Magento 2.4 CE Is there a native customer credit module? - magento

There is a Credit Balance on the back-end->Customer Information. But it seems not functional on CE 2.3. Should I tweak parameters in Admin to enable it? Or do I simply need to upgrade to 2.4?


Paypal Standard Payment Option not showing in admin

I want to integrated the paypal standard option to my store, but unfortunately it is not visible on the admin side, Only the Express Checkout is there,
Also checked in the Dropdown of other paypal payment methods but it is empty.
any Idea how to enable it?
Happy to be of any help!
PayPal standard is deprecated a long time ago and it has been removed in all Magento 2.x versions. You can choose the PayPal express checkout option as it is pre-built and easy to configure.
Also, it has got a shortcut button [Cart & Product page] which customers prefer to use.
If you wish to enable PayPal Standard by default on new sites, please add the following code snippet:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard', '__return_true' );
This is only working on woocommerce in wordpress because Only for new installs with WooCommerce 5.5 and above, PayPal Standard which is included in WooCommerce core will not be loaded by default. Use this in functions.php
For magento read the documentation in magento update by version. Actually for paypal security reasons these changes are applied most of the framworks

How to Integrate stripe in magento 1.9

I want to integrate stripe on magento 1.9. I can't find free magento connect extension in magento market. Can any one have magento connect free stripe extension?
Use this link you can download free extension for github []

auto invoice in magento 1.9.2 using paypal

we need to disable the auto invoice created by magento after a paypal payment.
The magento version is 1.9.2 and no settings are present to avoid this.
Is there any paypal account setting to stop the auto invoice in magento 1.9.2 ?
I did some research and I couldn't find an option within Magento to disable that.
However, there are some modules available it seems that will allow you to prevent that auto invoice feature:

REST in Magento 1.9

Is REST supported in Magento Enterprise 1.9? We need to create some REST web services for Magento and we have to stick to 1.9. I can't find any specific documentation on this.
Thanks in advance,
Short answer: NO.
The REST API is available starting Magento CE 1.7 and it's corresponding EE version 1.12.
EE 1.9 has a correspondence with CE 1.4.
You might consider upgrading.
The magento 1.9 (community) has support to REST API I'm use since 1.7(community).
Go to Admin Panel: System > Web Services
For example: if you need import all products from ERP data base for magento data base. You can use this implementation:app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Api2/Product/Rest/Admin/V1.php
See this implementation here:
In Magento (oAuth 1.2.2) now i'm trying use on 1.9.x: (oAuth 1.2.3)
I think that is more hard install and configure oAuth on Linux... comparing with implementation code

Magento 1.6.2. add new Credit Card Types

I am working on Magento 1.6.2. with custom build OptimalPayments/Netbanx payment Gateway. I need to provide an options for the customers to select VisaDebit and VisaElectron credit card types on the checkout page. Looking at the core code I see that Magento supports only Visa (VI), but not VD and VE. That means somehow I need to extend Mage_Payment_Model_Method_Cc class and js/prototype/varien/validation.js in order to add support for these card types. If anyone could advice me how to introduce these CC types would be great.
Thanks in advance.
