Using vsce via command line in Github Action throws Invalid publisher name error - visual-studio

We have an existing extension that is already in the VS Code market place.
I'm trying to automate publishing by using Github Actions and executing this command...
vsce publish -p ${{ secrets.VSCODE_PAT }}
When the command executes I'm getting this error:
ERROR Invalid publisher name 'Wilderness Labs'. Expected the
identifier of a publisher, not its human-friendly name.
The vscode documentation doesn't really help in this situation. Any ideas/suggestions?

The publisher name MUST NOT be a string literal with spaces. As mentioned by #Lex it needs to be a something like WildernessLabs or wilderness-labs or whatever it is for your own organisation.


Laradock: docker-compose.yml is invalid format (PORT[/PROTOCOL]) on Windows

I try to follow the Laradock getting started tutorial on windows:
I have the following tools:
Docker version: 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
git version:
Windows 10 20H2(19042.867)
I get stuck on the step when trying to start the: docker-compose up -d nginx mysql
Then I get these error:
ERROR: The Compose file '.\docker-compose.yml' is invalid because:
services.proxy.expose is invalid: should be of the format 'PORT[/PROTOCOL]'
services.proxy2.expose is invalid: should be of the format 'PORT[/PROTOCOL]'
services.proxy.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.proxy2.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.sqs.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.sqs.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object
services.traefik.ports value [':', ':', ':'] has non-unique elements
Only change I done to the repo is to add the env file and this line:
# Point to the path of your applications code on your host
I also created the folder project-z
I saw this text quote but didn´t understand it:
Depending on the host’s operating system you may need to change the
value given to COMPOSE_FILE. When you are running Laradock on Mac OS
the correct file separator to use is :. When running Laradock from a
Windows environment multiple files must be separated with ;.
But think it might be related to my issue and I need to update something to make it work on Windows.
Any idea what could be wrong? Since it almost out of the box I assume it´s something with my Windows environment
I found the solution directly after posted this question.
It was very easy I forgot to add the "." before env when created the file.
I found the solution here:

Error: command "bash" failed with no error message?

I am using terraform on my Mac system, and terraform apply results with below error
Error: command "bash" failed with no error message
on line 7, in data "external" "ssm-dynamic-general":
7: data "external" "ssm-dynamic-general" {
However there is nothing wrong in file, same runs perfectly fine in my another system.
Can some one please let me know what i am missing here?
You might have done what I accidentally did: not follow the external program protocol:
In my particular case, I failed to send the errors that were coming from my program to standard error. Instead, those errors were going to standard out.
That's why Terraform wasn't able to report on those errors.
So if you send any and all errors from your program to standard error using > &2, you should be able to see those errors when you run terraform plan.

Issue using User defined parameter in Build Feature teamcity?

I have template which have two build steps:
Command line
Command line steps sets current datetime in variable which i want to use in Build Feature.
I am getting proper Current datetime as follows via Command Line step:
export current_build_date_format="+%%d%%m%%Y_%%H%%M%%S"
export current_build_date="$(date $current_build_date_format)"
##teamcity[setParameter name='current_build_date' value='$current_build_date']
When i am trying to refer it in Build Feature, its not able to identify parameter via "%current_build_date%"
It shows paramter as undefined in Configuration Parameter section
Anything missing? I have defined that parameter via command line, how will teamcity features use that
Parameter error:
Error while reading user defined parameter first:
[05:42:27][Initialization] - Build Details Validator
[05:42:27][ Build Details Validator] Error: Conversion = 'm'
[05:42:27][Initialization] Build validation failed
You need to echo TeamCity service message to let TeamCity parse and use it, e.g.:
echo "##teamcity[setParameter name='current_build_date' value='$current_build_date']"

Can't build go project in travis

I started to create a very light weight message broker to practice go, travis and some aws services all in one project.
My current problem is that I can build, run and test my develop branch on my local machine however when travis attempts to build it I get a compile error. The code it doesn't like came straight from AWS examples to further deepen the mystery for me.
Travis failed build
Github repo
handler/lambda.go:31: cannot use "".Config literal (type *"".Config) as type *"".Config in argument to lambda.New
handler/sqs.go:26: cannot use "".Config literal (type *"".Config) as type *"".Config in argument to sqs.New
Sample of code
svc := lambda.New(&aws.Config{Region: "eu-west-1"})
Ok, I have just tried to go get your repo and got the same error:
handler/lambda.go:29: cannot use "".Config literal (type *"".Config) as type *"".Config in argument to lambda.New
handler/sqs.go:26: cannot use "".Config literal (type *"".Config) as type *"".Config in argument to sqs.New
I advice you to start using a dependency manager, so you will fix your dependencies inside your repo and have reproducible builds in any place.
My recommendation is Godep, but there are others out there.

Error on run SQLPackage.exe /a:script

I'm trying to automate the database deploy process an I'm using the SqlPackage.exe.
I have some database deployment process working with this exe but recently I've been facing an problem to a new database.
When I try to run:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\DAC\bin\sqlpackage.exe" /a:Script /op:p_dbprm003.sql /sf:c:\p_dbprm003.dacpac /TargetServerName:servernamexyzw /TargetDatabaseName:p_dbprm003 /Profile:c:\p_dbprm003.publish.xml
I get the message:
The reference to the element with the name '[xxx_user ]' could not be resolved.
More than one element with this name exists. To resolve the error, you must add
one or more disambiguators.
I really don't know what does it means.
I have a user [xxx_user] and a schema [xxx_user] with the same name. Do you think that it could be an possible cause of the error?
You must set the path variable of SqlPackage.exe as a system variable.It solved my problem.
