auto invoice in magento 1.9.2 using paypal - magento

we need to disable the auto invoice created by magento after a paypal payment.
The magento version is 1.9.2 and no settings are present to avoid this.
Is there any paypal account setting to stop the auto invoice in magento 1.9.2 ?

I did some research and I couldn't find an option within Magento to disable that.
However, there are some modules available it seems that will allow you to prevent that auto invoice feature:


Paypal Standard Payment Option not showing in admin

I want to integrated the paypal standard option to my store, but unfortunately it is not visible on the admin side, Only the Express Checkout is there,
Also checked in the Dropdown of other paypal payment methods but it is empty.
any Idea how to enable it?
Happy to be of any help!
PayPal standard is deprecated a long time ago and it has been removed in all Magento 2.x versions. You can choose the PayPal express checkout option as it is pre-built and easy to configure.
Also, it has got a shortcut button [Cart & Product page] which customers prefer to use.
If you wish to enable PayPal Standard by default on new sites, please add the following code snippet:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_should_load_paypal_standard', '__return_true' );
This is only working on woocommerce in wordpress because Only for new installs with WooCommerce 5.5 and above, PayPal Standard which is included in WooCommerce core will not be loaded by default. Use this in functions.php
For magento read the documentation in magento update by version. Actually for paypal security reasons these changes are applied most of the framworks

Can´t add product to cart, litespeed and sm-maxshop theme

Im trying to get litespeed cache to work with my magento installation.
Litespeed is working and load speed is faster. The problem is when a user tries to add a product to the cart in product page, it doesn't add the product.
Add-button is working fine when litespeed is disabled.
Is there a way to exclude the addbutton from caching.
Lightspeed Cache from litespeedtech 1.3.6
SM-Maxshop theme 1.1.0
It maybe some javascript breaking if that button does not work. Does your footer show up properly? There's one known issue for sm theme. If this is not your case, you can create a ticket with LiteSpeed support, they can help you there.
LiteMage is very flexible and can be configured to fit most cases for Magento 1.9. FormKey is handled as a private ESI block and should not break CSRF check.

Magento Invoice auto email not sent

Magento 1.9 Community version. I enable invoicing in the system configuration but when a customer purchases a item (virtual) the new order email goes out but not the invoice. Am I missing something?
When you ask magento to invoice you order you need to check near the butto "Send copy of mail"
The sample code works in magento 1.9 sample code
The problem was that I had compilation enabled which did not allowed for any of changes to the code to take place.

Magento m2e pro post-update troubles

i'm using magento 1.7.2 CE and m2epro 6.0.8 , updated for 6.1.4 and have got troubles with Create Orders from Ebay
1 Problem:
Magento Order was not created.
Reason: The requested Payment Method is not available.
Found FAQ Hint, that says :
You should enable payment method “M2E Pro Payment”
in System→Configuration→Payment Methods
i've checked this setting, it IS enabled, don't know what else i can do.
Payments done on Ebay are PayPal, there were no changes of setting after update
however i can confirm the order manually, but then i have another Problem with Double VAT calculation, that doesn't appear on automatic order creation.
FAQ says, Double VAT are only created if Catalog Prices are set Excluding VAT, but my Magento manages Prices including VAT, so dont how else to avoid double VAT
Thanks in advance
I had the same problem today. In my case it was caused by the module RicoNeitzel_PaymentFilter. I had to activate the "M2E Pro Payment" - method for all customer groups.

rollback from paypal pro hosted_pro to paypal pro redirect in magento

I have a problem on my magento installation.
An year ago we choosed to use PayPal Pro with iframe in our Magento 1.6.2.
After that we upgraded to Magento 1.7.2
At this moment we are trying to use redirect Paypal Pro solution due the fact that
iframe is not working well on mobiles.
But we are unable to find the setting to choose a "redirect" instead that a "iframe" in Paypal setting.
So when we disabled the old one page checkout cart, where the iframe was loaded, and installed a
brend new one page checkout, we figured out that after clicking on the button "compleate purchase" instead of going to Paypal it goes directly on the Magento "purchase succes" page... and order is crated on Magento as pending payment.
Is there some place a config i must set to indicate to use the redirect method, instead of the iframe?
If not, is there a way to reinstall a fresh PAYPAL payment module ?
