How to get time spent inside loop - jmeter

I have written a load test for a web application. The test script submits a request to the server via HTTP and then polls the server in a While loop with a small timer, to see when the request has been processed. The problem I am having is that in all the listeners (aggregate graph, table, etc.) JMeter only shows the time each request took and not the total time to process the job, i.e. time from initial request sent until response that contains the expected "complete" message.
How can I add something like "profiling points" which will get data onto the listeners graphs? Or is there another way this is typically handled?

You need a Transaction Controller. Put elements times of which you want to aggregate under it. Transaction controller will then appear in all your listeners. Its load and latency times will be sums of those parameters of its nested elements.
Note that this time by default includes all processing within the controller scope, not just the samples, this can be changed by unchecking "Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample".


Measure response time for an API

I have 416 webservice API's to test . I am loading those url's from a CSV file . my test need to find an API which takes more than 2 sec to respond . I couldn't find a way to measure response time for an API .
I am using
Thread Users - 416
Ramp up Period - 1
Loop Count - 1
I have tried "View Results in Table" listener which shows the sample time . But the sample time does not show individual response time .
Please let me know if you find any solution ?
You shouldn't use listeners as View Results in Table in Load test because it consumes a lot of resources
this visualizer uses a lot of memory.
Use Duration Assertion instead, defined it with 2000 milliseconds in your case
Duration Assertion tests that each response was received within a given amount of time. Any response that takes longer than the given number of milliseconds (specified by the user) is marked as a failed response.
Add listener Summary report which has columns as average, minimum and maximum response time taken by a hit.You can also save this report by clicking on Save Table data button.
Also, add View Results Tree listener in which Sampler Result tab has all the details corresponding to that hit.
On the "Advanced" tab of the HTTP Request sampler (or even better HTTP Request Defaults) there is Timeouts section where you can define maximum value for establishing the connection and/or getting the response.
If JMeter fails to get the response within the time frame (in milliseconds) the relevant sampler will be marked as failed.
In order to see individual response times - add the variable from the CSV file as HTTP Request label (or prefix or postfix) - this way you will see the associated URLs in the listeners and in the HTML Reporting Dashboard :

Jmeter - How can we calculate think time from response time?

Suppose, I am adding some think time(Timers) in each HTTP request, but when I execute the test, in the report it shows response time as Sum of ThinkTime + actual response time.
How can I get actual response time from the result?
by default, JMeter does not include Timer's time in the response time of any HTTP sampler.
In case if you are using Transaction Controller to group the requests, then you can deselect the checkbox Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample in the transaction controller.
By default JMeter does not include the duration of:
into Sampler's response time unless you use Transaction Controller with Include duration of timer and pre-post processors in generated sample option selected. If this is the case and you use dynamic values in the Timer - you can consider using Sample Variables functionality to record think time into .jtl results file.
Think Time is the time taken by the user to read,
understand and take next action on the webpage.
So the time between a response and the net request
is the Think Time. This can be simulated by adding
a timer.

How do i add a WAIT in a Web Performance Test loop?

Writing a Web Performance Test for a process that will run for an undetermined time, and have to put a refresh command in a while that runs until the process state indicates it is done.
The refresh command consumes about 3 seconds. so do not want it running constantly in the loop. So, am trying to find a sleep/wait function to stop the execution between loops.
The only reference i've found is for Thread.Sleep which seems to do the job.
BUT, this method seems to also stop the test's timers. so, however many times the loop runs, and whatever the actual time taken by the process, the test report will only show the cumulative time of the refresh statements.
Is there another method that will not stop the test's timers?
If the refresh is in a loop within the Web Performance Test then set a suitable "think time" on the request. This will pause the test after the response is received. (Think times are normally used to simulate the time a person spends reading a web page and filling in forms etc before the next request is issued.)
Think times are set via the properties of the request. Think times (also reporting names) for all requests in a test can be viewed and modified using the "Set request detail" command accessed using the (rightmost) command icon in eth web test editor.
Think times can also be set or adjusted in the PreRequest method of a WebTestRequest plugin.

Think time between Transaction Controller

I am using Transaction controller for my testing process, and I have 5 transaction controllers. Now I want to specify think time (Timer) between each Transaction controller say 300 ms.
When I add constant timer, then every sampler takes 300ms think time to process and because of this the overall response is increased a bit.
Is there any other way to give think time to only transaction controller and not individually sampler?
You can work it around as follows:
Add a Beanshell Post Processor as a child of the last request in each Transaction Controller
Put the following code into the Post Processor's "Script" area:
Configure Transaction Controller to
generate parent sample
not to include duration of post processors and timers into the generated sample
See Using JMeter's Transaction Controller guide for more detailed explanation.
I could think of 2 options that would provide required solution:
1)The easiest way would be to put the timer to the first request of the following transaction controller.
2) At the end of the Controller add Test Action which can be found under Sampler where you can provide PAUSE time in milliseconds.
Hope this helps.
Add a Test Action and select pause. Set this to 0ms and then add a Gaussian Random timer to the test action. Configuring timers this way will allow you to run the test with pauses or without (for debugging), test actions configured as timers will not be skipped when clicking "Start No Pauses", while the Gaussian timers attached to test actions will.
The best way to do this is via "Add think times to children" on the Recording controller. This will insert a "think time" action between each controller. Then you specify the duration in ms in each Think Time action.
Usually, I would use ${thinkTime} as the duration, then specify thinkTime = 10000 or similar in the "User defined variables" config element you can add to the top of your project.
The think time is between transaction controllers, not between requests in a controller.
I am using jmeter 5.3.

jMeter Multiple HTTP Requests

I want to test a fully functioning website for load using a constant, known number of users - to that end I'm trying to recreate the "Retrieved All Embedded Resources" functionality for a web-page, only manually, because I really don't know if it fetches all resources grabbed by JS. So the first question is - how do I check to see what these subsequent fetches retrieve?
Second question is - how do I make the multiple requests atomic, like "Retrieve All Embedded Resources"? I need to use "Constant Throughput Timer" for making sure the number of vusers is constant, but:
When using "Retrieve All Embedded Resources", this counts as one request, and one thread handles it right (hopefully, again - can't tell what goes on beyond the scenes)
When using a recorded session with numerous elements, each element is one action and occupies the queue (counts as 1 sample for Constant Throughput Timer). Therefore, it's not atomic.
I guess I can count the elements and define them as number of samples for throughput per minute, but this won't do in the long run.
First of all, jmeter does not execute any javascript in the pages retrieved. Clicking "Retrieve all embedded resources" does the following if you check the documentation:
Tell JMeter to parse the HTML file and send HTTP/HTTPS requests for all images, Java applets, JavaScript files, CSSs, etc. referenced in the file.
So it will check the current sample for any references and retrieve those, but it will not run any scripts that are retrieved.
If you want to check which resources jmeter is actually retrieving you could run for example Fiddler to check which requests are being made.
You can use Transaction Controller to consider all embedded resources requests and master request as one sample, aggregate time will be logged and reported.
