Why do i get the "index of" page? (Laravel Nova Web App) - laravel

I have uploaded a Laravel Nova project into bluehost and made the changes on the DB name, user, and password, and I assigned the domain to the directory but I'm still getting the (Index of/) page when I open the domain.

That happens because your vhost is pointing to an incorrect directory.
Your apache/any web server should be pointing to /dir/your-project-name/public, however now its currently pointing to /dir/your-project-name (public is missed)
If you have ssh option, edit your vhost to point to /your-project-name/public directory.
If you don't have ssh option (most probably if you're in shared hosting you won't have access to), try renaming the public to public_html and see if that works.
If that still doesn't work, you would need to change the app configuration. Please see this answer


Laravel on a directory, links e.g. login link does not work

I have uploaded my Laravel app unto a directory under the public folder on my domain,
where 'store' is the folder of my Laravel App. My main domain pointed at 'html_docs/public', please check my laravel app here "https://www.dinhi.org/store/". As you can see, when you click the "sell with us" or "login" on the top header, it returns
Not Found
The requested URL /store/dashboard/login was not found on this server.
I have set up to in my '.env' and in my 'config/app.php' the right url like "https://www.dinhi.org/store/" but still not working, any ideas, help please?
PS: I'm on Laravel 5.3 and I'm using Hesto Multi Auth. In my local, this issue does not exist like everything is good and working.
Laravel is not meant to be installed completely into the document root of your server. Actually, every folder of your laravel application except the public folder should be inaccessible from the web.
Your exposing yourself to a security risk here, since everybody could access every file of your app, including potential .env files with database credentials and the likes.

Jomsocial transfer from one server to another

I am trying to transfer my website with jomsocial from one server to another.
Previous server steps:
Backup all the files from public_html folder.
Backup the DB from php my admin.
New server steps:
Install joomla, entered the prefix in DB of the previous DB prefix.
Deleted all files from public html and extract the backup from the previous server.
Export the DB from the previous server, to the new one.
Changed the configuration.php file with the new user/dbname/password.
Now when i try to enter the new server at this IP address
and i login ok.
It loads the main page
but when i try to enter a profile i get a 404 Error.
Although when i try to see the profile
i can see it.
But not from the correct link that i had in the previous server
Any idea why this happens?
You probably haven't copied the .htaccess file from the old website, you will need to copy it from the old Joomla website to the new one. This typically happens because the .htaccess file is considered to be a hidden file and as such does not get copied over automatically.
First of all, installing a clean Joomla first is totally unnecessary. As for why you are getting the 404 error pages, this is because you probably have URL rewrite enabled in global configuration, while there is not a proper .htaccess file sitting in your new server.
With proper I mean either no .htaccess at all, or one that was setup for your old hosting. I rather tend to think the second.
To test that your moved correctly your site, disable url rewrite from global configuration.
If you would want to test with url rewrites enabled, then I would suggest to edit the hosts file in your computer and point your domain to the ip address of the new server.
Google Search: How to edit my hosts file - choose the resource for your OS.

point subdomain from website-1 to subfolder on website-2 (both hosted on the same server)

I have a client with three websites, each with separate c-panels for their hosting and dns management.
I need to point a subdomain from website-1 and website-2 to website-3, and then have their root be a subfolder on website-3.
I was able to set up a simple subdomain for website-3, and set it's root to the subfolder that I needed, but am having trouble pointing the other two sites.
It seems (from googling around) that the issue is caused by the site's all sharing an IP address, since they're all on the same server.
On website-3 where the subfolder is, I've tried setting up an "add-on domain" of test.website-1.com but get an error stating:
website-1.com is already configured. Sorry, that domain is already setup (remove it from httpd.conf)
I get a similar error trying to use the park a domain settings in the cpanel. I don't have access to the server in a way that lets me httpd.conf (unless there's a way through the cpanel).
Is there any other way to set this up that I'm missing?
If you are using IIS, you can create a website (Add Web site under Sites folder in IIS) in IIS and point to any folder. For example, if you are trying to point a subdomain mysubdomain.website-1.com to a particular folder, create a website in IIS that points to that subfolder, then in bindings, bind it to mysubdomain.website-1.com. In your domain registry, simply point the sub domain to the same IP of Website-1. I believe that should work.
Unfortunately, my knowledge is limited to IIS. If you are not using IIS, you may find other resources to configure a subdomain.
If all your primary domains are using same IP , you will not be able to point the subdomains as you have mentioned since all the subdomains also using the same IPs.
Instead of pointing the subdomain 1 subdomain 2 to subdomain 3 ... just set up redirects directly to subdomain 3 for each subdomain from their primary domain's cpanel.
You can easily set the redirects from Redirects option in cpanel

SFTP Login Success - 404 Error In Browser

This is my first time working with SFTP. I'm used to using a cPanel with a hosting company (like JustHost or GoDaddy, etc.).
I'm able to log in to my SFTP server through FileZilla and I'm able to upload files onto the server but when I go to visit the page on my web browser, it gives me a 404 error. For example, let's say my IP address for the server is:
I have the logins and I use them in FileZilla and put files in. And then I want to navigate to a file (in this case I'll use the phpMyAdmin directory I've created since that's what I'm trying). In the browser I write:
This directory exists and has an index.php file in it but when I try to go to it, the browser gives me a 404 error. Am I missing a step here? Do I need to somehow work the login credentials into the URL? I've tried other paths too and they don't work either.
Thanks for your help!
I just realized that with SFTP, the browser uses the information that's in the /var/www/html/ folder to display. I can navigate to those directories by just simply typing the directory name in. I suppose my question now is how do I get to the root directory in my web browser. Using just the defaults to the /var/www/html/ folder...
Which web server do you use? If it's Apache you should learn about apache virtual hosts and modify the apache configuration file (usually on /etc/apache2).
See here for more details.

Magento Front-end "404 Not Found 1"

We have a domain name pointing to our old windows server. We purchased a linux server. I wish to build our new webstore on the Linux server. Once I am ready, I will redirect our domain name to the Linux server.
Up to now:
We have Magento installed on the back end. Now I need to have the front-end working
I edited the url to be our domain name. I have edited my host file to have the domain name ignore the windows server ip and get directed to the linux server (the one with Magento installed). The page shows up with links and text in a big mess, and the title of the web page says "404 Not Found 1". I get this problem with both the back-end & the front-end.
I am able to access the PHPadmin and edit the url. I tried making the url the Linux server's IP. If I do that, Magento's back-end works but then I get a completely blank page for the front-end. Any suggestion is welcomed.
To make your site visible:
1) Change the links web/unsecure/base_url and web/secure/base_url of the table core_config_data to http://www.yourdomain.com/ or whatever you have.
2) Go to app->etc->local.xml and change your database username,password, host to the right one.
3) if it is still not working go to var and media folders and change the permissions to 777 for all folders and subfolders.If it works you know it is permission problem.
Read this after that and make your decision magento permissions
