Laradock: docker-compose.yml is invalid format (PORT[/PROTOCOL]) on Windows - windows

I try to follow the Laradock getting started tutorial on windows:
I have the following tools:
Docker version: 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
git version:
Windows 10 20H2(19042.867)
I get stuck on the step when trying to start the: docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
Then I get these error:
ERROR: The Compose file '.\docker-compose.yml' is invalid because:
services.proxy.expose is invalid: should be of the format 'PORT[/PROTOCOL]'
services.proxy2.expose is invalid: should be of the format 'PORT[/PROTOCOL]'
services.proxy.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.proxy2.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.sqs.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.sqs.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.traefik.ports value [':', ':', ':'] has non-unique elements
Only change I done to the repo is to add the env file and this line:
# Point to the path of your applications code on your host
I also created the folder project-z
I saw this text quote but didn´t understand it:
Depending on the host’s operating system you may need to change the
value given to COMPOSE_FILE. When you are running Laradock on Mac OS
the correct file separator to use is :. When running Laradock from a
Windows environment multiple files must be separated with ;.
But think it might be related to my issue and I need to update something to make it work on Windows.
Any idea what could be wrong? Since it almost out of the box I assume it´s something with my Windows environment

I found the solution directly after posted this question.
It was very easy I forgot to add the "." before env when created the file.
I found the solution here:


Using vsce via command line in Github Action throws Invalid publisher name error

We have an existing extension that is already in the VS Code market place.
I'm trying to automate publishing by using Github Actions and executing this command...
vsce publish -p ${{ secrets.VSCODE_PAT }}
When the command executes I'm getting this error:
ERROR Invalid publisher name 'Wilderness Labs'. Expected the
identifier of a publisher, not its human-friendly name.
The vscode documentation doesn't really help in this situation. Any ideas/suggestions?
The publisher name MUST NOT be a string literal with spaces. As mentioned by #Lex it needs to be a something like WildernessLabs or wilderness-labs or whatever it is for your own organisation.

How to get a more relevant stacktrace (file name and line number) for hhvm fatal error?

I have a legacy hhvm restful api.
I made some changes to its code base and now my local server throws:
Syntax only allowed in Hack files (<?hh) or with -v
My current hhvm specific setting inside my php.ini is:
; hhvm specific
hhvm.log.level = Warning
hhvm.log.always_log_unhandled_exceptions = true
hhvm.log.runtime_error_reporting_level = 8191
hhvm.mysql.typed_results = false
hhvm.libxml.ext_entity_whitelist = file,http
I checked the log at
cat /var/log/hhvm/error.log
Yet it is empty.
I do not want to allow hack file syntax but I do want more relevant information on where the error is occurring.
I want to at least know in which file I created the error. Nice to have would be in which line and at which character position within that line occurs. The api is internal, so I do not mind to expose that information for now.
Right now I am going through the git diff, and that is not a very effective way of finding the offending code.
This won't expose the error to the server response but check your sandbox settings.
The error log may be in your hhvm sandbox, not inside the main hhvm folder:
There you will find the relevant information with the error's context:
[Mon May 13 15:40:32 2019] [hphp] [25:7fe693fff700:413:000001] [] \nFatal error: Syntax only allowed in Hack files (<?hh) or with -v Eval.EnableHipHopSyntax=true in /var/www/service/src/Dreamlines/BookingService/Bundle/OperatorBundle/Soap/Call/CallBuilderFactory.php on line 177

