How to display conversation text in Laravel - laravel

I want to display text like below, how can I store it in database, should I have put by hand like <p>, <br /> right? It will be take a lot of time, there are another way to do that, thank you!
Tess: Thank you.
Ravi: Are you doing anything special?
Tess: Well, I’m going out for dinner with some friends tonight and then we might go to a club. I’m not really sure.
Ravi: Sounds good. Where are you going to eat? Is it somewhere a bit special or …

You can use CKEditor for this. It will give you content in HTML format. You just need to write as a document editor. for example in the StackOverflow question and answer section, you are can design the document as bold, italic, hyperlink, etc.
There are lots of WYSIWYG editors, for example, TinyMCE, Summernote, etc.


CEWP to show images (HTML) works until I use grouping. Then I see the DIV tag

I'm fairly new to Share Point so forgive me if this is to easy for you guys, but I could not seem to find the answer anywhere and I am rather stumped.
I am currently trying to make a website to track if particular tasks go over their due date. I have a calculated column that leaves a DIV tag to the image of a red/yellow/green circle which is displayed by the javascript for a Content Editor Web Part (CEWP) made by Christophe on his site here:
I was able to put his code into the CEWP and everything looks great when it is in a standard list.
But I want a web part version of this on the homepage for easy view. When I make the web part (of a view grouping by the image tag) and place on the main site all I see is the DIV tag! I made sure to put an identical CEWP on the homepage as well but i get as grouping:
+[columnName] : DIV>img title=blahblahblah>/DIV> (2)
Needles to say when I expand this it stays the same for all entries below
Any Ideas?
Thanks for your time :D
Nobody has responded, but I found the answer so hopefully this will save someone the hours of grief I had. This will seem ridiculous but just go with it.
In the calculated column instead of returning the type as text, return it as a currency. Sounds ridiculous BUT IT WORKS!!

Algorithm / API for converting HTML to email friendly HTML (for newsletters)

I'm sure this is a very old question, but I could not find a straight answer
I'm looking for a works-mostly algorithm to take regular HTML content, and make it email client friendly.
I can rewrite any nice DIV layout to table layout, this is OK, but is there anything that will do it for me?
Here are my concerns
Overflow content - gmail etc ignores any overflow:hidden, the algorithm should address it
Clipped images - same as above, but here the solution will probably be server side clipping
CSS / Script / non standard tags - the algorithm should remove but keep the general look and feel
DIV layout to table layout, I heard it's a must, but I'm sure it's not an easy task to automate
There are many HTML to PDF converters, but I could not find a good HTML to "HTEMAIL" converter
Is there any standard or proposed standard for HTML for email clients? or is it an open jungle out there?
There is no way to make a converter that will be cross email client compatible. The closest you can get is using templates and adding text in certain sections using php or .net
I've been creating emails for 6 months, and the amount of time you spend correcting email client differences is normally around 50% of the time you spend making the email.
Here is some reading that may help you:
As you can see from that last link there is no way to create an algorithm that can sort out all these issues.
Hope this helps
Another option that I've been using is to build the email in HTML or directly in Mailchimp. Once I'm happy with it, using Mailchimp, I click on preview and I get the email in a popup. The source code from the popup is email-client friendly (in tables). I then copy that code and use it for my emails.
Not ideal and a bit of trouble, but so far the best solution I can find.
And before people ask, I mostly us Mailchimp directly, but there is one situation that I have to kick it old school.

Link to a specific image/slide in gallerific

I'm having problems with something which seems like an easy task, and most probably a stupid question. It will probably be my all time low experience in programming but I would really appreciate any help!
I'm using Galleriffic to display my portfolio site, and I am looking for a way to directly link to an image+description not being the first in the gallery. I would like it to link from other webpages, or from plain text/pdf documents.
In short, I would like it to link to a webaddress of slide 5 with something like:
Slide 5
but doing it this way obviously doesn't work.
Although others have tried to explain:
jquery cycle link from external page to specific slide?
I can not seem to accomplish it, and it does not help at all that I am not a programmer.
not sure if it is too late, have been search the solutions for whole day, final found out the example 4 in the official website actually make the #link show on the you can actually link the specific image ('slide'') from external page...amazing!!!!!
check this out
You can find the script after all the or just before ... and place it to your works well for me, hope it helps, good luck

How to retrieve plain text from a formatted website to use in UIWebView

Not sure if what I want to do is possible, but what I am hoping to do is somehow gather certain pieces of text from a website, remove the header, footer, background, all formatting, and place it into my application in a scrollview or something similar...
I'll give you an example... Imagine I was making wikipedia's iPhone app, I want to download the information about the wiki on dogs, without the header, side bars etc, just the text. How would I go about doing this?
I understand that for this I have not provided any example code or what I've tried or started, but that's just because in this case I'm lost! That doesn't mean I want full chunks of code either. Any help will do. If this doesn't work, I will just have to make a 'mobile optimised' version of the webpages I want to include in my app.
(Edit: the term I was trying to use was 'strip the web page of its HTML coding')
You may be going about this the wrong way, or perhaps even asking the wrong question.
Does the target website have an API or datafeed of some kind?
Can you get the information you need in JSON or XML format directly from the site?
I think you've misunderstood the technology. HTML is merely the framwork on which the formatting and data is hung.
Parsing the HTML page seems like an awfully big headache, I doubt you'll ever be able to get it to work, because almost all sites these days are partially or wholly generated on the server side, the page is only the result.
Some sites hide the information in memory and others get it dynamically through ajax for example, which means that simply trying to get the data by parsing the HTML will get zero data.
Another issue you should be aware of though, is that simply copying the data from generated websites may open yourself up to copyright issues.
You have to parse the html code and search for the part that you want and "throw" away the part that you do not need. This is more or less like bruteforcing and the code of the website should not change otherwise you are screwed. So you have to write the parser by hand with this method. But maybe there is a atom or rss feed and you can parse this one. This will be much more easier and you are not depending on the website layout because the rss/atom feed is just about the data. For parsing rss you could try out NSXMLParser.
And then you have to make a valid html page out of the data and present it in the UIWebView

Separate Content for each different language in joomla

It is possible to get multiple input textareas where I can enter content for each language separately. Is there some kind of extension that enables this. I am a novice at joomla so please help me.
Well, something like
Title(English): <THEN A TEXT BOX HERE>
Title(Other Langauge): <THEN A TEXT BOX HERE>
Content(Other Language)
I am just passing ideas. May be there is something better that can solve my problem. basically, i need to manually enter different content for every language installed. Not through automatic translation. It is not even available...
Have a look at Joomla Translations Manager - we use it on all our multilingual pages and it will help you translate JText::_() strings
As JackJoe said, Joomfish is what you are looking for.
