I have new to SQL and everything works fine except when I use DELETE command:
db = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "test", :password => "test")
results = db.query("INSERT INTO perf (rowid, value) VALUES (46709394, 12345)")
puts("After insert")
results = db.query("SELECT * FROM perf WHERE rowid = 46709394")
results.each do |row|
puts("#{row[rowid]} / #{row[value]}")
results = db.query("DELETE FROM perf WHERE rowid = 46709394")
puts("After delete")
results = db.query("SELECT * FROM perf WHERE rowid = 46709394")
My code got an error after the DELETE query and exit. Next line is never executed (does not see the "After delete"). INSERT and SELECT work fine, and I am wondering can I pass DELETE to query or there is another way to delete from DB using Mysql2
Thank you community
I have created an author user in surreal DB like this:
CREATE author:shivam SET
name.first = 'Shivam',
name.last = 'Sahil',
name.full = string::join(' ', name.first, name.last),
age = 23,
admin = true,
signup_at = time::now()
Now I want to query all the authors, but when I do:
SELECT * FROM author;
I get 0 results.
Is it supposed to be queried in some other way?
What you did should work well as you can see here
Don't forget to start your server with something like this for example
surreal start --log info --user root --pass root memory
and log-in as in my above screenshot with:
surreal sql --conn http://localhost:8000 --ns yoloswag --db compabie
Then, your create query and select should work well!
Alternatively, you can give a try to that video or documentation's quick start.
Creating another author like this is properly fetched afterwards.
CREATE author:123 SET
name.first = 'bob',
name.last = 'hoh',
name.full = string::join(' ', name.first, name.last),
age = 30,
admin = false,
signup_at = time::now()
Don't forget that 123 is supposed to be a unique ID (a string should be fine tho).
I am using Ruby Sequel to move data into reporting tables daily. I am consolidating data from three tables into a single table. I am doing this in Redshift so I have to use disable_insert_returning. The names of the columns in the two tables match each other but not the end table which means I am using graph and set_graph_aliases.
reports = db[:reports]
report_columns = [:user_id, :purchase_date, :sku]
spoons_select_graph = {
user_id: :users,
purchase_date: :spoon_receipts,
product_id: :spoon_receipts
spoons = db[:spoon_receipts]
spoons_select = spoons.graph(:users, user_id: :user_id).set_graph_aliases(spoons_select_graph)
forks_select_graph = {
user_id: :users,
purchase_date: :fork_receipts,
product_id: :fork_receipts
forks = db[:fork_receipts]
forks_select = forks.graph(:users, user_id: :user_id).set_graph_aliases(forks_select_graph)
reports.disable_insert_returning.insert(report_columns, spoons_select)
reports.where(channel: nil).update(channel: 'spoons')
reports.disable_insert_returning.insert(report_columns, forks_select)
reports.where(channel: nil).update(channel: 'forks')
The updates are taking forever. What I would like to do is add the channel to the insert select so that I don't have to go back and update.
You didn't provide an executable setup, so I haven't tested this, but I think it will work. The basic idea is to just add a constant column of results to your select.
reports = db[:reports]
report_columns = [:user_id, :purchase_date, :sku, :channel]
spoons_select_graph = {
user_id: :users,
purchase_date: :spoon_receipts,
product_id: :spoon_receipts,
channel: [:spoon_receipts, :channel, 'spoons']
spoons = db[:spoon_receipts]
spoons_select = spoons.graph(:users, user_id: :user_id).set_graph_aliases(spoons_select_graph)
reports.disable_insert_returning.insert(report_columns, spoons_select)
See the documentation for set_graph_aliases for more information.
Perhaps I misunderstand how to get a count of rows returned by tiny_tds, which talks to ms sql server.
