Spring JPA: Need to join two table with dynamic clauses - spring

Requirement is as below:
Table 1 - Order(ID, orderId, sequence, reference, valueDate, date)
Table 2 - Audit(AuditId, orderId, sequence, status, updatedBy, lastUpdatedDateTime)
For each record in ORDER table, there could be one or many rows in AUDIT table.
User is given a search form where he could enter any of the search params including status from audit table.
I need a way to join these two tables with dynamic where clause and get the top row for a given ORDER from AUDIT table.
Something like below:
select * from
where t1.orderid = t2.orderId
and t1.sequence = t2.sequence
and t2.status = <userProvidedStatusIfAny>
and t2.lastUpdatedDateTime in (select max(t3.lastUpdatedDateTime) --getting latest record
AUDIT t3 where t1.orderid = t3.orderId
and t1.sequence = t3.sequence)
and t1.valudeDate = <userProvidedDataIfAny> ..... so on
Please help
-I cant do this with #Query because i have to form dynamic where clause
-#OneToMany fetches all the records in audit table for given orderId and sequence
-#Formula in ORDER table works but for only one column in select. i need multiple values from AUDIT table
Please help


How to create an Oracle trigger that updates another table?

Imagine two tables:
TableA with order headers and
TableB with order items
Uniqe link between the tables = ID
I need (I think) two triggers:
When a (date) field TableA.Q is updated, all (date) field(s) on TableB.Q should be updated with the same value as TableA.Q where TableA.ID = TableB.ID.
When a record of TableB is inserted or updated, field TableB.Q should be updated with TableA.Q where TableA.ID = TableB.ID
How to do this?
Oracle version we use is 11gR2.

How to copy all constrains and data form one schema to another in oracle

I am using Toad for oracle 12c. I need to copy a table and data (40M) from one shcema to another (prod to test). However there is an unique key(not the PK for this table) called record_Id col which has something data like this 3.000*******19E15. About 2M rows has same numbers(I believe its because very large number) which are unique in prod. When I try to copy it violets the unique key of that col. I am using toad "export data to another schema" function to copy the data.
when I execute query in prod
select count(*) from table_name
select count(distinct(record_id) from table_name
Both query gives the exact same numbers of data.
I don't have DBA permission. How do I copy all data without violating unique key of the table.
Thanks in advance!
You can use UPSERT for decisional INSERT or UPDATE or you may write small procedure for this.
you may consider to use NOT EXISTS, but your data is big and it might not be resource efficient.
insert into prod_tab
select * from other_tab t1 where NOT exists (
select 1 from prod_tab t2 where t1.id = t2.id
In Oracle you can use a MERGE query for that.
The following query proceeds as follows for each data row :
if the source record_id does not yet exist in the target table, a new record is inserted
else, the existing record is updated with source values
For the sake of the example, I assumed that there are two other columns in the table : column1 and column2.
MERGE INTO target_table t1
USING (SELECT * from source_table t2)
ON (t1.record_id = t2.record_id)
t1.column1 = t2.column1,
t1.column2 = t2.column2
(record_id, column1, column2) VALUES (t2.record_id, t2.column1, t2.column2)

How to get distinct single column value while fetching data by joining two tables

$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','establishments.id')->where('establishments.city','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get(array('establishments.*'));
this is controller condition.
I have two tables, in table1 i am matching id with table2 and then fetching data from table1, and in table2 i have multiple values of same id in table 1. i want to get data of table1 values only one time, but as i am hvg multiple data of same id in table2 , data is repeating multiple times, can anyone please tell me how to get data only one time wheater table2 having single value or multiple value of same id... thank you
you can do it by selecting the field name you desired
instead get all field from table establishments
$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','establishments.id')->where('establishments.city','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get(array('establishments.*'));
you can select specific field from table establishments like
$data['establishments2'] = Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','establishments.id')->where('establishments.city','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->get('establishments.fieldName');
or you can also do
$data['establishments2'] = `Establishments::Join("establishment_categories",'establishment_categories.establishment_id','=','establishments.id')->where('establishments.city','LIKE',$location)->where('establishments.status',0)->whereIn('establishment_id',array($est_data))->select('establishments.fieldName')->get();`

how to join two tables using non primary key and remove duplicates in the result set

