Possibility to enable the email verification on only a part of users? - parse-platform

We have two types of accounts in our company. One user type (type1) are the one that we create manually via an internal UI. Now we want to give the possibility to clients to register themselves from a public UI (type2).
We would like to activate the registration process for users of "type2" and disable it for users of "type1". Is it possible to control it somehow?
I've discovered this REST API function:
But unfortunately, it does not work for my use case. Any other idea?

So it seems that there is no such option on parse-server but as #Davi Macedo posted it's possible to hook on the beforeSave trigger of the user and sent the verified flag to true. What I did, instead, is to check on the email adapter what kind of user request to send email and block when the user is of "type1". Maybe the solution from #Davi Macedo is more elegant but also the second one was working fine for me for now. Thanks a lot for helping out!


Web application change email algorithm

I am developing an ASP.NET Core web application with user management functionalities. My question is about the email address changing algorithm. Almost every web app I saw before have the following flow:
User authorized
User requested an email address change
User received a message on the new mailbox with the confirmation link
User clicks the link and the email address updates
But I think, this algorithm might be a bit insecure and that is what I want to discuss here.
How about this flow:
User authorized
User requested an email address change
User received a message on the old mailbox with the confirmation link
User received a message on the new mailbox with the second confirmation link
User clicks the link and the email address updates
With this additional step in the middle of the algorithm, things may be much better from the security perspective, but would it be too complex or not? How do you think what algorithm I should implement? And what would you prefer if you will be in my shoes?
The second options might sound great, and it's not too much headache to implement too. But I'll stick with the first approach due to some reason:
Common work flow pattern.
As the backend side can be wrote by many language, by various developers, so common pattern would make things more standard when we need some kind of migration, and even maintaining by new developer. If the project doesn't require ultra-secure authentication flow, the simplicity of first approach was enough.
From user convinient pespertive
Let's just imagine when changing an email address, what case the user likely want to change email address ? I was register my facebook account long ago using yahoo mail, that's no-longer active, and i need to switch to a gmail one. What's the point of sending the email back to the old one ? Cumbersome... and i can do nothing in this case except get some help from the staff.
I totally aggree with the second approach on security angle. But that's not suitable for most of the case, only implement if the project have some requirement. And even in that case, I suggest don't even do that too, build some thing like sub-admin account role and grant permission to someone have responsible. Like Google enterprise email organize some account called admin if anything wrong happen to user account. As long as it has this kind of security level requirement, it's not gonna serve massively user.
The intension of all the flow
The User got authorized first, right, that's mean we Identified what the user are, and what she capable to do. Imagine when we hide a hotel room then request to change to another due to some reason. What's the point of proving that's I booked my own room, since we all know that's the fact ? Kinda weird... right ?
To conclusion, I think we shouldn't mess with something that's become common pattern that widely acknowledged, except we have some special requirements and the project have something uniquely to satisfy, and we consider ourself, as developer that's reasonable.
The main problem with this approach is: what happens if the user no longer has access to their original email account? Perhaps it was a work/school/uni account that they no longer have, or perhaps they've just forgotten their password or otherwise lost access to it.
With your second approach, they are not going to be able to update to the new account, because they'll never receive the first confirmation link.
How about the following approach instead:
User requests an email change.
Require the user to re-authenticate with their current password (just like when they change their password).
Send a confirmation link to their new email.
Send a notification to their old email, with the details of the change, and instructions of what to do if they didn't initiate the change.
User clicks the link to update or contacts your support to say their account has been compromised.
This way you still provide them with an alert that someone is trying to change their email (and potentially a means to stop it), but a user who has lost access to their old account will still be able to update their email.

