i have tried this to get records matching value 1 in products_applicable column
how do we get records using dynamic value like $value instead of ['1'], i have tried this
Nothing Worked>>>> How do i get all records matching $value in products_applicable column which is json datatype
also I want to merge this 2 codes like i want all records having null value at products_applicable and having $value
$data= Coupon::whereNull('products_applicable')->get();
. hope anyone can help me..
You can achieve it by passing an array to whereJsonContins()method.
For example:
$value = [1, 2, 3];
$data= Coupon::whereNull('products_applicable')
->orWhereJsonContains('products_applicable', $value)->get();
Notice: You can pass whereJsonContains() method both an array or a value (string or integer).
I have in a Codeigniter 4 controller this code:
$competicion =$db->table('competiciones')
->where('competiciones.slug', $blog_slug)
How can I get and save in a variable id_competicion value, for example? I try this code but it is wrong:
$competicionid = $competicion->[competicion_id];
getRowArray() returns an array, the correct approach to retrieve an array value would be:
$competicionid = $competicion['competicion_id'];
another possibility would be to use getRow(), which returns an object. To retrieve an object value you could use:
$competicionid = $competicion->competicion_id;
read more: Generating Query Results: Result Rows
I have a serialized String like this
$string = '[{"name":"FOO"},{"name":""},{"name":"BAR"}]';
I am trying to process it via Laravel Collection's filter method and eliminate items without a defined "name" property.
$collection = collect(\json_decode($string));
$collection = $collection->filter(function($v){
return !empty($v->name);
$string = \json_encode($collection->toArray());
Normally I am expecting something like this:
But I'm getting something like this:
Funny thing is, if I skip the filtering process or return true every time, I keep getting the string in the desired format. Removing the toArray() call has the same result. I don't want to keep the numeric indices as associative object keys.
Why this anomaly? And what should I do to get the serialized data in desired format?
In PHP arrays the index key must be unique.
In your case you have the key 'name' and collection automatically assigns the index key to all items in the collection.
To overcome that problem just call
$string = \json_encode($collection->values());
I am going to read the data by query, manipulate some values and write it back to the db. I use the code below but I get an error.
$data = DB::table('users')->get()->toArray();
foreach ($data as $d){
$d->id = $id+100;
Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::insert() must be of the type array,
but the input is already an array. Do you have a better solution for this?
Ok. let's explain this, what ->toArray() actually did is converting the whole collection to array not casting the selected records to array so if you dd($data) you will find it's an array of objects not array of arrays, so what you need to do is to cast each record in the selected records like so
$data = DB::table('users')->get()->map(function ($user) {
return (array) $user;
as i said
->toArray() - this will convert the whole collection to array
(array) $user - this will convert the selected record to array
you can simply use increment function
->increment('id', 100);
more info : laravel docs
I want to update a totcosty field in the User table but it is throwing this error everytime and it is not updating the field
this is the function for execution:
public static function cost(){
$user = User::find($user_id);
$total = Helper::totcost();
// dd($tot_amt);
$user->totcosty = $total;
array to string means you are sending an array to the database but db will not accept it you have to explode() the array before sending it to db...
Hope it will help!
If you really want to store an array in some table field, then better declare it as a JSON field. For this, your DB should have support for JSON type columns.
See here how to do this.
Once this is done, you can save arrays in that column, you can assign an array value to the model property and laravel will convert it to JSON while saving and also it will be converted to array while retrieving.
I have a collection called $products, each instance of which has a field created_at. The latter obviously has a format ('Y-m-d H:i:s') in the DB. Now, it's easy to get instances with unique created_at. However, I'd like to retrieve unique year values of created_at in one single expression (that I can write in my view). What I am looking for is:
$products->unique( year value ('Y' ONLY) of 'created_at' )
This expression should evaluate to something like this: ['2012', '2013', '2016'].
Building on the comment that gives you a collection with unique timestamps, you can map out the year and sort with the following code.
$years = $products->unique(function($item){
return $item['created_at']->year;
return $item['created_at']->year;
In addition to Tim result
$products = DB::table('products')->get();
$years = $products->unique(function($item){
return $item['created_at']->year;
return $item['created_at']->year;
You can use toArray or values() to get the result of collection