Oracle APEX return multiple values in LoV - oracle

I have a field as PopUp LOV and as source a shared component with the corresponding code.
`SELECT u.Lastname || ', ' || u.Firstname AS displayed, i.IUUID
left outer join USERS u on i.UUID=u.UUID
SELECT u2.Lastname || ', ' || u2.Firstname AS displayed, p.PRID
left outer join USERS u2 on p.UUID=u2.UUID `
This is my column mapping in the LoV:
I want it to be possible to select a person from the one or from another table and give different IDs as return value depending on the selection.
With this implementation it is possible to see and select persons from both tables but when I save the form, I cannot see the User from the professor table but can only see the person from the other table.
Is it because of the return value in the column mapping?
If so is it possible to select two possible return values?

I cannot see the User from the professor table
I'd say that it depends on how you're looking at it. If data in a table (you use to store values selected from that LoV) corresponds to two tables, then - when reviewing data - you have to join it to both other tables - internal_supervisors and professor.
Usually, when designing data model, we use foreign keys to maintain referential integrity. As you allow both iuuid and prid to be stored, then it means that you have to check both of those tables while retrieving data.


Spring JPA: Need to join two table with dynamic clauses

Requirement is as below:
Table 1 - Order(ID, orderId, sequence, reference, valueDate, date)
Table 2 - Audit(AuditId, orderId, sequence, status, updatedBy, lastUpdatedDateTime)
For each record in ORDER table, there could be one or many rows in AUDIT table.
User is given a search form where he could enter any of the search params including status from audit table.
I need a way to join these two tables with dynamic where clause and get the top row for a given ORDER from AUDIT table.
Something like below:
select * from
where t1.orderid = t2.orderId
and t1.sequence = t2.sequence
and t2.status = <userProvidedStatusIfAny>
and t2.lastUpdatedDateTime in (select max(t3.lastUpdatedDateTime) --getting latest record
AUDIT t3 where t1.orderid = t3.orderId
and t1.sequence = t3.sequence)
and t1.valudeDate = <userProvidedDataIfAny> ..... so on
Please help
-I cant do this with #Query because i have to form dynamic where clause
-#OneToMany fetches all the records in audit table for given orderId and sequence
-#Formula in ORDER table works but for only one column in select. i need multiple values from AUDIT table
Please help

How to get distinct single column value while fetching data by joining two tables

$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get(array('establishments.*'));
this is controller condition.
I have two tables, in table1 i am matching id with table2 and then fetching data from table1, and in table2 i have multiple values of same id in table 1. i want to get data of table1 values only one time, but as i am hvg multiple data of same id in table2 , data is repeating multiple times, can anyone please tell me how to get data only one time wheater table2 having single value or multiple value of same id... thank you
you can do it by selecting the field name you desired
instead get all field from table establishments
$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get(array('establishments.*'));
you can select specific field from table establishments like
$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get('establishments.fieldName');
or you can also do
$data['establishments2'] = `Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','')->where('','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->select('establishments.fieldName')->get();`

filter tablix without datasource values in ssrs

I have SSRS report and I need to filter a static table that I created inside the report based on parameter. There is no data source to this table and I'm entering the data manually.
The tablix contain 3 columns.
How can I filter the columns based on parameter?
I tried in the expression =#param1 for example but it doesn't work.
For now I only manage to filter if the expression is on data source fields.
Do you literally have a table with a number of values in it written directly into the report? If so I don't think you will be able to perform any filtering on it as effectively all you've done it write data into textboxes that are displayed.
I would imagine your best option would be to instead create a new dataset and populate this with your static data, e.g.
SELECT 'A' AS Letter, 'English' AS Language
SELECT 'B' AS Letter, 'French' AS Language
SELECT 'A' AS Letter, 'German' AS Language
To give you a table as follows
Letter | Language
A | English
B | French
A | German
That you could then filter on Letter = A
So essentially you have a Tablix that has 3 columns pre-populated with information you have manually entered into the text boxes themselves? Since you've already entered that data, I don't believe there is a way to filter that at run time. That data is hard coded in essence. The Filter ability in SSRS is used as a WHERE clause so it restricts what is brought forth into the report from the query.
I would create a data source connection to a dummy database, create a DataSet, and create a query that fills a temporary table will all the information that you've manually entered. Once you create the temporary table and inserted values into it, you can then perform a SELECT with a parameter. Your Tablix will only be populated with information that matches the parameter. Something to the effect of this:
INSERT INTO #TempTable (
ID = #ID

SSAS - Creating named calculation from different tables

I am having troubles when i want to create a named calculation from two different tables.
I have the table "CallesDim" with an id(PK) and a description and the table "UbicacionesDim" with an id (PK), another id (FK to "CallesDim") and a description:
id PK
Descripcion VARCHAR
id PK
CalleId FK to id from CallesDIM
Altura INT
I want to concatenate "Descripcion" from "CallesDim" with Altura from "UbicacionesDim".
I try doing this:
CallesDim.Descripcion + ' ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,UbicacionesDim.Altura)
but i am having the following error:
the multi-part identifier "CallesDim.Descripcion" could not be bound
Any ideas?
In a named calculation you can only access columns from the table that it is defined on.
Which record of the other table should it take in case it would accept columns from other tables? How should it join? All this cannot be configured.
If you need to join two (or more) tables, you can define a named query that can contain joins and access as many tables as you like. A named query can contain everything that you can state in a single select statement.

Validate person without value in date column

I have a table with several employees. They have the following columns empid,datecolumn1,is_valid.
Very few employees have a more than one record in the table. If an employee has more than one record in the table I would like to 'invalidate' one of the records on the following condition:
1. If a employee has more than one record in the table then the record with no value in the datecolumn1 is valid (update is_valid to 1) and the record with value in datecolumn1 is not valid (update is_valid to 0).
How do I accomplish this?
As Ben points out, you've stated that if datecolumn1 is NULL you want the is_valid column to be set to both 0 and 1. Assuming you fix that, you may need to adjust this CASE statement depending on which way you decide is correct.
UPDATE employees
SET is_valid = (CASE WHEN datecolumn1 IS NULL
WHERE empid IN (SELECT e.empid
FROM employees e
GROUP BY emempid
create a staging table, and fill it by a SELECT on the original table with a GROUP BY employee Id (or whatever your unique identifier is). Create a second staging table and fill it by SELECTING on the original table and excluding all rows that match rows in your grouped table. Now you have a table that contains only those people with multiple rows. From your original table, set is_valid to 0 on all rows that match employee id with the second staging table and also have no datecolumn1 (or perhaps that also have a datecolumn1 - your question as of this writing is a bit unclear.) and is_valid to 1 on the others. Once done with that, delete the staging tables, and you should have what you need.
You could also do this with a single more complicated multiselect call, but I find it helpful to use staging tables when things get complicated.
