I am not sure how to test the first method in the service layer with Mockito as it is using the helper method. Below is my failed attempt at a test: I get an InvalidUseOfMatchersException in the second when clause.
Thanks in advance!
private EntityRepository EntityRepo;
private EntityService EntityService;
public List<DTO> getAllDTOs(){
//first method
return entityRepo.findAll()
//helper method
public DTO convertEntityToDTO(Entity entity) {
ModelMapper modelMapper = new ModelMapper();
DTO dto = new DTO();
dto =, DTO.class);
return dto;
public void EntityService_GetAll_ReturnsDTOList() {
//the second when clause: when(entityService.convertEntityToDTO(Mockito.any(Entity.class)))
List<DTO>DTOList = entityService.getAllDTOs();

Mockito#any* methods are actually defined in class ArgumentMatchers and can only be used to match the call arguments when setting up a mock or when verifying calls. All matcher methods return null (but have side-effects of modifying a matcher stack to be able to properly detect and match mocked calls).
For instance, you might do Mockito.when(svc.print(Mockito.anyString()).doNothing() when you don't care about the input or Mockito.verify(svc.print(Mockito.anyString()), Mockito.never()) when you want to verify that the method has never been called.
When setting up your mock, you have to provide a real value in your thenReturn call:
.thenReturn(new DTO());


Spring boot with Mockito mocking NamedParameterJdbcTemplate

Trying to unit test a method which is defined as :
public void myMethod(List<? extends MyModel> model){
int[] result = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate("update query", SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(model));
In my test class i am defining test method as
class MyTestClass{
NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate;
MyDao dao;
public void testMyMethod() {
final int[] rowsAffected = new int[]{1,2};
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(any(), SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch(Arrays.asList(anySet())))).thenReturn(rowsAffected);
List<MyModel> myModels = new ArrayList<>();
MyModel mymodel = new MyModel();
While running this test method , i am getting NullPointerException in called method(myMethod()). int[] result is coming as null. My understanding is it should get the result from the stub in the mock.
Please help me understand what am i doing wrong.
It seems that you're not using the correct import for any() because if it would be the correct ArgumentMatchers.any() from Mockito, Mockito would complain that you don't use an ArgumentMatcher for both parameters of .batchUpdate().
You can statically import it with import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.*; or use ArgumentMatchers.any().
So as first step, try the following:
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.any())).thenReturn(rowsAffected);
or be less generic and match the return type of SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch() with:
// I don't know what SqlParameterSourceUtils.createBatch() returns, so you might have to adjust it
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(ArgumentMatchers.any(), ArgumentMatchers.eq("SOME RETURN"))).thenReturn(rowsAffected);
It worked by adding the cast to the Argument matchers:
Updated Code :
when(namedParameterJdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(anyString(), (SqlParameterSource[]) any())).thenReturn(rowsAffected);

Getting org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.UnfinishedStubbingException:

//Test code
class Topic_Service_test
private Topic_Repository topic_repository;
private Topic_Service topic_service = Mockito.spy(new Topic_Service());
void get_topic_test()
Topic_Table topic = new Topic_Table(2,"java");
class Topic_Service
private Topic_Repository topic_repository;
public Topic_Table get_topic(int id)
System.out.println("get topic exec");
return topic_repository.findById(id).orElse(new Topic_Table());
According to me, topic_service.get_topic(2); in Topic_Service_test class should return the object according to Mockito.doReturn(topic).when(topic_service.get_topic(2)); but actually
it is showing some error, which I am not getting it.
Unfinished stubbing detected here:
-> at
E.g. thenReturn() may be missing.
Examples of correct stubbing:
1. missing thenReturn()
2. you are trying to stub a final method, which is not supported
3: you are stubbing the behaviour of another mock inside before 'thenReturn' instruction if
You're using the wrong syntax. It should be:
That is the syntax you want to use on spies to avoid side-effects (for example: if the method invocation would throw an exception).
private Topic_Repository topic_repository;
private Topic_Service topic_service = Mockito.spy(new Topic_Service());
Also instead of using it like this, the cleaner way would be to use constructor injection. Consider adding a constructor that has a parameter Topic_Repository and then manually create the spy in your test.

