How to get Aruba to expand wildcards - ruby

I'm writing a simple command line gem.
The library that does the actual work was developed with rspec and so far that works.
I'm trying to test the command line portion with Aruba/Cucumber, but I've come across some strange behaviour.
Just to test this, I've got a the binary file to puts ARGV, and I've got test files in tmp/aruba
When I run bundle exec gem_name tmp/aruba/*.* I am presented with the list of shell expanded file names.
Now my features file has:
Given files to work on # I set up files in tmp/aruba in this step
When I run `gem_name *.*` # standard step
Then the output should contain "Wibble"
The last step is obviously going to fail, but it shows me a diff between what it expects and the actual output. Rather than seeing a list of shell expanded filenames, all I get is "*.*"
So I'm left in the position of having an app that actually works as expected, but I can't get the tests to pass. I could take the "." and generate the list of files from there, but then I'm writing extra production code just to get the app to work under test - which I don't think is the correct way to go about it. And all because shell expansion isn't happening.
If you look at my profile, you'll see that Ruby isn't my main bag, feel free to point me at any resources that I may have missed about this, but is this just me missing something, or expected behaviour that somebody knows how to work around?

After a little digging in the Aruba source I figured out that the When I run step ends up in a code block like this:
def run!(&block)
#process =*shellwords(#cmd))
Further digging into ChildProcess ends up here:
def launch_process
And therein lies the problem. exec does not do shell expansion when the argument list is split into multiple array elements:
If exec is given a single argument, that argument is
taken as a line that is subject to shell expansion before being
executed. If multiple arguments are given, the second and
subsequent arguments are passed as parameters to command with no
shell expansion.
However playing with shellwords a bit we find:
Shellwords.shellwords('gem_name *.*')
=> ["gem_name", "*.*"] # No good
Shellwords.shellwords('"gem_name *.*"')
=> ["gem_name *.*"] # Aha!
Therefore the solution might be as simple as:
When I run `"gem_name *.*"`
If that doesn't work then you are pretty much out of luck. I would suggest you expand the file names manually since you're not really testing shell expansion here - we know that works: you are testing multiple arguments.
Therefore you should instead do:
When I run `gem_name your_file1 your_file2 your_file3`


bash pattern matching operator ## does not work in script

Following one example of the book << Learning the Bash Shell >> (O'Reilly),
echo ${pathname##/*/}
echo ${pathname#/*/}
The expected result should be, since ## remove the longest prefix which matches the patter /*/.
However, when I put these three lines inside a script file and run it inside bash, there is no result displayed. But type in these two lines one by one works and shows the expected result.
I wonder if there is any setting related to usage of this operator ## inside executable script.
(Using ubuntu\trusty64 within vagrant.)
The code works fine, the other part of the code affects the results.
In Addition
${path##*/} is a better choice as equivalent to basename command.
Though echo ${pathname##/*/} works fine for me but IMHO you should try following.
echo ${pathname##*/}
Which means you are saying bash with help of regex to remove/substitute everything from starting till last occurrence of / with NULL.

'no such file or directory' on a file that isn't accessed

I'm writing a small Ruby script that does a statistical analysis on a list of names generated by another script of mine.
When I run it with this command:
ruby [first script] [args] | ruby -- [second script] _
it throws this error:
./name_gen_test.rb:15:in `gets': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - _ (Errno:ENOENT)
from .name_gen_test.rb:15:in `gets'
from .name_gen_test.rb:15:in `<main>'
(Apologies for typos; Powershell wouldn't let me copy/paste)
This is line 15:
until (cur_line = gets).nil?
Then there's the body of a loop, the rest of the code, etc. However, if I put this line:
as the very first line, I get the same error. In fact, if I totally empty the file and have nothing but a call to gets, I get the error that the file '_' cannot be found.
How can I make it understand that '_' is a command line argument and not a file to be... read from, I guess? Why doesn't gets work like I expect it to (i.e. reading from the standard input)?
I'm running it with Powershell, if that makes a difference.
Sorry if this is a duplicate; simply Googling the error message leads to a dozen different issues and a dozen different solutions, none of which apply, and I couldn't figure out how to put this problem into a Google query.
STDIN.gets will do what you want. By default, gets is (pretty much) equivalent to ARGF.gets. ARGF reads from standard input if there are no ARGS, and from files that correspond to ARGS if there are.

