Heroku shows Whitelabel Error Page but not on localhost - spring

I have a Spring boot application with PostgreSQL. The app run very well on localhost with all the data from the PostgreSQL. I have successful upload the app to Heroku and migrated the database to Heroku PostgreSQL. The problem is when I click some of the links that retrieve data from PostgreSQL shows a White Error page. But on localhost every thing works fine.
Below is the Controller that link to the White Error Page.
public class MahubiriController {
private MisaleRepository misaleRepository;
public String masomoAngalia(Model model){
model.addAttribute("masomoYote", misaleRepository.findAllOrderByDateDesc() );
return "masomo";
} }
Below is the repository
public interface MisaleRepository extends JpaRepository <Misale, String> {
#Query(value ="SELECT * FROM misale ORDER BY date DESC" , nativeQuery = true)
public List<Misale> findAllOrderByDateDesc();
Below is the Entity for the particular object
#Table(name = "misale")
public class Misale {
#Column(name ="date")
private String date;
#Column(name ="first_reading", columnDefinition="text")
private String firstReading;
#Column(name ="second_reading", columnDefinition="text")
private String secondReading;
// Constructors, getter and setters
Below is the Query used to create the particular table on Postgresql
first_reading TEXT NOT NULL,
second_reading TEXT,gospel TEXT NOT NULL);
What could possibly be wrong on Heroku to lead to a White Error Page and not on a local host.
Update :
After implementing the Exception handling as suggested by # krishnkant jaiswal, I receive message "Unable to access lob str…le to access lob stream" as below.
timestamp "2021-04-03T01:26:43.791+00:00"
message "Unable to access lob stream; nested exception is org.hibernate.HibernateException: Unable to access lob stream"
details "uri=/masomo/somolaleo"

With the help of Exception handling and a long research, On my side it shows that you cannot use
#Lob and #Column(columnDefinition="text")
So I had to remove #Lob and leave #Column(columnDefinition="text")
Now I cloud retrieve the data from PostgreSQL without error.
Hope it might help someone else in future.


Spring Data Persist entity in Log Table before each save()

im working in a spring boot project and i have a requirement to save the old object in a specific table before each new save ; this my man entities:
public class Demande {
private Long id;
// all properties
public class DemandeLog {
private Long id;
// all properties
what im trying to do is before each demandeRepository.save(demande);
i want to save the old demande object (current row in database) as DemandeLog in my demande_log table.
do you have any idea how using spring data, i know that there is a listener #PrePersist in JPA.. but i want to do it properly.
I recommend using Envers. It is easy to set up and gives you a complete change log.

Spring Data Rest Does Not Update Default Value in DB

I have a Spring Boot application using Spring Data REST. I have a domain entity called User with a boolean field isTeacher. This field has been already setup by our DBA in the User table with type bit and a default value of 1:
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id; // This Id has been setup as auto generated in DB
#Column(name = "IS_TEACHER")
private boolean isTeacher;
And the User repository:
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long>{
I was able to add a new user by giving the below request and POST to http://localhost:8080/users, a new user was created in the DB having isTeacher value 1:
"isTeacher" : true
However, when I tried to change IS_TEACHER by giving PATCH (or PUT) and this request:
"isTeacher" : false
The response showed that "isTeacher" is still true and the value didn't get changed in the table either. Can someone please let me know why this is happening?
The issue is due to #Data annotation of lombok is ignoring if you have a field that start with isXx it generates getters and setters to boolean with isTeacher for getters and setTeacher for setters then you are not able to update correctly your property, if you put "teacher" when updating should work but you should solve this by overriding that setter.
#Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) private boolean isTeacher;
public void setIsTeacher(boolean isTeacher) {
this.isTeacher = isTeacher;

