App initialization error in neo4j desktop - windows

I installed neo4j desktop on my windows laptop. It works fine for a few days but the app does not launch after that. I tried reinstalling it a lot of times and the same thing happens - Works fine for a few days and then does not launch.
I see this error message in the neo4j logs everytime this error happens-
App initialization error: SyntaxError: Malformed JSON in file: C:\Users\Indra_K\.Neo4jDesktop\persist\projects.json
Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0 {
constructor: 'SyntaxError',
stack: 'SyntaxError: Malformed JSON in file: C:\\Users\\Indra_K\\.Neo4jDesktop\\persist\\projects.json\n' +
'Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0\n' +
' at FileAsync.parse [as deserialize] (<anonymous>)\n' +
' at C:\\Program Files\\Neo4j Desktop\\resources\\app.asar\\node_modules\\lowdb\\adapters\\FileAsync.js:41:35\n' +
' at async C:\\Program Files\\Neo4j Desktop\\resources\\app.asar\\dist\\\n' +
' at async C:\\Program Files\\Neo4j Desktop\\resources\\app.asar\\dist\\'
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks.

Uninstall Neo4jDesktop then remove these folders: C:\Program Files\Neo4j Desktopm and C:\Users\Indra_K.Neo4jDesktop then re-install Neo4jDesktop. It works for me before.


PhantomJS failing on remote ajax field check

I developed a script to complete & submit a remote form via PhantomJS (version 2.1). For testing I built a local approximation of the remote form which included an ajax field check upon input (so, you enter an email address in the email field, and after a second it checks to see if it's a valid input). My phantom script fills out the fields, waits a few seconds for an error to be thrown, and then carries on to submit the form if everything looks okay. This all worked just fine with everything running on localhost.
However, as soon as I switch to making the call to the remote webpage (which is a third-party site; I have no access to make changes to it), it fails when the remote page performs the ajax check on fields. I have the following onResourceError function:
page.onResourceError = function(resourceError) {
system.stderr.writeLine('= onResourceError()');
system.stderr.writeLine(' - unable to load url: "' + resourceError.url + '"');
system.stderr.writeLine(' - error code: ' + resourceError.errorCode + ', description: ' + resourceError.errorString );
...and if I run the following line (in a Windows command prompt):
phantomjs.exe form-process.js "" ""
I get the following error:"
- error code: 302,
- description: Error downloading ""
- server replied: Bad request
I am running this from a local environment but with no SSL certificate installed, so I assumed (based on the description of the 302 error code: the requested operation is invalid for this protocol) that it was a cross-protocol issue. But running the phantomJS line with any combination of --ssl-protocol=any, --ignore-ssl-errors=yes or --web-security=false yields the same results.
I may be misunderstanding these modes for phantomJS, but I assumed that --ssl-protocol=any would dismiss this issue, but would I still need to have a local SSL cert to get this to work? Or is there another issue here?

Error: EACCES, unlink...

I'm trying to get my meteor app up and running, but I don't understand the error that its throwing at all, which is:
/Users/ten3/.meteor/packages/meteor- tool/.
Error: EACCES, unlink '/Users/ten3/Desktop/git/ten/website/prospect-recovery/prospect-recovery/.meteor/local/db/mongod.lock'
at Object.Future.wait (/Users/ten3/.meteor/packages/meteor-tool/.
at /tools/fs/files.js:1331:28
at Object.wrapper [as unlink] (/tools/fs/files.js:1334:20)
at findMongoAndKillItDead (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:318:11)
at launchOneMongoAndWaitForReadyForInitiate (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:400:7)
at launchMongo (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:656:7)
at [object Object]._.extend._startOrRestart (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:756:19)
at [object Object]._.extend.start (/tools/runners/run-mongo.js:714:10)
at /tools/runners/run-all.js:168:26
- - - - -
I'm running a shell script before I try to run a local copy of my meteor app. It supposed to stop my application from interacting with other APIs. When I run the script (I'm on a mac) through my terminal, it returns '0' which as I read means that there are zero errors. I know that the error message is guiding me to certain lines of code, but I don't understand why I would change them if my co-worker could get his copy up and running. He is running his application on a windows computer. Thank you. I'm pretty new to this.
It was a permission error just as #thatgibbyguy first suggested. I was able to run it buy using sudo meteor to override the permission restrictions. I wasn't about to remove my mongod.lock file since that my coworker had the file and was able to get it up and running.

Saving an image file with Node.js request library causes exception

This is from the request's Github repo -
You can stream any response to a file stream.
I have modified it like so, where largeImage is a absolute url path from 3rd-party website.
But I get the following error (not sure why?). I have looked at the createWriteStream API and it seems to be correct. If I only include "demo.jpg" it works fine. But if I include path next to "demo.jpg" it throws an exception.
throw er; // Unhandled stream error in pipe.
Error: ENOENT, open './img/large/demo.jpg'
10 Oct 16:51:02 - [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting...
UPDATE: The problem was I didn't include ./public/ folder before the /img/.
This updated code works correctly:
It all looks OK. My guess is that the issue is related to permissions or maybe needing to create the ./img/large directory first.
Do something like this to get more info:
var ws = fs.createWriteStream('./img/large/demo.jpg');
ws.on('error', function(err) { console.log(err); });

Unable to connect to Visual Studio Local Host Webserver

I got this error when I tried to run(F5) my project solution using Visual Studio,then I did the following steps.......
I just did copy from other server which have visual studio installed then paste it in my local(c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727) webdev.webserver.exe then I tried to run
In Cmd Prompt:
c:\windows\\framework\v2.0.50727\WebDev.WebServer /?.
cd C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727--->aspnet_regiis -i
then iisrest
nothing is worked.Still I got Same Error...
How ever when I tried to run aspnet_regiis -i I got some error like
set up has detected some error and ask me to check log file ...from log file I got some failure status like:
2012-06-29 12:58:20 Failure Creating directory: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\47223\aspnet_client: CreateDirectoryInternal failed with HRESULT 80070003: 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
2012-06-29 12:58:20 Failure Creating list of client site scripts dirs: CreateSiteClientScriptDir failed with HRESULT 80070003: 'The system cannot find the path specified. '
Could you please instruct me on this......
Thank you
After all above attemps I just repair my .Net Framework 2.0 and restart the system.Now its working so Good.Thanks

the ferret error in rails project

I use the plugin of acts_as_ferret. when i use find_with_ferret,i got this problem.I got the error messages from the console like this
EOFError in 'DestroysController save destroy require reason'
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context
Error occured in store.c:216 - is_refill
current pos = 0, file length = 0
Thank you!
Now I got the answer , we should rebuild the index of the model.
