Group requests jmeter jtl result file - performance

I have Test plan with a transaction controller Landingpage (containing 10+ requests). since I have clicked generate parent sample I get the complete result of the process (this is desired)
Now when I run Jmeterin non Gui and open the jtl file, dont get the result of landingpage but the result for every single request.
How can I run the test plan in non gui mode but still have the result grouped by transaction controllers

I cannot reproduce your issue using default Results File Configuration:
You should see each individual request under the "Landing Page" transaction controller plus 1 extra request with the name of your Transaction Controller and its response time will be the cumulative response time of all its children.
More information: What is JMeter’s Transaction Controller?


How to get the parent sample generated by a Transaction Controller in JMeter? SampleResult.getParent() returns null

I have a Thread Group with a Transaction Controller with the "Generate parent sample" checkbox checked and underneath the Transaction Controller is a JSR223 Sampler in which I execute some dummy logging code just to exemplify the problem.
I want to ignore the parent sample and the child sample from all JMeter reporting at runtime.
If, in the JSR223 Sampler I do SampleResult.setIgnore(), then the sample generated by the JSR223 Sampler is no longer logged which is ok, but the Parent transaction generated by the Transaction Controller still gets logged with 0 values. This is observable in the View Results Tree listener.
If I try to get the parent sample, it is null so I can't interact with it in order to ignore it with .setIgnore(). logs null in the log
SampleResult.getParent().setIgnore() throws error java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method setIgnore() on null object
Is there any way to get and modify the parent sample generated by a Transaction Controller in JMeter?
I don't think it's possible, at least not with JMeter 5.5
I would recommend using Filter Results Tool to remove the "unwanted" transactions from the .jtl results file.
Filter Results Tool can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager.
Alternatively, i.e. if you're generating a HTML Reporting Dashboard and don't want to include some Transaction Controller(s) into the report basing on a certain condition - you could rename the Transaction Controller and use jmeter.reportgenerator.exporter.html.series_filter and/or jmeter.reportgenerator.sample_filter properties to remove the "unwanted" results from the reporting scope.

JMeter: Transaction Controller label name is not displaying in aggregate report

I have below JMeter scenario:
Inside a While controller, I placed If controller to check the last sample
success status (${JMeterThread.last_sample_ok}). WhileController runs for a specific time and then breaks the loop. My scenario is working fine but when I see the aggregate report I didn't see the Transaction controller name.
Jmx file
Aggregate Report
The Transaction Controller generates an additional sample when all the elements within the Transaction Controller are executed.
In your case, the nested elements were not executed yet. You will see the Transaction controller sample when all the elements within the transaction controller are executed.
It was not possible to reproduce the issue with similar configuration.

Measure response time for an API

I have 416 webservice API's to test . I am loading those url's from a CSV file . my test need to find an API which takes more than 2 sec to respond . I couldn't find a way to measure response time for an API .
I am using
Thread Users - 416
Ramp up Period - 1
Loop Count - 1
I have tried "View Results in Table" listener which shows the sample time . But the sample time does not show individual response time .
Please let me know if you find any solution ?
You shouldn't use listeners as View Results in Table in Load test because it consumes a lot of resources
this visualizer uses a lot of memory.
Use Duration Assertion instead, defined it with 2000 milliseconds in your case
Duration Assertion tests that each response was received within a given amount of time. Any response that takes longer than the given number of milliseconds (specified by the user) is marked as a failed response.
Add listener Summary report which has columns as average, minimum and maximum response time taken by a hit.You can also save this report by clicking on Save Table data button.
Also, add View Results Tree listener in which Sampler Result tab has all the details corresponding to that hit.
On the "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults) there is Timeouts section where you can define maximum value for establishing the connection and/or getting the response.
If JMeter fails to get the response within the time frame (in milliseconds) the relevant sampler will be marked as failed.
In order to see individual response times - add the variable from the CSV file as HTTP Request label (or prefix or postfix) - this way you will see the associated URLs in the listeners and in the HTML Reporting Dashboard :

Why jMeter show transaction controller data in its summary report?

Here i have A recording controller and test script recorder. I recorded the user activities using template. This automatically creates a Recording controller and then transaction controller. Each transaction controller has child HTTP request wrapped inside it. Now when I run the test after creating a test script, I see that the aggregated result shows information about (throuput, error, min etc) for child HTTP request(Sampler) as well as the parent transaction controller.
I'll make it more clearer with images below.
In the above picture ive created the test plan. Now when I run this test i get following result. The circled ones are the transaction controller.
Here, i have circled the parent transaction controller. Now why on earth is this adding up to the result.
Question: Is it making any request to the website? Why is this showing up and adding values to the child request. This thing is just a sum of all its child request - so, why is it adding up in the table?
Here again if I click on the "Generate parent sample" then it hides the child request and shows only the summed up report which is totally different from above report.
Now the question is how do I turn things around. What are the consequences. And what should I do in this case. Shall i compute the parent-child report or just the parent report data?
As per documentation of Transaction Controller:
The Transaction Controller generates an additional sample which measures the overall time taken to perform the nested test elements.
So if you don't want this additional sampler, just remove it or replace it by Simple Controller.
Note it is useful when it contains more than 1 sampler.
If you're looking to learn jmeter correctly, this book will help you.

How to get time spent inside loop

I have written a load test for a web application. The test script submits a request to the server via HTTP and then polls the server in a While loop with a small timer, to see when the request has been processed. The problem I am having is that in all the listeners (aggregate graph, table, etc.) JMeter only shows the time each request took and not the total time to process the job, i.e. time from initial request sent until response that contains the expected "complete" message.
How can I add something like "profiling points" which will get data onto the listeners graphs? Or is there another way this is typically handled?
You need a Transaction Controller. Put elements times of which you want to aggregate under it. Transaction controller will then appear in all your listeners. Its load and latency times will be sums of those parameters of its nested elements.
Note that this time by default includes all processing within the controller scope, not just the samples, this can be changed by unchecking "Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample".
