Android: How do I make sure not to remove the Google safesearch settings even after the entire browser history is cleared? - android-9.0-pie

It is very important for me to make sure that I keep the block active and that I cannot remove it with a simple clearing of the history.
I have no idea how to do it.
I know the question here is off-topic but I don't know the section where I can post this type of question. So I ask you if you can kindly point me to the right section. Thanks so much.

I have solved the problem activating the "DNS over HTTPS" feature in the Chrome app, with this url:
This is the guide link:


What to do about "The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed." in dev tools Console

For almost every page I open in Firefox, I see this error in the Console of the developer tool bar:
(!) The Components object is deprecated. It will soon be removed.
The source is the html page. It happens with pages I create, but also on many common websites.
I found this documentation on Components object on MDN web docs, but that does not clarify a lot. Note that even that page shows this message(!)
It looks like a warning, but according to the Console filter, it is an error.
My main questions are:
Is this something for me, as a developer of the page reporting this, to solve?
If so, how do I go about that?
I am not aware of any problems as a result of this. For now, that is.
I have seen this for over a year, maybe longer. I mostly ignore this, but every now and then it starts nagging me again. I don't want my code to break suddenly and would like to get rid of this message obscuring other messages.
This is not for the developer of the page to solve.
While biking back home, a possible cause popped up in my mind: could one of the add-ons I use cause this and yes, that appears to be the case.
I restarted with disabled add-ons and the message was gone.
Then I enabled them one at a time and the culprit is
Selenium IDE.
A bug report on this issue was closed with Won't fix, with the message:
This error will resolve itself when we move to a native app later this year.
In a MozillaZine topic of 2012, it is explained how it could have been solved.
The first one is just a warning that the addon is using "Components"
directly, which won't necessarily always be possible when using the
Add-on SDK. (The preferred way to do it is to access the aliases for
Components.classes and Components.interfaces and such that the SDK
provides by requiring the "chrome" module.) It shouldn't be a problem
right now, but might become one in the future.
it happened for me after installing Selenium plugin in my FireFox.

Laravel loading twice all pages

I'm getting a strange behavior and after hours trying to figure out what might be causing this issue, still can't solve or understand why is this happening.
The project, using Laravel Framework 5.6.39, suddenly is loading every page twice, like a redirect. This happens in all routes, even the ones not using the master page layouts.
Examples: I call myproject.develop/ or myproject.develop/login or myproject.develop/articles and it loads the correct views but twice. It feels like a redirect to the same page or a refresh.
Some of the things I've done and didn't result: clear cache, clear config, clear views, clear routes, disable debugbar, disable clockwork. The behavior is the same.
Thank in advance for any help in trying to solve this issue.
After Ross Wilson suggestion to disable Javascript in the browser (Chrome o Mac OS), first it didn't solve the issue.
Nevertheless all the steps taken as described in my question, and also cleaning any application settings in the Chrome developers console, it wasn't working.
Then, reverting Chrome settings and re-enable Javascript in Chrome, it "magically" worked and this weird behavior disappeared. Just guessing that this might be a Chrome bug (using Version 71.0.3578.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)) while I was thinking anything was wrong with the application—routes, controllers, scripts, etc.—and it wasn't.
So if anyone starts experiencing this issue of pages loading twice, follow the steps and you might probably get lucky and solve the issue.
Thanks Ross!
Icognito mode solved it... so after dumping a bunch of chrome extensions it finally stopped.
I deleted cache from Chrome and the problem is gone
Ok, none of the others thing worked for me. This can be kinda obvious, but is good to check if you dont have any "src=''" in your code, this seems to try to make a request to the same url with the src type header. that happened to me.

Joomla SobiPro search results in a 404

(Apologies if I'm breaking any community guidelines here with this question, I just don't know how else to ask?)
I've recently migrated one of my Joomla sites from 2.5 to 3+ and one of the most important components I use on the site is SobiPro.
I've upgraded SobiPro to the latest version as well and made sure that everything is in order.
Now this is where I'm having a problem. On just one single section, when I do a search I get a 404 when going to the results page and for the life of me I don't know what is wrong.
This is not happening on any other section, just this one. I've checked all settings and I've literally run out of ideas as to where to look and what to do to get to the bottom of this.
I'm happy to provide further info, I just don't know what to provide?
Any help that could possibly point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
I have seen this happen in various ways and the fix usually tends to be the following.
Turn "Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting" off.
Navigate the site on the frontend, to the area affected.
Then turn "Search Engine Friendly URLs and Use URL Rewriting" on.
May need to clear the cache afterwards, and make sure your hosting doesnt have some extended cache on, via php.ini.

How to add placeholder images from Imageholdr?

I am a new developer and i searched for tools that i can use to design websites more efficient, and i came across, anyone used it before? They say that i can add pictures easy on my website without downloading them or so.
I tried to use and it worked on my website, but i want to use category and it doesn't work i don't know why can anyone help me setup this? The site instructions are that i must use
http:// but it doesn't work. Any solution? thanks
You misread the instructions. The correct url is just

What "Pastie" alternatives are there? (installable)

I want to install a "pastie" in our local intranet. What are the alternatives to RaPaste and (the latter can't even be installed locally b/c it doesn't seem to be open source?)
Edit: Doesn't have to be Ruby btw.
Edit: What I mean with pastie is an app where you can share source code pastes instead of pasting it in an irc chat.
There is for instance LodgeIt by the Pocoo guys.
Your request isn't very clear. Starting by defining what are "pasties" in your mind might help (I knew pasties from deviantART, which are very different beasts...). I had to go to the indicated sites to have an idea.
It isn't clear either if it must be Ruby only or not (I see only a tag, no clear requirement).
I know the old and reputed, its (PHP) source is available.