Invalid header field value in Go ONLY on kubernetes/CoreOS

I have a Go program that uses aws-sdk-go to talk to dynamodb. Dependencies are vendored. Go version 1.7.1. aws-sdk-go version 1.6.24. The program works as expected in all the following environments:
dev box from shell (Arch Linux)
docker container running on my dev box (Docker 1.13.1)
Ec2 instance from shell (Ubuntu 16.04)
When I run the docker container on kubernetes (same one I tested on my dev box), I get the following error:
2017/03/02 22:30:13 DEBUG ERROR: Request dynamodb/GetItem:
---[ REQUEST DUMP ERROR ]-----------------------------
net/http: invalid header field value "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=hidden\n/20170302/us-east-1/dynamodb/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept-encoding;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=483f56dd0b17d8945d3c2f2044b7f97e531190602f132a4d5f828264b3a2cff2" for key Authorization
2017/03/02 22:30:13 DEBUG: Response dynamodb/GetItem Details:
---[ RESPONSE ]--------------------------------------
HTTP/0.0 000 status code 0
Content-Length: 0
Based on:
It looks like the problem is with the header value validation, yet I am at a loss to understand why it works everywhere except on my k8s cluster. The cluster is composed of Ec2 instances running the latest CoreOS stable ami (CoreOS stable 1235.8.0)
The docker image that works on my dev machine is scratch based. To troubleshoot I created an image based on Ubuntu latest with a separate go program that just does a simple get item from dynamodb. When this image is run on my k8s cluster and the program run from an interactive shell, I get the same errors. I have confirmed I can ping the dynamodb endpoints from this env.
I am having a hard time troubleshooting this issue: am I missing something stupid here? Can someone point me in the right direction or have an idea of what is going on?
remember the "-n" when you do this:
echo -n key | base64
The \n after hidden is certainly invalid. Not sure if it is actually there or somehow got inserted when you were cleansing for posting.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Is valid (without new line)", httplex.ValidHeaderFieldValue("AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=hidden/20170302/us-east-1/dynamodb/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept-encoding;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=483f56dd0b17d8945d3c2f2044b7f97e531190602f132a4d5f828264b3a2cff2"))
fmt.Println("Is valid (with new line)", httplex.ValidHeaderFieldValue("AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=hidden\n/20170302/us-east-1/dynamodb/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=accept-encoding;content-length;content-type;host;x-amz-date;x-amz-target, Signature=483f56dd0b17d8945d3c2f2044b7f97e531190602f132a4d5f828264b3a2cff2"))
One guess would be wherever the real hidden value is getting pulled from (config file etc) mistakenly has the \n in there and it's happily getting pulled into your header, but only in this case.

Jmeter 2.10 and 2.11 don't let me start a HTTP Script Recorder

I'm having trouble starting a proxy server for jmeter 2.10 and 2.11. I found a couple links here on SO and but my error message is slightly different that what's written on these links. Per the wiki from, I don't think I have trouble finding keytool because it returns the path when I do a
which keytool
and I don't have trouble creating a file in the jmeter-210 and jmeter-211/bin dirs. This is the error message I get in my jmeter.log file:
ERROR - jmeter.protocol.http.proxy.ProxyControl: Could not initialise key store Command :'"keytool" "-genkeypair" "-alias" ":root_ca:" "-dname" "CN=_ DO NOT INSTALL unless this is your certificate (JMeter root CA), OU=Username: COMPANY\, C=US" "-keyalg" "RSA" "-keystore" "proxyserver.jks" "-storepass" "randomstr1" "-keypass" "randomstr1" "-validity" "7" "-ext" "bc:c"' failed, code: 1
keytool error: Invalid escaped character in AVA: 's'
I don't know what this "invalid escaped char in AVA" is. My company and username don't have the string "AVA" and I didn't find it in any of the property files in jmeter-21x/bin.
Not sure if this is affecting it but I'm running jmeter from Darwin on a MBP, OSX 10.7.5.
JMeter 2.9 doesn't give me any proxy issues, although, I ran into other issues with it, which is why I tried using these 2 newer versions, which are giving me problems with the proxy server. I'll try going down to 2.8 to see what happens but I'd rather not if I can help it. That and I'm super curious what the issue is with 2.1x and my laptop. Thanks in advance for your help.
EDIT: The COMPANY/ part of the error message was changed this way to sanitize the error message, although, I will try at home on my linux box to see if the funny username representation is the cause.
As per sebb response on User Mailing List:
"I suspect it might be in the string "COMPANY\" which is
derived from the Java system property "".
You could try redefining it on the command line (or in to something simpler, for example:
A bug has been opened to fix this issue with "\" character:

Oracle Exadata Error: CellCli not Found Error

I am trying to run cellcli on my one of the Exadata Cell Server.
When I login to the Server, I am able to see all the files as expected.
(Like: all_group all_nodelist_group cell_group all_ib_group etc)
When I issue command to start cellcli it gives me error that command not found:
# cellcli
-bash: cellcli: command not found
# which cellcli
which: no cellcli in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
Any idea what is the location of the cellclie executable on exadata?
Do I need to export any other path to get this command?
cellcli is in /opt/oracle/cell/cellsrv/bin. It should be put in path by /etc/profile.d/
(from Marc Fielding)