Spring data mongodb #DBRef list

I am trying to have a list in a model using #DBRef but I can't get it to work.
This is my User model:
public class User {
#JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)
private ObjectId id;
#Indexed(unique = true)
private String email;
private String name;
private String password;
private List<Server> servers;
Server model:
public class Server {
#JsonSerialize(using = ToStringSerializer.class)
private ObjectId id;
private String name;
private String host;
The structure is very simple, every user can have multiple servers. But when I add servers to the user the server is created, but the servers array contains one null entry("servers" : [ null ]). So the server isn't added to the user. This is how I create a server and add it to an user:
public Mono create(#Valid #RequestBody Server server, Mono<Authentication> authentication) {
return this.serverRepository.save(server).then(authentication.flatMap(value -> {
User user = (User) value.getDetails();
return userRepository.save(user);
})).map(value -> server);
So I simply create and save a server, add the server the user and then save the user. But it doesn't work. I keep having an array with one null entry.
I've seen this page: http://www.baeldung.com/cascading-with-dbref-and-lifecycle-events-in-spring-data-mongodb. But it is for saving the child document, not for linking it. Also it is for a single document, not for an array or list.
Why is my list not being saved correctly?
All my libraries are coming from spring boot version 2.0.0.M6.
When removing #DBRef from the user's servers property the servers are getting saved, but they of course get double created, in the server collection and in every user.servers. So the error has something to do with references.
After some googling I found the answer...
Reactive mongo doesn't support this.
Actually there is a way to resolve DbRefs without to using the blocking driver. Yes - the references are resolved in a blocking fashion, but does not require a second connection. In order to achieve this we have to write our own DbRefResolver: NbDbRefResolver.java. In the provided resolver there is a flag: RESOLVE_DB_REFS_BY_ID_ONLY. If is switched on will not going to resolve the DbRefs from the database, but instead will resolve them to fake objects with id only. It is up to implementation to fill the references later in non-blocking fashion.
If the flag RESOLVE_DB_REFS_BY_ID_ONLY is set to false it will eagerly resolve the references by using the non-blocking driver, but will block the execution until the references are resolved.
Here is how to register the DbRefResolver in the app: DbConfig.kt
Files attached are provided here: https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAMONGO-1584
Me did it like that for roles :
#Unwrapped(onEmpty = Unwrapped.OnEmpty.USE_NULL)
private Collection<Role> roles;
you can check the doc (2021) here : https://spring.io/blog/2021/04/20/what-s-new-in-spring-data-2021-0

Spring MVC - loading data

I have filled database and one entity which uses 2 tables like this:
public class Product {
private int idProduct;
private String name;
private String aaa;
private String bbbb;
When I'm loading data from database table B is cleared, why?
I tried to change value in hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto from "create-drop" to "update" but I have an error like this:
"Can not set int field com.packt.webstore.domain.Product.bbbb to null value".
I need to load and write data to database so which value shoud I set and how to fix this error?
EDIT: When I set #Column(name="bbb", nullable=true) is the same error.

Hibernate "could not get next sequence value" oracle

i get this error could not get next sequence value when I try to save this Entity with Hibernate:
package beans;
import javax.persistence.*;
#Table(schema = "EVGENY")
public class Article {
#SequenceGenerator(name="ArticleGen", sequenceName="ARTICLESEC")
#GeneratedValue(generator= "ArticleGen")
private int id;
private String title;
private String text;
private String postat;
#JoinColumn(name = "USER_ID")
private UserAcc user;
public Article(){
Get Set...
insert into article (title) values('asdfaf');
in Oracle SQL Developer this insert into article (title) values('asdfaf'); works well.
if i set id variable explicitly ( Article a = new Article();a.setId(3); )
everything is OK. I double checked the name of the sequence.
Check user permissions on the sequence. Most of the time it is grant issue
I know a lot of reasons to get this exception. Maybe you can check the questions and give me some more details about your problem:
check if the 'hibernate.dialect' is set to Oracle?
permission on sequence ok (schemata, select etc.)?
is there some trigger behind the table and throwing plsql error?
some other plsql that could break the insert?
is the transaction broken?
was there an exception (sometimes silent) somwhere before the call of create (like stale state or out of bounce) so that transaction is marked for rollback?
is there a connection is erroneous error before exception?
is the entity maybe already attached (check with contains)?
do you use spring or another framework where you can add exception resolvers or translators?
which version of oracle database do you use? 10 or 11? and are the used drivers correct?
is there a findSingle call before that does not return any value?
