googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError when calling Admin SDK - google-api

This is strange we have started receiving too many per day (nearly 300-500 times)
googleapi: Error 500: Internal error encountered., backendError
while calling Admin SDK Directory API.
Google chat support for API is removed and Facing issue with how to address the problem. Our rate limit and query calls are way in the limits. We query Admin SDK as a cronjob schedule.
Is there a way we can debug 500 errors for AdminSDK
Is there any information regarding which deployment Region of Google is more capable to handle load?
No error on console
Logs error

Contact Workspace Support or File a Bug
As DalmTo pointed out, 500 errors are usually out of your control. Especially in this case since you are calling Google's servers.
The best option to debug these errors is probably contacting support directly. You can find the corresponding contact information for your Workspace account ⁠on this page.
If you are able to regularly reproduce this and you think its a bug, fill out the template here:
Ensure to include your code, complete reproduction steps, some evidence/statistics of the failures, and any other information you can give.

This usually happens when the Google Cloud Platform service account used for authentication was created after the in-app products.
To solve this, make a trivial edit to your in-app products in the Google Play Console. For example, add a temporary tag. Then try again to make the request and it should succeed.
By the way, the same is true for the purchases.voidedpurchases which reports an "insufficient permissions" error.


Android Management API WebApp create/patch failed with HTTP error code 503

I have an issue with Android Management API when trying to create/patch a WebApp with an icon. If the imageData is not correct, the API returns a detailed error but if the imageData is encoded as expected, the API returns a HTTP 503 error code with message "The service is currently unavailable.". I thought this error would be transient but the REST calls seem to always fail. Any information could be helpful.
This error usually occurs when adding icons on AMAPI webApps. This issue is still pending in our Engineering’s backlog, Unfortunately, we have no shareable timeline or additional info.
If you want to stay up to date with the latest updates for Android enterprise, we suggest that you join the Android Management API mailing list to receive monthly updates and service advisories directly to your inbox.
The API has been fixed. We no longer have this problem.

Google Analytic API Error (500) Backend Error

We have a sales tracker app. In this app, we collect all analytic data from 5 different analytic accounts (websites) and creating reports. It was working till today morning itself. Now it shows some errors like 500 Backend Error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Google_Service_Exception: {"error":{"errors":[{"domain":"global","reason":"backendError","message":"Backend Error"}],"code":500,"message":"Backend Error"}}
500 errors are catch all errors that normally mean that there is something on the servers end that is the issue. If you check the documentation you will see the above comment. Google says that they dont want you to retry that error. However if you scroll down a bit more in the documentation you will find this section.
However we find the following as well.
However there is nothing with both "code":500,"message":"Backend Error"
There are a number of error messages where backoff would work.
With a python example that includes
This is because the Google analytics api is slightly different than the other Google apis the way it returns errors is not the same and in most cases its better. The reason for this is that backend error can be cause by flood protection. Not often but it can happen mostly around the hour. You should never run a large script on the hour because then you are competing with everyone that has cron jobs set up to extract data every hour.
I normally only use backoff for 'userRateLimitExceeded', 'quotaExceeded', 'internalServerError' errors not for 'backendError' but Google is stating it in their documentation so it may be worth a shot.
In the mean time i am going to send an email off to the team to get some clarification on the documentation.
500,"message":"Backend Error"
As for the message above i have seen this a few times and its often related to an issue on Googles end. Give back off a try while i wait to hear back from the team.

Google Sites 403 Forbidden: Insufficient storage quota

I'm developing an application in which I've wrote a function (.NET) to create a Google Site.
It works perfectly fine, up until I'm testing for a while and have created and deleted several sites in a relatively short time span: I eventually end up with the 403 Forbidden: Insufficient storage quota response. It's usually fixed after a day or 2, but it's not the first time I've encountered this issue, so I thought I should share it and see if anyone else has encountered the same thing.
I've read the article about Google Sites storage quota at, but it doesn't seem like I've hit any of the quota. The sites that are created are empty templates, so the site quota can't be reached. They're located under a domain.
To make sure it isn't a configuration issue, I've tested the raw requests in the OAuth 2.0 Playground which can be found on, resulting in the same error response.
Steps to reproduce:
I've created multiple sites under the same Google Sites domain
I'm eventually unable to make more sites due to the "403 Forbidden - Insufficient storage quota" error
Even after deleting multiple sites, the issue still persists
Because the code I've written is quite long and not really relevant, I've made a GitHub snippet for the ones who are interested:
Is there something I'm overlooking, or is it a known issue/bug?
Many thanks in advance!
I contacted Google Apps Support, and they've linked me an article with the answer.
The maximum amount of sites you can create on an account in a week is 5. If you go over that amount, you will get the error I mentioned. When the week is over, you're able to create more sites again.
This is a global restriction and can't be changed at the current time.

An error occurred {"type":"PLATFORM_ERROR", "payload":"0"}, while updating merchant information in google play

I am trying to update Merchant Information in my Google play account. I have two queries on this,
Before I could do anything on this page, there is an error window as,
An error occurred {"type":"PLATFORM_ERROR", "payload":"0"}.
How to resolve this?
Google play requires business website under the 'Merchant Information' section. What should
I put there?
Fixed this with the help of Google play support team. Needed to clear the browser cache and cookies. Besides, keeping the system time consistent with the current time(which was wrong initially).

Setting Billable Limits

From the Google API Console: When trying to change the Billable Limits for the project under the Quota page, I keep getting the error: Your input was invalid.
The error message is not very informative, doesn't specify which input was invalid or why it was invalid.
I've experimented with this in IE, Firefox, and Chrome. I've also turned off all other APIs except for Custom Search API (which I'd like to increase the limit for) without any luck.
Has anyone else encountered this problem? how can it be solved?
(response from a Google employee)
This can happen if a "restricted" API is enabled on the project. "Restricted" APIs can only be seen by specifically enabled users. For instance, the Google Maps Javascript API v2 has been marked "restricted" because it was retired in 2013, and no user should see this API anymore (and instead, use v3).
Work is underway to remove the Google Maps Javascript API v2 from all the existing projects. A systemic fix is being worked on (internal Google reference #12001333), but in the meantime, if you see this error, the best workaround is to use a different API project.