How to mock beans Autowired on service layer in #WebMvcTest

I am testing a REST API's in Spring boot gradle app, my mocked service using #MockBean is returning null. This mocked service return null if there are some beans Autowired in service class(I used constructor injection).
Here is sample Code(Not compiled, only for understanding)
class TestController {
private RetriveDataService retriveDataService;
public TestControllerx(RetriveDataService retriveDataService) {
this.retriveDataService = retriveDataService;
#PostMapping(value = "/yyy")
public MyResponseModel myMethod(#RequestBody MyRequestModel model) {
return retriveDataService.retriveData(model);
class RetriveDataService {
private TokenService tokenService;
public RetriveDataService(TokenService tokenService) {
this.tokenService = tokenService;
public MyResponseModel retriveData(MyRequestModel model) {
String accessToken = tokenService.getToken().getAccessToken();
return retriveData(model, accessToken);
public class TestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;
private RetriveDataService retriveDataService;
public void testRetriveData() throws Exception {
mvc.perform("/xxx/yyy").content(objectMapper.writeValueAsString(new MyRequestModel()))
When I run this test, i am getting following output(If my service do not need another bean, I am getting expected output)
Status = 200
Error message = null
Headers = []
Content type = null
Body =
Forwarded URL = null
Redirected URL = null
Cookies = []
Due to this response i facing problem on line .andExpect(content().contentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_UTF8));. also when i check response body(as body is also a null)
Sample project to reproduce the issue is here
Checking your repository confirmed assumption form the discussion in comments under question.
You specify expectations on your mock
MyModel requestMessage = new MyModel();
requestMessage.setMessage("Hello Request Post");
but the message received to in your controller in your #WebMvcTest is not equal to requestMessage specified in the test. This is due to the fact that MyModel class does not override equals method.
In this situation, Mockito will use its default behaviour:
By default, for all methods that return a value, a mock will return either null, a primitive/primitive wrapper value, or an empty collection, as appropriate. For example 0 for an int/Integer and false for a boolean/Boolean.
You have two options to fix the problem:
override equals (and hashCode) in your request class.
Get acquainted with argument matchers
More info on option 2.:
Technically, your expectation is equivalent to:
You can use other matcher, or even define your own. This is useful if you cannot modify code of your argument's type (type coming from 3-rd party library etc).
For example, you can use ArgumentMatchers.any(MyModel.class))

How to unit test a service which sets attribute to newly created object

I want to write unit test for one of my service to verify certain fields get assigned.
public void createNewRecord(Dto dto) {
Record record = new Record();
I don't have a constructor for dto because a record has many attributes and some of them get assigned from other methods. My previous plan is: mock the record and verify setName() and setDetail methods are called once. But there is no way to inject mocked record into this service. Do I have to change my previous code? Any thought is appreciated.
There are several approaches:
change method to this
public void createNewRecord(Record record, Dao dao)
Use PowerMockito to mock constructor
Use factory or for construct record (I prefer this)
If record constructor is simple and setters for record also don't have some special logic then you can mock only repo and verify repo's argument.
Mocks should be used for mocking a dependency of the tested object, not for mocking an inner object in the tested method.
Why don't you mock the repo instance and then you would verify with you mock api that is called with the expected record ?
It seems to be a straight way to unit test your method.
You can use Mockito and its #Captor annotation to capture the arguments passed to the repo instance. You can #Mock the Dto object to create expectations for the getName() and getDetail() methods and assert that the results of invoking the setName() and setDetail() methods on the captured Record instance are the same values expected from the Dto object. For example:
private Repo repo;
private Dto dto;
private ArgumentCaptor<Record> recordArgumentCaptor;
private Service service;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
this.service = new Service(repo);
public void shouldCreateNewRecord() {
Record record = recordArgumentCaptor.getValue();
assertThat(record.getName(), is(equalTo(dto.getName())));
assertThat(record.getDetail(), is(equalTo(dto.getDetail())));

Why doesn't Mockito's when() get triggered?

I need to test a service class, but when I try to mock the dao class, it doesn't get triggered, thus not able to use ThenReturn().
I think that the problem is because I use an interface for my Dao and #Autowired in the service class (Spring MVC 3.1):
The interface:
public interface TestDao {
int createObject(Test test) throws NamingException;
The implementation:
public class TestDaoImpl implements TestDao {
public int createObject(Test test) {
KeyHolder keyHolder = new GeneratedKeyHolder();
jdbcTemplate.update(new InsertNewTest(test), keyHolder);
return ((java.math.BigDecimal)keyHolder.getKey()).intValue();
The service:
public class RegTest {
TestDao testDao;
public int regTest(int .....) {
int cabotageId = testDao.createObject(test);
In the test I have:
public class TestRegService {
private RegTest regTest = new RegTest();
TestDao testDao;
public void test() {
testDao.createObject(null) returns 0 (due to being mock'ed) and not 100 as I is trying to achieve.
Can anybody help, please?
Problem solved!
It was the passing test-object to createObject() that did not match. Using
did the trick!
If your test is actually passing a value to createObject, then when(testDao.createObject(null)... never gets matched. Rather than matching on null, you could match any instance of Test with testDao.createObject(any(Test.class))...
Also when you tried later to supply new Test() as the argument to match, it will literally try to match on that exact instance of Test, but presumably your real code is new-ing up a different one. So the use of Matchers.any(Test.class) as the parameter to match is the way to go.
Mockito injection mechanism don't know about Spring #Autowired or CDI #Inject annotations. It just tries to find the best candidate given the type and the name of the mock, and it can lookup private fields too. See the javadoc of #InjectMocks :
The semantic you are using is correct, though if you are experiencing issues, I would rather look for incorrect interactions or incorrect arguments.
Are you sure the test variable in regTest.regTest(int...) is really null when passed to testDao.createObject(test) ?
I don't know if this is a typo in the example, but you have RegTest.regTest() calling createTest() rather than createObject(). Otherwise, I don't think #Autowired has anything to do with it, since your test itself is not running in a container with Spring management. If it is not a typo, and createTest is in fact a real and different method from createObject, then the default behaviour of a mocked object in Mockito is to return the appropriately-typed zero for numeric return types.
I think that you're right about the autowire not getting called. You could inject the dao yourself using the setTestDao() call instead. Mockito also supports spy which allows you to trace the objects code and just replace functions instead.
