How to insert data using ajax with id and without using forms in laravel - ajax

I try to insert data using id in my url like this.
My route is:
Route::get('/present/{id}', 'UserController#present')->name('present');
Route::get('/absent/{id}', 'UserController#absent')->name('absent');
Route is working. but the page is loading, I try to insert data without loading. I know how to insert data using ajax HTML form way. but how to insert using id use ajax?

If you want to insert data without reloading you have to bind JavaScript functions to the HTML links you specified. This example is different but you can use the same approach to achieve your need.

I propose, that you change your anchor tags to buttons and add a class to them and save their routing endpoints in data attributes:
<button class="action_buttons" data-route="{{route('absent', $User->id)}}">absent</button>
<button class="action_buttons" data-route="{{route('present', $User->id)}}">present</a>
And, then use JQuery event handling to detect when they are clicked and then simply use Ajax to get the related route from the button's data attribute and send a GET request to that route:
$('.action_buttons').on('click', function(){
// Get the route data from the tag.
let route = $(this).data('route');
url: route,
type: 'GET',
success: function(resp) {


Ajax query string param are being added to standard get request

I have an ajax code with parameter like this
var data = {
attr1: 'attr1',
attr2: 'attr2',
type: 'GET',
url: '/report/preview.html',
data: data,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(result){
error: function(xhr,a, b){
The function generates url - /report/preview.html?attr1=attr1&attr2=attr2.
I have a display table in jsp which does a full reload every page navigation. My problem is that it also append the parameter i set in ajax call to the url in browser.
The url of display table action is /report/reportHome.html. after the ajax call, when i navigate to another table page, the url becomes /report/reportHome.html?attr1=attr1&attr2=attr2. It appended the ajax param to its parameter. How can i remove these parameters? thanks.
Use a form and POST the information.
Use Path variable Ex: /report/attr1/attr2/preview.html
Use Session
Use some encode/decode
I have resolved my problem! The problem happens because the 'requestURI' attribute of the generated display table of the ajax call adds any tag generated parameters to its value. That is why the request param in the ajax call are being appended automatically as query string in the 'requestURI' attribute of the generated table.
I have resolved this by adding the ajax parameters in the 'excludedParams' attribute of the generated table so they won't be added as query string
So it does not matter what type of request the ajax uses(get or post).

How to dynamically change the URL in Select2 using AJAX?

I am using ui-select2 in angularjs for remote data access.
I am having a drop down, based on the value chosen in dropdown the URL present in the ajax call should change dynamically , so that I can get the data from that particular URL.
Is it possible to change the URL dynamically based on the value present in the dropdown?
I've resolved this problem using function in ajax property:
ajax: {
url: function () { return '/product/' +$scope.campaign.advertiser + '/tags/'; },

What else can I pass to the `form` property of Ext.Ajax.request?

Normally one posts an ExtJS form to the backend using form.submit({...}). I want to make my form submission synchronous now, so I'm switching to using Ext.Ajax.request({async: false, ...}). The form property of Ext.Ajax.request() usually looks like so:
url: 'formsubmit',
form: 'formid',
success: function(response, opts) {
failure:function(res,opt) {
alert("request failed");
I'm dealing with a bunch of anonymous forms right now. Is there any way around this?
Given a var form = {xtype: 'form', items: [...]}
I've tried replacing 'formid' with form.getEl(), form.getForm(), and form.getForm().getFieldValues() which all don't work.
There's no other way around this other than assigning a generated id to each of my anonymous forms, is there.
Thanks for any input
It looks like you could just do this as an alternative to the form attribute:
var form = this.down('form');
url: '',
params: form.getValues()
// etc...
getValues gives you the name/value pairs you need for your submission.
It looks like the ExtJS forms do not actually use form elements in the markup. When the submit function is called on an ExtJS form, an HTML form element is crafted as part of the process, and that's the form that is used for the submission.!/api/Ext.form.action.Submit-method-buildForm
Ideally, you could modify the options that are used in the Ajax request called within the doSubmit function. Since you can't, you might want to consider overriding Ext.form.action.Submit such that you can, then calling the form.submit() function you mentioned in your question.!/api/Ext.form.action.Submit-method-doSubmit

How to show json object data into my view Layer(JSP)?

In my project i am using springMVC+Hibernet .When EndUser click his/her profile Link i want to show his/her Information .For that i am using ajax in spring MVC .Now my controller return data in the form JSON object but i don't know How to update the object in my view Page.In That Object i have more than 25 fields any one help me how to update JSON object data to my jsp lables(FirstName,LastName.....)
MY code like this
type: "GET",
url: "AjaxActionController?",
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){
var firstName = data.getFristName();
NOW i want to Update this data into my view layer
One "simple" way to do it is to set an id on the html element you want the data in and use jQuery to set it. This will get less and less "simple" as your application grows.
<div id="firstName"/>
var firstName = data.getFirstName();
If you want something more manageable for a large app, the concept is called "data binding". Try a javascript databinding framework, such as Knockout, Ember/Backbone, Angular, Epoxy/Backbone. jQuery can do it too, with some work.

Magento ajax form validation

I have a form in Magento that I build in code, and that works with ajax, which I need to validate.
I would like to be able to use Magento's built-in validation functionality, but I don't know how I would trigger it since the form is not submitted. The data is retrieved via ajax and outputted in a list below the form.
Is there someone who can point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.
This is the javascript code used to hande the ajax request. Its called by the onclick event of the button.
function advancedtranslateSearch(url){
new Ajax.Request(url, {
method: 'get',
parameters: $('search_form').serialize(),
onSuccess: function(transport) {
json = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
$('result').update('<div class="hor-scroll">'+json.records+'</div>');
You should use form's onsubmit event.
To prevent page from reloading you must return false value from your function.