Bash command line parsing containing whitespace

I have a parse a command line argument in shell script as follows:
cmd --a=hello world good bye --b=this is bash script
I need the parse the arguments of "a" i.e "hello world ..." which are seperated by whitespace into an array.
i.e a_input() array should contain "hello", "world", "good" and "bye".
Similarly for "b" arguments as well.
I tried it as follows:
for var in $a_input
#keep parsing until next --b or other argument is seen
But the above method is crude. Any other work around. I cannot use getopts.
The simplest solution is to get your users to quote the arguments correctly in the first place.
Barring that you can manually loop until you get to the end of the arguments or hit the next --argument (but that means you can't include a word that starts with -- in your argument value... unless you also do valid-option testing on those in which you limit slightly fewer -- words).
Adding to Etan Reisners answer, which is absolutely correct:
I personally find bash a bit cumbersome, when array/string processing gets more complex, and if you really have the strange requirement, that the caller should not be required to use quotes, I would here write an intermediate script in, say, Ruby or Perl, which just collects the parameters in a proper way, wraps quoting around them, and passes them on to the script, which originally was supposed to be called - even if this costs an additional process.
For example, a Ruby One-Liner such as
system("your_bash_script '".(ARGV.join(' ').split(' --').select {|s| s.size>0 }.join("' '"))."'")
would do this sanitizing and then invoke your script.

Use 'subst' in a multiline makefile bash script?

I read this question: Makefile: $subst in dependency list, but I still can't make my shell script work correctly.
I have a makefile with a line with the contents:
##public_detailed#|test_create|Syntax: commoncmdsyntax test_create test_name=<test-name>
A target runs a multiline bash script, where the commoncmdsyntax must be replaced by a string containing words and spaces.
In the script, I use cut to assign to a variable desc the following string:
Syntax: commoncmdsyntax test_create test_name=<test-name>
The problem is that commoncmdsyntax is not replaced by new text here:
$(subst commoncmdsyntax,new text,$$desc)
I also tried to replace it by a single word, like XX, but it also does not work.
The subst function (as in $(subst commoncmdsyntax,new text,$$desc)) is a Make function, so Make will perform the substitution before running any rule and therefore before your script assigns a value to desc. So even if secondary expansion worked the way you seem to think it will, this approach would still fail.
If you want to perform a substitution within something made by a shell script (in a recipe), the sensible way is to do so within the recipe:
echo $dest | sed 's/commoncmdsyntax/new text/'
We can give you a more detailed solution if you give us a minimal complete example of the problem.

trying to find a file/line for: .(eval):289: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses

So, I get this warning when I'm running my tests in ruby/RoR
.(eval):289: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses
I've checked every where (but obvoiusly not) and I can't find the origin of this error.
The above error just pops up inbetween the unit tests ...
Can someone clue me in onto how to find the location of this error?
The file and line number are contained in the backtrace. However, in your case, the warning is inside a string being evaled at runtime. Which means there is no file. (Actually, the eval method does take optional arguments for the file name and line number that should be displayed in a backtrace, but in this case whoever wrote the code in question unfortunately forgot to pass those arguments.)
I fear that you have no other choice than to manually examine every single call to eval in your entire codebase, and that includes Rails, your testing framework, your entire application, your tests, your plugins, your helpers, the ruby standard library, ...
Of course, you should be aware that the problem might not be obvious as in
eval 'foo (bar, baz)'
It could also be something like
def foo(*args)
puts args.join
bar = 'Hello'
baz = 'World'
foostr = 'foo' # in one file
barstr = 'bar' # in another file in a different directory
bazstr = 'baz' # in another file in a different directory
argstr = "(#{barstr}, #{bazstr})" # in yet another file
$, = ' ' # in some third-party plugin
str = [foostr, argstr].join # in a fourth file
eval str # somewhere else entirely
eval str, binding, __FILE__, __LINE__ # this is how it *should* be done
Note the difference between the two warning messages: the first one reads exactly like the one you posted, but the second one has the filename instead of (eval) and the line number inside the file instead of the line number inside the eval string.
By the way: the line number 289 in the warning message is the line number inside the evald string! In other words: somewhere in your application there is a string being evald, which is at least 289 lines long! (Actually, it is more likely that this done not in your application but rather in Rails. The Rails router used to be a particularly bad offender, I don't know if this is still the case.)
It sounds to me that there is a rule which forbids a space between a function name and the parentheses enclosing the arguments of the function.
In many languages this would be considered a permissible stylistic variation.
Is the eval mentioned in the warning message, the 'function' being complained about?
Does the number 289 mean anything as a line number?
Could you search your source files for a parenthesis preceded by a space?
Incidentally, the message says warning. What happens if you ignore it?
If it's happening in between the unit tests it might be in a setup or teardown method. Try searching for eval or try reducing the code you are running until the error goes away. Then you'll know where to look (the code you just removed).
