An error occurred {"type":"PLATFORM_ERROR", "payload":"0"}, while updating merchant information in google play - google-play

I am trying to update Merchant Information in my Google play account. I have two queries on this,
Before I could do anything on this page, there is an error window as,
An error occurred {"type":"PLATFORM_ERROR", "payload":"0"}.
How to resolve this?
Google play requires business website under the 'Merchant Information' section. What should
I put there?

Fixed this with the help of Google play support team. Needed to clear the browser cache and cookies. Besides, keeping the system time consistent with the current time(which was wrong initially).


In-app Billing - Google Play gives me the "You already own this item" message when queryPurchases() returns an empty list

I just made one test purchase for an item, and it failed because my Wi-fi died, but for some reason Google Play then gave me a message that the order was pending or something and that I should check it on some link (I forgot to write it down).
When I tried to make that same test purchase again, Google Play gave me that "You already own this item" error. Said purchase is NOT in my order history in the Google Play dashboard.
What's going on, and how do I resolve this?
EDIT: Clearing the Google Play Store cache, clearing the Google Services Framework cache, and reinstalling the app does not work.
I managed to resolve this issue by Force Stopping the Google Play Store app, clearing its data, then restarting it. Right now, I can only conclude that the purchases made when the Wi-fi is disconnected is in the Play Store app's Data, not Cache.
My question thus becomes: Is it the developer's responsibility to handle this particular case (when the solution is not within the app itself), and how does one handle it?
I had the exact same issue, where I got the error message that I already own this item, but the getPurchases call returned an empty list.
What ended up working for me was getting the purchase history if this list is empty, and taking the purchase token for the last purchase of this specific product id and using that for the consume:
mService.getPurchaseHistory(version, packageName, "inapp", null, new Bundle());
Keep in mind the history contains the information of the last purchase of each of the product types from this user, so make sure to compare the product id's to the relevant one.
I encountered the same problem on some of my devices with a particular application that I already paid for and installed on another device. Clearing cache and force-stopping the Google Play store (and similar) applications on the phone did not help. What did help was to log-in on the Google Play store via Chrome on PC, and install the application from there, to any of my devices registered with Google Play. The Google Play on the phone side then showed the app "installing .. ". The app indeed was installed in minutes.

Can't enable Google+ API

Today I try to enable Google+ API on API Manager and it said
Error: failed to do requirement checks
What wrong? I just disable it and I want to re-enable again.
This is most likely an outage on Google Developer console even though I am not seeing it on the status page.
There for the fastest way to get it resolved will be to go to the upper right hand corner in google developer console look for the !. Send feed back.
You cant feed back the actually error as its a popup but you can feed back from the screen before you attempt to enable an error.
I am having the same problem. Perhaps it is an outage.
Evidence: I count 5 people here so far that have the issue, and no google results for that exact error message. "Error: failed to do requirement checks" That means, it's a new error, and google's crawler hasn't had time to scrape even this question yet.
It's okay now, I just re-enabling the API and it works.
I think its outage

Can't access Facebook configuration page

I'm trying to access the Facebook config page for my bot and I keep getting "Sad bot is sad... can't find a bot named bot_name"
Is anyone having issues with the platform right now?
Microsoft's team solved it, as it's showed here.
We're not having any portal specific problems. If you want to share your bot handle with us at I can see if there's anything interesting in our logs.
-- just a note, we were actually having portal problems, it was just impacting only one box in one datacenter making it erratic to track down. Thanks for the report!

Google directory api always returns 403

I am trying to use the Admin SDK Directory api to look up user profiles. I am able to do this successfully all day (with in quota) with 99% of the time. Though there are certain times where it just fails no matter what.
Yes I have set the service account user, I have the proper scopes, I have admin api turned on.
It even fails in the google api explorer. See screen shots
The call:
The response:
Sorry for the links, images keep showing as broken
After contacting google they supplied an answer. There is a setting for the contacts app that enables and disables this.
Admin console >> Google Apps >> Settings for Contacts >> Advanced settings
Contact sharing: Enable contact sharing
Make sure that is enabled and it works.
Here is a screen shot:
Honestly, it just seems like some sort of transient error on the Google side. Being that it's working ~99% of the time for you, means you're not doing anything wrong. I would consider this more true b/c you're also using a Google Tool rather than your own so you know it's not the code. When it's failing for you, does it also then fail with the API explorer? What about with the OAuth Playground?
If this is reproducible consistently (same times, after X amount of requests, etc.), it would be worth reporting the the Google for Work Support team (assuming you have the ability to contact support) as it sounds like a bug and they would be able to help with break/fix for API issues.

Your changes could not be saved. Please try again. (-32600) in Linked Apps

I'm Trying to modify information in the Linked Apps section of Google Play Games Services in the Developer console. Things such as translated titles and whether or not the game uses anti-piracy or not.
It is coming up with the following error every time:
Your changes could not be saved. Please try again. (-32600)
Has anyone come across this?
That's because you're logged in to the above console using account 1, and later tried accessing the console from another Google Account. I faced the same issue and was resolved once I was logged back in to the correct account