The following code produces -1 rows
sql = "EXEC [Arrivals] #startDate='#{#startDate}', #endDate='#{#endDate}'"
client = TinyTds::Client.new(...)
result = client.execute(sql)
p result.affected_rows (always returns -1)
This code, using a loop, counts rows correctly:
sql = "EXEC [Arrivals] #startDate='#{#startDate}', #endDate='#{#endDate}'"
client = TinyTds::Client.new(...)
result = client.execute(sql)
#no_of_arrivals = 0
result.each do |row|
#no_of_arrivals = #no_of_arrivals + 1
p #no_of_arrivals (returns correct count)
I did see affected_rows in action earlier today, on a table, and it worked. Could it have something to do with the SP... am I missing something obvious?
I'm having a weird event occur, where my dashing dashboard's list widget is showing erroneous data. Here's the screenshot from my live Dashing widget
Erroneous Widget
Expected Output
What follows is the code for the widget:
Code in .erb
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="6">
<div data-id="facebook_insights" data-view="List" data-unordered="true" data-title="Facebook Insights: Weekly Post Views" data-moreinfo="Updated every 10 seconds"</div>
Code in job .rb
require 'mysql2'
social_count = Hash.new({ value: 0 })
time = Time.new()
date_time1 = Time.new(time.year, time.month, time.day-1)
SCHEDULER.every '10s' do
db = Mysql.new(<HOST>,<USER>,<PASS>,<DBNAME>)
mysql1 = "SELECT <VAR> FROM <TABLE> WHERE <VAR> = '#{date_time1}' ORDER BY <VAR> DESC LIMIT 1"
result1 = db.query(mysql1)
result1.each do |row|
strrow1 = row[0]
$value1 = strrow1.to_i
social_count[0] = {label: "1:", value: $value1}
send_event('facebook_insights', { items: social_count.values })
What is really baffling, is that this code works for a similar widget using different data in the SQL query. Can anyone help me understand why?
I checked and re-checked the data and in my other, working code, I had my $value variables defined as $valueX with X being the number. I thought to myself "Maybe the variable names are getting confused due to them having the same name", so I changed my code to
Working Code
result1.each do |row|
strrow1 = row[0]
$variable1 = strrow1.to_i
social_count[0] = {label: "1:", value: $variable1}
Et Voila! Eureka! It worked. Not sure why it still got confused with the names, but from now on, my names will be unique!
I am doing an Ajax call, using Ruby and Sinatra. The query should return multiple rows, it only returns one though.
The ajax script is:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".showmembers").click(function(e) {
var short_id = $('#shortmembers').val();
{ 'id' : short_id },
function(res, status) {
$('#result').append('<input type=checkbox value=' + res["email"] + '>');
$('#result').append( res["first"] );
$('#result').append( res["last"] );
$('#result').append( res["email"] );
and the Ruby script is:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id JOIN candidates ca ON ca.id = sm.candidate_id where sh.list_id = ?", id].each do |row|
#shortname = row[:shortname]
#first = row[:first]
#last = row[:last]
#email = row[:email]
puts #shortname
puts #first
puts #last
puts #email
halt 200, { shortname: #shortname, first: #first, last: #last, email: #email }.to_json
If I run the query directly in the terminal on postgres I get 9 rows returned but, as above on my website, it just returns the first row only.
What's the problem? No error in the console, just one record.
You have halt 200 inside your loop. This will cause Sinatra to terminate the request processing and return the result back up the stack.
To return a full set of results, you will need to do something like the following:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
results = DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh
JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id
JOIN candidates ca ON ca.id = sm.candidate_id
where sh.list_id = ?", id].map do |row|
:short_name => row[:shortname],
halt 200, results.to_json
This will return the selected fields from each row as an array of hashes.
In fact, as I look at the above, the solution might even be as simple as:
get '/show' do
id = params['id']
results = DB["select shortname, first, last, email from shortlists sh
JOIN shortmembers sm ON sm.short_id = sh.list_id
JOIN candidates ca ON ca.id = sm.candidate_id
where sh.list_id = ?", id]
halt 200, results.to_json
since you don't seem to be selecting anything but the columns you desire in the first place.