the ferret error in rails project - ruby

I use the plugin of acts_as_ferret. when i use find_with_ferret,i got this problem.I got the error messages from the console like this
EOFError in 'DestroysController save destroy require reason'
End-of-File Error occured at <except.c>:117 in xpop_context
Error occured in store.c:216 - is_refill
current pos = 0, file length = 0
Thank you!

Now I got the answer , we should rebuild the index of the model.


Getting build.gradle errors: Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING

I'm getting an error every time I try to use the forge mdk 1.8. The error is Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING at line 1 column 1. Before I got this error, I got a blue screen, likely because this error triggered. Here is my build.gradle:imageone imagetwo. Can someone please help me as this is very frustrating for me.

PACT error while loading pact_helper.rb (Malformed version number string )

When I run the pact test, I get the following error.
An error occurred while loading ./spec/mailers/mailing_spec.rb.
mock_service :core_service do
port "3003"
Malformed version number string
Any ideas around this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Can you please raise an issue in the pact-ruby and include all the relevant versions, and the steps to recreate the issue, preferably with an executable code example.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\StateException' with message 'Invalid state

I ve got this error :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\Exception\StateException' with message 'Invalid state: before' in /home/julienlakq/custom/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestFsm.php:65 Stack trace: #0
When trying to run a script to send sms.
Has someone seen this kind of error ?
And what this mean ?
Thanks a lot !
You may want to try to fix it by editing the Guzzle API.
In ./vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/RequestFsm.php line 58,
change the switch evaluation value to switch(trim(strtolower($trans->state)))
It may indicate an encoding problem or a bug in the OVH or Guzzle library.

HBase Thrift End-Of-File Exception

I am working on a Ruby project that is using HBase & Thrift through the HBase Thrift Ruby gem.
While getting a scanner on the table using scannerOpenWithScan, I'm getting intermitent end-of-file exceptions from Thrift. That looks like this: F, [2016-11-29T11:36:03.554884 #28744] FATAL -- :
Thrift::TransportException (end of file reached):
As I said, it's happening intermittently, even with the same query. Could it be something to do with the transport size?
We notice that when attempting to resolve this issue.
When you have a connection open and there is no activity on it for longer than 60 seconds and then attempt to use it you get a Thrift::TransportException (end of file reached) error.
Currently our solution to this when it happens is to:
catch the Thrift::TransportException
check if it's a end of file reached error
open a new connection
then retry

Oracle SQL Developer Giving error while making monnection

Whenever I try to make a new connection it give an error that
Status : Failure - Test Failed: Connection property: format error: property is 'v$sessoj.osuder' and value is 'user name'
How to solve this error?
I had exactly that problem, my computer's name has parenthesis, I solved it by adding a line in the 'ide.conf' file, you can check the steps here:
Hope it helps!