I am using MS Access 2013 DB
I have two tables
StartDate,EndDate, ID1, ID2,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
StartDate,EndDate, ID3,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
I want to join these two tables and remove duplicates by comparing the following columns from both tables
StartDate,EndDate,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
some data in the columns StartDate, EndDate have null values also. The resultant table should contain the following columns with no duplicate data
StartDate,EndDate, ID1, ID2,ID3,ProgramName, LanguageID,Language, Gender,CenterName,ZoneName
First you want create new table (other structer)
Second insert every record to new table all record where value from table1 and table2 are diffrent (without duplicate). Remember about check

Does updating a view affects the base table?

When I updated a view which was created using a base table, the updation affected the base table as well. How is that possible? If view is considered as just a 'window' through which we can see a set of data of the base table then how can the base table change when I try to change the data inside a view.
You can make changes to the state of underlying table using the view as long as the you are targeting the change in single table.
View is a security layer on top of table object and allows most of the DML operation as long as you do not violet the base rule.
(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), [Value] NVARCHAR(50))
(ID INT IDENTITY(1,1), [Value] NVARCHAR(50))
--Dummy Insert
--Create View
SELECT T1.ID AS T1ID, T2.ID AS T2ID, T1.Value AS T1Value, T2.Value AS T2Value FROM T1 INNER JOIN T2
ON T2.ID = T1.ID
--Check the result
--Insert is possible via view as long as it affects only one table
--Change is possible only if target is only one table
SET T1Value = 'Changed'--**
--This is not allowed
--Msg 4405, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
--View or function 'V1' is not updatable because the modification affects multiple base tables.
--Check T1 and T2 with each statement to see how it gets affected
In some databases it's possible to update the source table(s) for a view if there is a one-to-one relationship between the rows in the view and the rows in the underlying table, that is, you cant have derived columns, aggregate functions or a distinct clause in your view for example.
In Oracle, even if a view is not inherently updatable, updates may be allowed if an INSTEAD OF DML trigger is defined.
If you use mysql, you can read a detailed description about this feature Updatable and insertable views.
" If view is considered as just a 'window' through which we can see a set of data of the base table "
- Where did you get this definition?
What oracle says about views:
A view is a logical representation of another table or combination of
tables. A view derives its data from the tables on which it is based.
These tables are called base tables. Base tables might in turn be
actual tables or might be views themselves. All operations performed
on a view actually affect the base table of the view. You can use
views in almost the same way as tables. You can query, update, insert
into, and delete from views, just as you can standard tables.
Such a view into which you can update or insert are fondly named as "Updatable and Insertable Views". Oracle documentation about them is here.
Also, this is how the purpose of an "insert" statement is defined by Oracle:
Use the INSERT statement to add rows to a table, the base table of a
view, a partition of a partitioned table or a subpartition of a
composite-partitioned table, or an object table or the base table of
an object view.
Yes we can achieve the DML Operation in Views like belows:
Create or replace view emp_dept_join as Select d.department_id,
d.department_name, e.first_name, e.last_name from employees
e, departments d where e.department_id = d.department_id;
INSTEAD OF INSERT ON emp_dept_join DECLARE v_department_id departments.department_id%TYPE;
SELECT department_id INTO v_department_id
FROM departments
WHERE department_id = :new.department_id;
INSERT INTO departments (department_id, department_name)
VALUES (dept_sequence.nextval, :new.department_name)
RETURNING ID INTO v_department_id;
INSERT INTO employees (employee_id, first_name, last_name, department_id)
VALUES(emp_sequence.nextval, :new.first_name, :new.last_name, v_department_id);
END insert_emp_dept;
if the viwe is defined through a simple query involving single base relation and either containing primary key or candidate key, so there will be change in base relation if changing the view. ( however there is restriction)
And updates are not allowed through view if there is multiple base relations or grouping operations.