Allow admin user to login as other users

Is there any way to login other users account for admin user ?
Currently authentication based on Meteor Accounts
I saw this post but didn't working at all now.
The feature is important for us because when user have problem in system then admin need to see it this by simulating user account.
Thanks in advance.
It seems you want to impersonate a user. This means that you want to have Meteor.userId (or this.userId depending on context) reflect the _id of a specific user both on the client and the server.
afaict the only way to do this is to login as the user. Presumably you don't want to ask the user for their password so you have a couple of choices:
Save their existing password, replace it (temporarily) with a password of your choosing, then after you're done impersonating their account, restore their existing password.
You probably don't want to ask the user for their password and you don't need to. All you need to do is set aside Meteor.user.findOne(userId).services.password.bcrypt, then reset the password to your temporary value, then restore the original bcrypt value later.
The downside is that the original user would not be able to login while you are logged-in. Plus it's really hacky.
Extend Meteor's Accounts package to provide impersonation capability in a more elegant manner.
You might also look at validateLoginAttempt. The docs are unclear as to whether a failed login attempt could be overridden with a successful one but if it could then that would provide another pathway to solve your problem.
Instead of logging in as the users, which requires their password and which is a total no-no, you may use rather alanning:roles and allow the admin to assign the role of any user in order to draw views based the user's role.
This requires a well designed role system.
As a plus you could then at least load the documents associated with the user who you want to support.
This requires a well designed document and data model.
But generally spoken you should rather focus on writing good tests (test driven development) for components as unit tests, integration tests and UI tests.
This will reduce the need to manually view the app as an end user a lot.
The most common end user problems can be reduced by creating a good knowledge base like a wiki or video tutorials.
Even if then an error occurs in the end user side, I would rather try to implement a well designed error log that allows users automatically create tickets on error which also include the error stack.
All the above methods are to be favored before logging in AS THE USER.
As #Jankpunkt has already mentioned alanning-roles I can add something you can use without installing any external package.
Just keep a type key in the profile object of the users collection. Then define some types like 1 for super-admin, 2 for admin, 3 for general etc. Then check the authorisation of particular action by checking the value of user.profile.type key.
Caveats: Make sure you are checking the type in server side. By default profile field is writable from the client end, so if you are putting type field in the profile object make sure that you are not allowing users to modify users collection in the client end.
Here is how to restrict client end update in users collection:
update() { return true; }
Read more on roles and permissions here:

Using AdsOpenObject lock user

We have developed a web program for one of our customers, where we use the company’s AD to validate the user. We use function AdsOpenObject('WinNT://... and this work fine, whoever one fail use of wrong password, and the user is disabled, and need to be reactivated. The AD is set up to use 5 fail login before disabling, and their mail system is working accordingly.
Any ide where to look for or any idea of using another method to validate a user against an AD. We use Delphi but other solution is welcome.

Parse authorization in mvc5 - login issues

I'm writing an app that's supposed to run with MVC5 and using parse as a backend.
I'm using the new Identity feature of the MVC5 to login an user. I also tried to use this solution but I couldn't make it work.
What is happening is that when I login with the user A and then login with the user B in a different session (a incognito windows or a new browser) whenever I try to insert something related with a ParseUser object using the first user that was logged in I get an exception: UserCannotBeAlteredWithoutSessionError.
I'm not sure if I'm doing the implementation in a wrong way, or if it is a limitation of the Parse (I think it was designed to run using one user per device).
If you have a workaround for this situation please help me.
There is a good answer which may help: Parse Database Authorization - Security For User Objects.
So, it's a kind of Parse SDK limitation, when you can work with only one user per device (as ParseUser is cached locally). The only workaround that I can see is to perform SignOut/Login explicitly, when you need to do something from other user's context. There is no way to have two users work simultaneously from the same device.

Register on Magento bypassing validation

One of my websites has gone through some testing for security.
Although this passed the security (as the code failed) I am curious in the methods.
The website has a couple of "new users" with attempted and failed SQL Injections.
Now the email is not a valid email address and we have a captcha on the form which appears to have been bypassed (as we believe it was a script)
Does anybody know of any places a user registration would take place which would bypass the usual controllers ( Mage_Customer_AccountController::createPostAction() )
The only other way I know of for creating a customer would be via the API. I've never really worked with the core API, but at a quick glance I'm not sure that this actually calls validate on the customer model, so it seems a viable option.
