I was doing a pandoc beamer presentation, and have already inserted a bibliography. I have to insert another set of bibliographic citations that includes "My publications" that has to exist on a seperate frame. Is this possible in pandoc / beamer or should I do a manual add? What I am currently doing is like below and looking to automate the data in # My Publications with automated citations that exist in the bib file I use. Thanks!
title: One Tests pandoc beamer doing a presentation
bibliography: mybib.bib
suppress-bibliography: true
# My First Slide
This can be addressed as [#SomeCite_1992]
# My Second Slide
Another study shows that this can be done [#OtherCite_2020]
# References
(pandoc maual says div marked as #refs will be filled with biblio)
::: {#refs}
# My publications
Me Myself, A Colleague, The Professor, "Hard-found evidence that this is not hugely important", J. Awesome studies, Feb 2019.
Me Myself, Another dude, The Professor, "Some crazy study that means nothing", J. None Reads, Dec 2020.
After reading the online Pandoc manual and browsing pages such as knitr-pandoc-article-template-supporting-keywords and Keywords in Pandoc 2, I haven't figured out yet how to write the values of the thanks and keywords YAML fields from the header of a Markdown file to a docx document through Pandoc conversion. My working version of Pandoc is 2.18.
I have thought that a Lua filter might be the way to proceed, but my knowledge of both Lua and the Pandoc framework at the programmatic level is quite limited.
Any help in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Although my actual setup is more complex, the following Markdown lines with a YAML header should do for an MWE:
title: The Title
author: The Author
thanks: |
The author wishes to thank certain support.
abstract: |
This is the abstract.
keywords: [one, two, three, four]
# A Heading
Text body.
The answer to this depends a little on how you'd want the thanks to be viewed. E.g., if you'd like it to be presented as a footnote to the author, you'd use a Lua filter like this:
function Meta (meta)
meta.author = meta.author .. {pandoc.Note(meta.thanks)}
return meta
The approach can be adapted to match different requirements.
I have a .rst document containing the following lines...
This example goes over the analysis found the author's paper [Hughes2017]_.
.. [Hughes2017] Hughes, M., Olsen, J., *On the potential of organic Rankine cycles for recovering waste heat from the exhaust gases of a piston aero-engine*, Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology, Seoul, Korea, 2017.
When I use Sphinx to produce a .html file from this .rst file, the reference comes out as [Hughes20170] (both in text and in the reference list). Could anybody explain why this is?
I found the answer! My question was a little misleading because actually the text above was in the docstring of a module. I was then using automodule in an rst file in my /doc folder to call the docstring of that module and it was appending the 0 to the citation. If I remove the References heading from the docstring and place it instead in the actual rst file it stops appending the 0.
I am creating a documentation with Sphinx where I am citing papers with standard numeric way of citation e.g.
bone, extracellular matrix[2], fluids, and diffusing chemicals[3]
.. [2] Merks, R. M. H., Newman <MoreText>
.. [3] Turing, A. M. <MoreText>
But it does not work. I see that numeric references are only for footnotes and for citations you have to use alphanumeric text as mentioned in documentation.
I believe that many people cite using numbered references. Is there any way this to achieve this?
It is possible using sphinxcontrib-bibtex by Matthias C. M. Troffaes that relies on BibTex files for storing the citations.
Install it (see link above) and add
extensions = ['sphinxcontrib.bibtex']
To the conf.py file of your project.
Add a page with the bibliography
.. bibliography:: /path/to/bibtex/file.bib
:style: plain
The style "plain" is the typical numerical citation style. Note that as for latex usage, you do not put the number in yourself. A citation is done as
Sphinx is great for documentation :cite:`sphinx_doc_web`
and the extension will place the number appropriately.
Do you know where can I find more details on the description of the Stanford NERFeatureFactory?
I read the one at: https://nlp.stanford.edu/nlp/javadoc/javanlp/edu/stanford/nlp/ie/NERFeatureFactory.html
but I do not understand them all (and some have no description).
For example:usePrev,
useSum, ...
(pw,c) (t,c)
There was a similar question 2 years ago without a better description. I was wondering if something new came out since then.
Thanks for your help!
If you look through the source code of NERFeatureFactory you can see what is going on.
The source code is available here: https://github.com/stanfordnlp/CoreNLP/blob/master/src/edu/stanford/nlp/ie/NERFeatureFactory.java
For example, useWordPairs creates features for the word under consideration and the previous/next word. You can see this in the code starting on line 1062...
As an example, consider the features for the word New in this text ...from New York......the useWordPairs feature produces the features New-from-W-PW and New-York-W-NW
A lot of the features have descriptions in that file as well.
It's helpful to look through the code and see what is being produced. For instance the conjoinShapeNGrams feature is producing features that attach the overall shape of the word and substrings of the word. You can see fully what is going on by looking at the code.
As an example of conjoinShapeNGrams, consider the name Wordsworth which would get features like worth-Xxxxxxxxxx-CNGram-CS , Words-Xxxxxxxxxx-CNGram-CS, etc...
This feature is capturing the presence of a certain substring and word shape together.
(pw, c) refers to "previous word" and "current word", which is linked to the usePrev flag
(t, c) refers to "part of speech tag" and "current word", which is linked to the useTags flag
It doesn't look like useSum does anything anymore...
Main Question:
Is there a way to flag Pandoc to turn off appending the bibliography but still have it insert the correct inline citations?
I am writing a Markdown / Knitr document that has a main file (article.Rmd) and several "child" files that are included in the main file using Knitr's "child=" chunk option.
The child files are basically sections of the main article file, just separated for easier editing and management. Throughout these child section files, I use the citations in the Markdown text (e.g. "#author_title_1999") to cite various papers. The main file and each child file has a YAML header that provides the BibTex file location, e.g.:
bibliography: mybibfile.bib
(Including this YAML entry more than once is not a problem; see the readme on metadata-blocks.)
When I compile the entire document using Knitr, a big Markdown document is created. I then use Pandoc with the --filter pandoc-citeproc option to manage the citations. Pandoc inserts nice citations and appends a list of the cited papers as references/bibliography. Cool.
As I write and edit the individual child sections, I use the same citation compiling which produces the correct inline citations, but unfortunately also appends the references at the end, even though it's just a section of the larger document. I would like to compile these small child sections with inline citations, but without the bibliography at the end.
I think this is possible with the suppress-bibliography metadata field first introduced in pandoc-citeproc 0.7 (released in May 2015). From the current pandoc-citeproc man page:
pandoc-citeproc will look for the following metadata fields in the input:
suppress-bibliography : If this has a true value, the bibliography will be left off. Otherwise a bibliography will be inserted into each Div element with id refs. If there is no such Div, one will be created at the end of the document.
(as a workaround, you can also quite easily create a custom CSL style that doesn't produce a bibliography, by deleting the cs:bibliography child element of the style. See http://docs.citationstyles.org/en/stable/specification.html#child-elements-of-cs-style.)