Parse authorization in mvc5 - login issues - parse-platform

I'm writing an app that's supposed to run with MVC5 and using parse as a backend.
I'm using the new Identity feature of the MVC5 to login an user. I also tried to use this solution but I couldn't make it work.
What is happening is that when I login with the user A and then login with the user B in a different session (a incognito windows or a new browser) whenever I try to insert something related with a ParseUser object using the first user that was logged in I get an exception: UserCannotBeAlteredWithoutSessionError.
I'm not sure if I'm doing the implementation in a wrong way, or if it is a limitation of the Parse (I think it was designed to run using one user per device).
If you have a workaround for this situation please help me.

There is a good answer which may help: Parse Database Authorization - Security For User Objects.
So, it's a kind of Parse SDK limitation, when you can work with only one user per device (as ParseUser is cached locally). The only workaround that I can see is to perform SignOut/Login explicitly, when you need to do something from other user's context. There is no way to have two users work simultaneously from the same device.


Ember js login without token

Initially I would like to inform you that I am using ember 2.10.
Can anyone tell me how to make a login system without a token?
I am developing an offline application with Ember and Electron and I need to make the login system without using external APIs.
If I understand you right, you want to create an application that will support few users. It is possible. You will need to perform following steps:
Install ember-simple-auth plugin. It makes auth-related things much easier
Create custom authenticator that will take a login and password or something from your users and save some identifier in session
Create login and register routes, where users will be able to login or create new credentials
Most probably you will not need an authorizer, because you don't have server api and don't send requests to it
Bear in mind that this will be zero-security system, even if you will use some encryption, because js code is not secured well from exploration. Also bear in mind that electron most probably stores user's data in user's home directory (I can't say for sure as I didn't work with electron, but node-webkit does that). In this case having different windows (or what OS your users will use) users is enough to separate data and you actually don't need any login system.

Using AdsOpenObject lock user

We have developed a web program for one of our customers, where we use the company’s AD to validate the user. We use function AdsOpenObject('WinNT://... and this work fine, whoever one fail use of wrong password, and the user is disabled, and need to be reactivated. The AD is set up to use 5 fail login before disabling, and their mail system is working accordingly.
Any ide where to look for or any idea of using another method to validate a user against an AD. We use Delphi but other solution is welcome.

Where to fill session after authenticating via WSFederationAuthenticationModule

We are using WSFederationAuthenticationModule in an ASP.NET MVC 5 application to authenticate users via Windows Azure ACS. We have tried multiple things to save some user specific data in the session after the authentication has succeeded but everytime we write to the session object we got the exception 'Session state is not available in this context'. Our favorite was the event System.IdentityModel.Services.FederatedAuthentication.WSFederationAuthenticationModule.SignedIn but of course at this time the session does not exist. Where is the recommended place to write initial data of an currently authenticated user into the session?
Have you considered using the ClaimsAuthenticationManager for this? The beauty of this is that you can access the current claims for the authenticated user (before your application code is executed), run whatever query you need to run, and then stuff new claims into the claimset of the principal. I've used this technique before for similar situations as you described.
If you really need to get access to the session data, then I think you want to look at the SessionSecurityTokenHandler class.

Ion Auth - Preventing Simultaneous login

We have a CI application where we used Ion-Auth as Authentication Library. We have used database for storing sessions.
So far everything works fine. Now, by default Ion Auth allows simultaneous logins for same user from different location. I want to prevent this. As per our client, only one login should be allowed.
Is it possible to achieve this, considering abandoned sessions (without pressing logout and closing browser) ?
If the issue in (1) above is complex to achieve, can I make a simple check if user is currently logged in./session is active.
The existing logged_in method does not take any input parameters. So I cant use this method.
I am assuming solution might be possible with already available library and I don't need to add extra fields/code to achieve this.

sfGuardPlugin session: how to reuse it with wget -- or map SID to sfGuardUser

Recently I was asked to add an XML API to one of the Symfony modules in my project. I did it, and it works well. For authentication, we use sfGuardPlugin. Symfony version is 1.3.11. Using Propel, not Doctrine.
The most recent request to me is this:
We will embed a Flash game into the website.
The Flash will do requests to the XML API.
The guy who is coding the Flash application says that it doesn't share cookies with the browser.
We want the Flash to be able to reuse the session of the currently logged in user (we won't allow to be even shown if no user is logged in).
I did try this would-be solution: (taken from other SO articles and various Google search results)
I was told that the Symfony session resides in the symfony cookie.
I was told that if I copy this value in another client (in my case, wget) and do session_id("stolen_session_id") I will be able to duplicate the session, have the same user logged in, etc.
This turned out to be wrong. Say my cookie symfony had the "blabla" value. I did this: wget --post-data='session_id=blabla' X.X.X.X:NN/api/bla.xml -O-. My server PHP code parses this POST parameter and feeds it to session_id function. It then reported in the logs that the session_id('blabla') was returning 1. However, calling $this->getUser()->getGuardUser() returns null.
I need a way to map a passed session_id to a valid sfGuardUser. Or find an alternative way of reusing a session which already exists.
Suppose I have full access to the cookies. I want to know which one of them (or all of them?) to duplicate in order to achieve this.
BTW, I am seeing in my Chrome dev tools that the symfony cookie is of a session type. So it's no wonder at all as to why my method doesn't work, but I am little lost as to how do I do this in Symfony, while using the sfGuardPlugin.
I do realize this is not one of the most informed questions, but ditto, I just need help.
Thanks for your time.
(Dimitar P.)
Oops, forgot to mention which cookies I see on my domain:
I am guessing the last four are for Google Analytics, though.
I didn't want to do this, but I was unable to find other alternatives:
$ wget --header='Cookie: symfony=blabla' X.X.X.X:NN/api/bla.xml -O-
I wanted my XML API to be REST, but evidently, Symfony doesn't allow authenticated requests other way than using cookies (and to enable the session ID to be always included in the URL is not an option at all).
Still, if somebody shows up with a fully REST alternative, I will upvote his/her answer.
You will need some way of specifying which user is executing the (wget) request. And PHP sessions use a session ID by default.
A common way to do this is token-based authentication. The most common way to achieve this is OAuth, which has a lot of default libraries (both for Symfony and for your API consumers).
If you're the only one using this API, you can also create a custom token (random sha1 string) per user per session (you can store this somewhere in your database). Now you would create something like ` wget X.X.X.X:NN/api/bla.xml?token=asdfhdsfhf
