Upon running the following line of code, the download is starting from 2019001 instead of 2015001. How can this be fixed?
runGdal(product= "MOD13Q1",begin = "2015001",end = "2020366",tileH = h,tileV = v,SDSstring = B,
job = "Quality", outProj="GEO", datum="WGS84")
Changing the output path to a new/different folder under MODISoptions solves this issue.
I am getting this error when running a correlation matrix with the R package ggstatsplo
ggcorrmat(data = d, type = "nonparametric", p.adjust.method = "hochberg",pch = "")
Error: 'data_to_numeric' is not an exported object from 'namespace:datawizard'
Somebody could help me.
I expected to have the script to run normally as I have used it before (around July) without any errors.
Is there anything that has changed about the ggstatsplot package?
I have a .m script that I've been running using Windows Task Scheduler, generally successfully, every 15 minutes for about a year (options: -automation -minimize -r remotedata -logfile logfile.txt;quit).
When I run the code manually in Matlab, everything behaves as expected.
However, when it is run as an automated script, it has two issues I can't resolve, that seem to indicate the code is not being executed the same way.
First, I have the following conditional:
~isempty(remoteData.Time(setdiff(1:end,ni))) which is terrible syntax, I know, but works just fine when I run the script manually. However, when it runs automated, it gives the error:
Error using setdiff (line 80) Not enough input arguments.
I corrected it to ~isempty(remoteData.Time(setdiff(1:height(remoteData),ni)))
but it made me curious.
Second, I have a webread function with a number of queries (see below) that executes normally when I have it open and hit "run", however, when running as an automation the dateutc query is ignored. This one is a bit more puzzling. Can anyone suggest a reason it might be failing to register, or how I might fix it? Debugging is difficult since it works as expected when I run it manually.
WUurl = 'http://weatherstation.wunderground.com/weatherstation/updateweatherstation.php';
WUID = '***';
WUpwd = '***';
WUdateutc = datestr(datenum(webData.Time(WDNewest-newTimes+i))+7/24,'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS');
WUwindspeedmph = num2str(webData.WndSpd(WDNewest-newTimes+i)*0.62);
WUwinddir = num2str(webData.WndDir(WDNewest-newTimes+i));
WUtempf = num2str(webData.AirTmp(WDNewest-newTimes+i)*1.8+32);
WUrainin = num2str(webData.Rain(WDNewest-newTimes+i)/25.4*4);
WUdailyrainin = num2str(sum(webData.Rain(WDMidnight:WDNewest-newTimes+i))/25.4);
WUbaromin = num2str(webData.BarPress(WDNewest-newTimes+i)*.0295);
WUhumidity = num2str(webData.RelHum(WDNewest-newTimes+i));
gamma = log(webData.RelHum(WDNewest-newTimes+i)/100)+ ...
(17.67*webData.AirTmp(WDNewest-newTimes+i))/ ...
WUdewptf = num2str((243.5*gamma)/(17.67-gamma)*1.8+32); % Magnus formula estimation
WUsolarradiation = num2str(webData.NetRad_Wm2(WDNewest-newTimes+i));
WUsoiltempf = num2str(nanmean(webData{WDNewest,20:3:77})*1.8+32);
WUsoilmoisture = num2str(nanmean(webData{WDNewest,18:3:75}));
options = weboptions('Timeout',newTimes);
WU_debugging = webread(WUurl,...
I created rdd = sc.parallelize(range(200)). Then I set rdd2 = rdd.cartesian(rdd). I found that as expected rdd2.count() was 40,000. However, when I set rdd3 = rdd2.cartesian(rdd), rdd3.count() was less than 20,000. Why is this the case?
This is a bug tracked by SPARK-16589.
I am having a problem in matlab and the problem is described as follows:
When i try to read an image ( I have several images) and write them to a specific folder, the matlab triggers an error saying
Error using ==> imwrite at 394
Can't open file "\Temp\\inim735282.4716703009300000.jpg" for writing.
You may not have write permission.
May I know why this is happening?
this is the code where the problem occurs
temp_name = sprintf('%.16f',now);
corner_file = ['\Temp\corners', temp_name,'.in'];
image_file = ['\Temp\inim', temp_name,'.jpg'];
out_file = ['\Temp\out', temp_name,'.desc'];
out_imname = ['\Temp\out', temp_name,'.desc.jpg'];
I tried to change it by omitting
moreoever, i direct the path in the folder to the folder by doing this
binary_path = 'C:\Users\cool\Documents\MATLAB\Experment\experiments\bag_of_words\Temp';
to read and and write in and out of the folder.
Can someone please help me figure out this problem?
Thank you guys
Open MatLAB with admin privileges.
A few suggestions:
To generate a temporary output name use the command tempname.
temp_name = tempname();
To concatenate paths and file names use fullfile.
conrner_file = fullfile( '\', 'Temp', 'corners', [temp_name, '.in'] );
You should be careful not to mix '\Temp' and '.\Temp': as the first is an absolute path, while the second is a relative path to cwd.
How about:
temp_name = tempname(); % temp name + folder name in TEMP
corner_file = [ temp_name,'.in'];
image_file = [ temp_name,'.jpg'];
out_file = [temp_name,'.desc'];
out_imname = [temp_name,'.desc.jpg'];
Is it working now?
As a test i wrote a .NET script which recursively looks in C:\$Recycle.Bin and i'd like to delete files after they been in there for X days.
I decided to check the access time but access time isn't updated on move. How do i check if a file has been in there for X period of time? (i'm using windows 7)
This c# version may help:
var Shl = new Shell(); Folder Recycler = Shl.NameSpace(10);
FI = Recycler.Items().Item(0);
string FileName = Recycler.GetDetailsOf(FI, 0);
string FilePath = Recycler.GetDetailsOf(FI, 1);
string RecyleDate = Recycler.GetDetailsOf(FI, 2);